"If I'm not mistaken, one of the ships was once a sea ship full of fine porcelain."

"As for the others, they are all ocean ships that cannot be ignored."

"And I suspect that there is a large amount of gold and silver hidden in one of the sunken ships."

Chen Lie's final raise made Guiyan succumb.

Guiyan asked: "Let's talk, what support do you need from me."

Chen Lie replied: "Assuming I can succeed, I just need you to help me digest the spoils."

Guiyan questioned: "Are you sure it's just like this?"

"Very sure."

Chen Lie's plan has been set, where will changes be made.

Guiyan eagerly asked: "Xiao Lie, I know you can come, but you only have a yacht and a few pets that are only fighting on land."

Chen Lie asked with a smile: "Then what does Elder Zhu think I need?"

Ghost Eye replied clearly: "You need a special fishing boat that can catch sharks, prevent smugglers, pirates, and a group of qualified divers who are proficient in fishing."

"I know what Mr. Zhu is worried about."

Chen Lie replied confidently, "Don't be afraid of this, I can handle it."

"Let's do more prevention."

Guiyan thought for a while and said: "I will let two retired naval soldiers who can absolutely trust to help you. And they can also act as my representatives and help me receive your spoils for the first time. What do you think? ?"


Chen Lie would not doubt that Ghost Eye had any unruly intentions.

"Then it's settled."

"I look forward to your good news."

Ghost Eye then said: "I will also arrange other support staff, as long as you have a phone call, I can support you at any time. After all, this is salvaging a sunken ship, and it is the most dangerous job in the world.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu."

Chen Lie gladly accepted Zhu's care.

"Next is my own question."

"The system can't go wrong, and the remaining problems are just my luck."

"In order to avoid unexpected events, I have to do a little prevention."

Chen Lie analyzed and wrote various things that needed to be prepared, and then proceeded to deal with it.

Early morning the next day.

In the vast South China Sea.

A luxury yacht that shouldn't have appeared here floats alone in the ocean, like a leaf in the ocean.

There are no other ships, no other creatures around, not even seabirds.

The loneliness of the yacht is more prominent.

Two retired navy soldiers sent by Ghost Eye.

They are brothers.

Ghost Eye calls them big and small thunder.

As soon as the pair of retired naval soldiers reported to Chen Lie, they showed extraordinary sailing skills. Not only were they proficient in sailing and surveying, but their fighting skills were not weak.

According to them, as long as they are given a knife, they can fight adult crocodiles or sharks in the water.

Ruthless characters like them, who can easily get out of their heads, are obedient to the ghost's eyes because the ghost's eyes saved their father's life and their family when their father was in trouble.

So when they grow up, they are willing to serve the ghost eye.

Xiao Lei looked at the monitor and asked: "Brother, you said this pet brother is not a super rich man. He ran here to find a shipwreck. Do you think this is a pain in idle eggs?"

"How do you know!"

Without thinking about it, Da Lei replied: "If the pet brother's mind is so easy to guess, we can also be an Internet celebrity."

Xiao Lei recalled the underwater catcher that Chen Lie had brought down, and then asked: "Let's not talk about his character, but just the machine he had just now. Brother, we have been in the navy for a few years, so we still have a special number to withdraw. Yes, I have never seen such an advanced underwater instrument. Where did you say that pet brother got that stuff from?"

"How do you know."

Da Lei replied stupidly: "Everyone has their own secrets. Pet brother's secrets are not too many, but Mrs. Zhu has enough secrets. We also closed our eyes."

Xiao Lei reminded: "Brother, you used the wrong description, it's the same style."

"Fart, what a scumbag."

Da Lei cursed: "How many cultural relics did Mr. Zhu secretly protect? Helped the country avoid so many losses? He is an unsung hero of the country. Isn't it why we are willing to work for him because of this?"

Xiao Lei smiled silly.

Da Lei reminded: "Okay, I was smirked and stared at the signal instrument intently. I'll go and prepare for the pet brother. Although Mr. Zhu said that the pet brother has a great physique, there are limits to being a man, and being fully prepared is What we should do best."


Xiao Lei just nodded, no other nonsense.

And Chen Lie.

He is under the sea.

In order to ensure his own secrets, he refused Da Lei's request to accompany him, and came down with only the underwater catcher.

It's been 30 minutes to dive now.

"Hey, it turns out that with the help of an underwater catcher, I can be so easy!"

"I am already 300 meters away from the yacht, and the water depth has reached more than 40 meters!"

"I knew it was so easy, I used it to search directly last time."

Only after contact did Chen Lie know how comfortable he was.

The underwater catcher is really powerful. With its assistance, Chen Lie's underwater ability can completely explode any diver in the world.

During this time, Chen Lie discovered a lot of good things.

But Chen Lie's current goal is very accurate, and that is to find the hegemony and sink the ship.

"Turn on the spectrum searcher."

A general underwater search instrument can scan something that is two hundred meters long at most.

But Chen Lie's underwater capture instrument is from the future, it can scan things on the seabed 800 meters or even kilometers away, and it can see very clearly.

"Hey, that seems to be a coral snake!"

Chen Lie took a serious look, and immediately shook his whole body.

Coral snakes are venomous snakes that live in coral reefs.

They rely on colorful corals to cover up with their bodies and hunt all kinds of fish.

Each of them is highly toxic.

At the modern level of treatment, if you are bitten and fail to find a serum treatment in time, I am afraid it will be more or less good.

"If I was alone, I would really be afraid of you, but now..."

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