The pet king of the city

Chapter 574 How to arrange the old camel?

Jackal skin is used as cloth, bone spurs knocked out of broken bones are used as needles, and bark used for traps is used as cotton thread.

Such crude materials and tools.

What can Chen Lie do?

Chen Lie used Jackal’s thigh fur as a bottom protection, and then simply put some fur in a circle, and finally tied it all up with bone spurs and bark.

An extremely rudimentary, but absolutely capable bag came out.

"Very well, all the containers can be put down."

"At least not."

Chen Lie looked at his masterpiece cheerfully.

"It's an ugly bag, but I like it."

"This is the last bag I have ever seen, but if Brother Pet is willing to sell, I can buy it for 10,000."

"Hehe, I am ashamed to take out 10,000? Such a meaningful thing is worth at least 100,000."


Chen Lie is now in the mood to watch the farce in the live broadcast room.

for him.

This thing is so simple that it is not uncommon for almost the poorest people.

But at this time.

Its meaning is almost life-saving.

It cannot be measured by money.

Looking at all this, Chen Lie, who was a little tired, his eyelids heavier and heavier and more sleepy.

In the end, Chen Lie fell asleep.

a long time.

Chen Lie was awakened by the heat.

No way, more than 40 degrees high temperature.

But it can kill people.

After waking up from the heat, Chen Lie had no choice but to take off his wetland shirt.

"I wipe it, and Pet Brother will undress if he doesn't agree."

"Brother Pet has abdominal muscles and those muscles, it's really terrible!"

"My pet brother is so rich and attractive and he has developed a muscle, but my beer belly is out, hey..."

"You all get out, my pet brother belongs to my old lady."

Chen Liegang's instinct after waking up instantly ignited the live broadcast room.

Many corrupt girls began to call friends and friends to admire Chen Lie's figure together.


"I suffered too much."

However, Ren Qing is completely different, feeling that he has suffered a lot.

Gu Xiaoyu and the others peeked blushingly, reluctant to leave.

"Where is the old camel?"

After Chen Lie took a simple bath for himself, he found that the old camel was gone.

Although he had just met, Chen Lie had a good impression of the old camel.

If it left.

Chen Lie was really reluctant.

But the old camel was obviously reluctant to leave.

Not long after, it ran back, but there was a bunch of grass still chewing in its mouth.

It seems that he went to find food nearby.

Chen Lie looked at the vicinity of the oasis and couldn't help smiling.

There are a lot of plants near the oasis, but they are basically desert reeds. Although they are edible, they are all prickly. Old camels don't want to taste them.

"It seems that I was still too negligent about it."

Chen Lie secretly blamed it.

He immediately chopped off the tender place of the reed, then cut off the thorns and most of the epidermis, and fed it to the old camel whose gums were seriously aging.

It’s okay to release the rocket and reminded: "Pet brother, take the old camel. Although it is old, it can at least share a lot of pressure on you. And you can send it back to human civilization without suffering in the desert. ."

"No, no, no."

"You are wrong."

Chen Lie said: "Sending it back is the greatest punishment."

There were a lot of questions in the live broadcast room.

Chen Lie explained: "It's old, it's too old to work, and it can't support even the simplest basic hard work. Such old camels will be killed for meat in poor Africa."

Everyone was speechless.

They are kind, but they don't think well.

"Don't forget, there are obvious human traces on the old camel."

Chen Lie continued: "Obviously, it has been enslaved by humans for a whole life, and it is not easy to live until now. I don't know whether it escaped, or its owner pityed it for a lifetime and released it. But I know it’s very happy to be here, and I guess it’s about to treat it as a retirement place."

Finally, Chen Lie asked: "Think about it. The bones I collected before are all large animals, but what can hunt these large animals here?"

"Moon Lake is a retirement home?"

"The scenery here in Moon Lake is so good, it is indeed suitable to be the last stop in life."

"Why do I have the urge to cry?"

Chen Lie's words made many people wake up like a dream.

The old camel who was eating with relish made a happy sound.


Chen Lie cut another desert reed to the old camel.

The old camel was very happy.

Because it hasn't eaten so much for a long time, and no one has fed it for a long time.

"I thought about taking it out of here before, and even taking it back home."

"But it is too old to toss a long-distance raid."

"So just let it stay here."

Chen Lie looked at the beautiful environment of Moon Lake and sighed: "This is an oasis of life and the final station of some life. Beauty and twilight coexist, and there is more meaning and helplessness in the irony."

In order to change the topic.

The queen drove up and asked: "Brother Pet, when are you going to leave?"

"not now."

"I will have to go through at least the hottest period, otherwise it won't help even if I bring more water."

Chen Lie thought for a while and said, "In fact, what I am most worried about is the sandstorm. After all, this time period is the most sandstorm time. So I have to avoid the most frequent sandstorm time period."

The queen drove to ask: "Then bring some more things. The wolf skin and plastic film can also be used. I believe in the abilities of Brother Pet."

"I can't bring heavy things."

"Too much water will affect my journey."

When Chen Lie said this, he looked at the desert aloe vera beside him and said, "But when you said that, I thought of a convenient supply."

In front of Chen Lie Desert Aloe, he chose to stand for the next section.

He didn't rush to kill, only cut off some of the branches, without hurting the roots of the desert aloe.

Chen Lie said: "This kind of desert aloe has a lot of water. If you encounter it in the desert, don't miss it. After all, there are more than 300 wild aloe varieties, but there are only six edible varieties."

"Of course, when you encounter plants like this, don't cut their roots. This can give the lost ones a little bit of hope of survival, and you can also treat them as a blessing for yourself."

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