Chen Lie spoke extremely quickly, which shows that he is nervous at this time.

"But these are not enough."

"The tall body of the old camel will be my first wall, resisting the thrust of the sandstorm and most of the sandstorm."

"Secondly, I have to save myself. I must try my best to arch out enough space for myself so that even if I am buried alive, there will be a little bit of air inside to breathe and give me time to break through the sand."

Chen Lie is ready to be buried alive.

The people in the live broadcast room exploded, and some cried.

"Brother Pet seems to be saying his last words."

"You MB, brother pet is distracting and reducing stress."

"Brother Pet, you must resist the past!"

Countless people prayed, countless people blessed, and many people were writing gifts.

In short, it is all kinds.

But some jealous mads took the opportunity to jump out: "Haha, is it finally over? Tell you to survive in the wilderness, tell you to jump like this!"

It’s okay to set off the rocket and immediately exploded: “Fuck you M! I rarely get angry, but your M really angered me! You are dead, I offer a reward of 1 million people for this idiot, it’s not false!

"I pay 10W!"

"I took this deal!"

Anger is easy to erupt.

Especially in this case.

Chen Lie didn't care about the live broadcast room.

Facing the apocalyptic sandstorm, facing the scene that forced "Mad Max 4: Fury Road" to be more shocking and more violent, Chen Lie's teeth were bitten to death.

He knows that he must remain sensible. Once he is afraid and loses confidence, he will be conquered by death.

at this time.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room has surpassed the peak, rising straight to 10 million.

Faced with this disaster-like scene of the last days, everyone fell silent, looking desperately at the wind and sand that swept through and the dunes that almost looked like moving.

Chen Lie felt the fear of the old camel.

Even if the old camel has encountered such disasters countless times in his life, under the majesty and rage of nature, it can only shiver.

Chen Lie couldn't comfort it.

Because Chen Lie is also in fear now.

He not only felt the power of the storm sand, but also felt his own insignificance.

And he himself knew that this was just the beginning, and the more violent and brutal forces of nature were about to hit him.

"I won't admit defeat!"

"Bless me!"

Chen Lie's shout was eventually covered by the sandstorm that swallowed it.

All the audience at the scene only saw the old camel and Chen Lie who were quickly swallowed by the sandstorm, and only saw the world in which the camera gradually turned into gravel.

a long time.

The raging sandstorm gradually disappeared.

But Chen Lie lost his voice, and the camera didn't move.

"The camera hasn't moved, is Pet Brother still alive?"

"Don't have an accident! Don't have an accident!"

"Man will conquer the sky! I believe that man will conquer the sky! I believe in the pet brother who has never let us down!"

"Swipe up the gift, any gift is fine! We can only use this way to bless Brother Pet!"

The live broadcast room blessed with sad emotions.

At this time Ren Qing's eyes were red.


An abnormal noise appeared in the live broadcast room.

Many people think they have heard it wrong.

As a result, the camera suddenly charged.

I rushed out of the dust and saw the sky and sunlight.

Chen Lie's frantic laughter sounded: "Haha, I'm not dead! The scourge left a thousand years!"

"I knew the pet brother wouldn't be finished so soon!"

"So thrilling! A real death challenge!"

"The sandstorm can't take away my pet brother. It really is a thousand-year disaster!"

Whether it is Chen Lie's hardcore, local tyrants, or ordinary fans, they all cheered for Chen Lie's return to the sky.


"Old camel!"

Chen Lie immediately excavated and violently removed the gravel from the old camel's original position.


The old camel rushed out.

Compared to before, the sand actually piled up 2 meters high.

Even if the old camel tried his best to rush, he still only saw half of his neck and the top of the two humps.

"Old man, we are all fine!"


Chen Lie worked hard to help the old camel dig out the sand in the way to make it easier for the old camel to come out.


The old camel worked hard again and finally broke through.

Even the old camel had to come out so hard, how could Chen Lie be so easy?

Sure enough, everything went wrong and asked: "Brother Pet, do you have a trick to escape this time."

"The trick?"

"What I said before is the trick."

"But there is really a trick after the sandbags come."

Chen Lie taught very earnestly: "When a sandstorm comes, many people feel fear or even despair. But the more so, the more persistence is needed. The duration of the sandstorm is directly proportional to the probability of survival. Because the longer the sandstorm, the more it accumulates. The more sand and the deeper it is buried, the less likely it is to survive."

"In this case, we need to come out in a limited time."

"But the sandstorm is not over, it is a dead word when it comes out."

"So we have to support as much as possible when we feel the tremendous pressure on our bodies."

"If we don't support it at this time, the pressure will eventually be so great that it will completely crush us. Even if we are awake enough at that time, we will suffocate and die because we don't have enough time to escape."

"I think anyone who has played the game of selling sand knows how painful it is to have sand on the stomach and heart, and breathing difficulties."

Chen Lie said a lot in one breath, but said his mood a lot easier.

After speaking, he touched his bag.


He hurriedly touched the position of the kettle, but it was still empty.

His face turned pale suddenly.

You must know that water and other equipment are the foundation for his survival.

If it is gone, he will almost certainly die.

He hurriedly inspected what was left, and dug up the hole that had just buried himself.

As a result, everything was gone except the dagger that he carried with him.

Even the film with the water was gone.

"It's over."

"This time I don't just have a headache."

Chen Lie looked at the camera unnaturally and reported the bad news to everyone: "Everyone, the most happy and sad thing has happened."

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