The pet king of the city

Chapter 578: Mysterious Light in the Desert

The lines on the gold ring are extremely fine, which is definitely the pinnacle of ancient craftsmanship. Even in modern times, it takes a lot of hard work to carve such a fine map.

Chen Lie used the geographic coordinates above and combined with the distance between the geographic coordinates to infer the destination of the last stop.


It’s okay to release the rocket and continue with the previous puzzle: "Pet brother, are you looking for the legendary Nile family? But how do I remember that the nobles of ancient Egypt lived near the Nile?"

"In fact, I don't know."

Chen Lie briefly explained: "Combining the pointing of the black tortoise shell and the ring, they all point to the depths of the desert. As for the secret there, I don't know."

It's okay to set the rocket and ask: "What is the destination? City? Temple? Treasure?"


"Didn't the ancient professor who was proficient in ancient Egyptian writing tell us the story?"

Chen Lie said seriously: "If I'm not wrong, that place should be the cemetery of the daughter of the Nile who married the Pharaoh. As for why the burial was so remote, it is probably because she used her body to talk to Egypt. The pharaoh reached an agreement to push the sun god Agu to the highest throne, and eventually offended people from other sects, so he stayed away."

"Is that right?"

"If this is the case, there must be funeral objects."

It's okay to let the rocket sigh: "Hehe, visually, Brother Pet is going to make a fortune again."

Greentown Old Wang smiled and said: "This time I won't be boarded first, right?"

They all thought that the treasures of the Inca Serpent Temple were first ascended by others.

But I don't know that Chen Lie is the ultimate beneficiary of everything.

"I will never be so unlucky every time, am I?"

Chen Lie said firmly: "Unless the ancients took the lead in looting, otherwise, I believe that in modern times, even in modern times, no one can find that deep, even remote place."

"Stop talking."

"I am going to go, let's take a look at the results of the collection."

Chen Lie finished the roast wolf meat and got up to see how much condensation he could collect.

"Hey, why are there bright spots there?"


Many people noticed a shining light appeared behind Chen Lie who was sitting just now.

The light is like a firefly in the dark.

I can't ignore it.

If Chen Lie hadn't blocked the lens just now, it would have been discovered by everyone.

"What star?"

"The stars in the sky, what's the big surprise..."

Chen Lie's "weird" could not be called out.

Because he was stimulated by this star too.

No way, this star is incredibly bright.

It is more shining than the so-called special stars, and it is simply a moon with a lower angle.

"It's really bright."

Chen Lie paused and asked, "Don't you think this star is too bright? And is it too low?"

Everyone agrees.

But the atmosphere freezes, everyone is guessing what this thing is?

After thinking about it, Chen Lie said with certainty: "We have been staring at it for more than ten minutes, it is basically fixed. And at this angle, this kind of light is definitely not a star."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie questioned: "You said, it's not a star, and here is the depths of the Sahara Desert, and it can't be a human architecture. What else is possible?"


"Super huge gem!"

A few fools just shouted out.

"Mentally retarded!"

"How big is the gem to emit such light? It's impossible to even think about it!"

"I deeply feel a sense of superiority in IQ."

Those idiots naturally became the object of collective ridicule.

Being mocked by millions of people, even the one with the last face only persisted for more than 30 seconds, and finally had to retreat.

After that, many people still put forward constructive things.

One suggestion is the ancient architecture. Ancient Egypt worshipped the moon very much. The use of reflective mirrors has long been recorded.

So this may be a remnant reflective building.

"Whatever it is."

Combining the map, Chen Lie pointed to the direction of the light and said, "This direction happens to be my target direction. So I will go over and look at it, and the answer will naturally be revealed by then."

"It's not too late, I will leave now."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He had enough rest and started right away.

The old camel who had slept for a while also got up lazily and followed Chen Lie.

It bears Chen Lie on its back, but can help bring things.

Chen Lie's equipment.

Except for the dagger, everything else was handed over to the old camel.

Pack light, not to mention how easy it is.

Fly away under the stars.

All the way.

There is nothing unusual.

But he still found that the light hadn't diminished at all, like a guiding light on the sea, guiding Chen Lie to the past.



Chen Lie heard this voice and immediately became vigilant.

The old camel was also terrified.

Being bitten by a rattlesnake in the desert is basically dead.

"it's here!"

Chen Lie heard the sound and discerned his position, and the flying knife broke through the air.

The rattlesnake made a violent hiss immediately.

Chen Lie shone the searchlight on the live broadcast device: the flying knife hit the rattlesnake perfectly.

The screen full of 666 flew up.

The queen drove to laugh and said: "Pet brother is really a standard snake natural enemy!"

It's okay to release the rocket but said: "I think the snake woman nemesis is more appropriate."

"Is the Rocket God holy playing too?"

"What hero does Shenhao like?"

"Snake Girl can also be in Dota!"

The topic was instantly crooked.

Chen Lie didn't bother to pay attention and continued to hurry up.

This kind of cool weather is perfect for driving.

of course.

It would be even more perfect if there was a bit of moistness in the coolness.

But Chen Lie was still a little naive.

As the so-called Wangshan ran to death.

This sentence also applies to deserts.

Because the desert is too empty, many things obviously feel that they are not very far away, but they can kill people when they run.

Chen Lie speeded up and hurried.

He even occupies more than an hour of sleep, but when he is exhausted, he still feels that the light is still so big and he is not far away.

"M's, isn't it a mirage?"

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