The pet king of the city

Chapter 591 Earth Devourer Bear

Ghost Eye happily killed him, and saw Chen Lie who was asleep, he couldn't help but looked at Ren Qing and asked, "Is Xiao Lie sleeping?"

One of Guiyan's judgments is that Chen Lie is tired.

After all, the cruel environment of the desert is obvious to all.

But then he felt puzzled.

Because Chen Lie's breathing is not like the rhythm of sleeping, he feels that it is a bit inappropriate for Chen Lie to sleep in such a place. After all, if he really falls asleep, at least a small blanket will cover his stomach.

"He is closing his eyes and resting."

Ren Qing reminded him and stepped aside.

She knew that Ghost Eye must have something to say, and 80% had nothing to do with her.

Instead of playing here, it is better to remedy it.

"Old Zhu?"

Chen Lie opened his eyes and looked at the bewildered ghost eyes.

"You finally wake up."

Ghost Eye said: "If you don't get up, I don't know if I want to leave or wake you up."

"It is my mistake."

Chen Lie then looked at Ghost Eye suspiciously and asked: "Old Zhu, please sit down, but you should know that I will be very tired when I come back, but you eagerly chased it over, presumably something must happen."

After talking, Chen Lie snapped his fingers and shouted, "Ghosts, help us get tea. Abao, if I have time, I'll be a little bit hungry. I happen to be hungry too."

"Pandas can cook."

"It's going to be a monster."

Gui Jing looked at A Bao who was busy in the kitchen and couldn't help shaking his head.

He felt Chen Lie's suspicious look and said, "It's very simple. I heard that you are cashing out funds. Why? Just look for someone else instead of looking for an old man. Does it mean that the identity of the old man is darker?"

"how is this possible."

Chen Lie smiled and replied: "The main reason is that you are always looking at my face, and you will accept it whether you like it or not."

"Why don't you like it."

Guiyan replied with a high profile: "I have a jewelry brand under my name, and Hong Kong has also invested in a major brand. You can eat as many gems as you have."

"That's my negligence."

"But it's harmless."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely and showed more gems, one of which had a fist-sized colored diamond, and said, "Here, you can eat these if you can eat them. Also, if you need them, those salvaged ones You can also buy some of porcelain, artwork, etc."

"Finally wait until you let go."

Guiyan never understood how Chen Lie collected so many things.

He had thought that Chen Lie had been hiding for a short period of time before cashing out.

Unexpectedly, it just disappeared, and it was as if it had never happened, without mentioning a word, it made the eyes of the unlucky ghost who had always wanted to collect a part of it to be tickled.

Chen Lie smiled without saying a word.

He knew that Ghost Eye was not trying to take advantage, but he didn't want to give up his status as a senior in the antique industry.

It's good in other fields, but in the antique world, ghost eyes are more persistent.

after all.

He is one of the best in the antique industry.

Whether it is appraisal ability or own collection, they are all top in the world.

Only then did Ghost Eye flip over the huge fancy color diamond.

"my God."

Guiyan looked at Chen Lie in surprise, in order to: "A Lie, is the colored diamond above you real?"

Chen Lie asked back: "Do you think I will fool you with boring things?"

"Such a big colored diamond!"

"Almost all are world record levels, let me settle for a moment!"

After a few deep breaths, Guiyan said: "Although my jewelry brand is well-known in China, it has little influence in the world, and it hasn't even opened up the situation in East Asia. If there is this sign, it can be operated properly. , That will definitely fight a beautiful battle of fame."

"Then I congratulate you."

Chen Lie didn't bother to think so much.

This colored diamond happened to come out of the tomb of the daughter of the Nile during the trip to the Sahara Desert.

It seems to be a jewel on a female crown.

It should be a token of an ancient religion in ancient Egypt.

But that has a relationship with Chen Lie?

No one knows anyway, Chen Lie can play whatever he wants.

Even if he said it was given by the little black bear in the Hengduan Mountains, can anyone refute it?

"The old man owes you favor again."

"Hey, more and more favors are owed to you, and I don't know how to pay it back."

Guiyan was both excited and sad, and finally asked, "But then again, Xiao Lie, when can I see the real one?"


Chen Lie said, "A lot of people will come by then, you know."

"Well, I will bring enough money."

Guiyan hurriedly left.

Chen Lie didn't expect that this was the only thing he came here.

It's just that he was not distracted, because the system prompt came again: "Ding, the 50% discount coupons for random super pets drawn by customers before will expire within 72 hours, please cash them out as soon as possible."

"I wipe it, it's still time-effective."

Chen Lie didn't expect such a trick in the system.

But there is no way. If this is not the case, the system will definitely be chaotic.

If someone maliciously hoards, it will also have a certain impact on the system.

This principle is the same as the reality that some people are hoarding extremely risky national bonds.

"At that time, I got a 50% discount coupon for high-level medicine, two 50% discount coupons for random super pets, and a random draw for household pet machines."

"Used a 50% discount coupon for a random super pet, and there are many more."

"But the time-limited ones should be dealt with first to avoid waste."

When Chen Lie thought of the fertile earthworm he had drawn, he smiled and said, "The super pet of the system must be unique. I can't waste it like the last time."


Chen Lie didn't hesitate this time and clicked directly on the draw.

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for drawing [Earth Devourer Bear]."

"Yo, the name is awesome!"

Chen Lie's eyes lit up when he heard the name.

Although only a poor four-level level, the system will never give the wrong name. Xunleihu, God of Cooking Panda, Tianlai Lark, Drunken Fairy Monkey, Ghost Squirrel, etc. are the best explanations?

Chen Lie felt that he might have found a treasure.

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