The pet king of the city

Chapter 595: Bear and Bear Communication

Facing Chen Lie's temptation, Earth Devourer Bear hesitated for a while, and finally picked up his extra-large rice bowl and came to Chen Lie.

"You, you."

Chen Lie looked at this rice bucket that could make people laugh at any time, and violently touched the messy hair of the Devil Bear.

Earth Devourer Bear actually laughed.

It seems that it feels that others laugh, that is something worthy of happiness.


Po came to this guy who looked a little like himself, and he was suspicious.

Earth Devourer Bear had already noticed A Bao who was two sizes older than himself, and his face was full of curiosity.

Abao patted the Demon Bear on the shoulder, then pointed to himself, and then rubbed his belly, as if saying: "Fuck with me, I promise you will not be hungry in the future."

The Devil Bear happily passed the rice bowl to A Bao.

"It's actually willing!"

"Is it the fate of the same race?"

Director Hua and others were shocked.

Don't look at the Devil Bear is stupid and naive, but don't give it to others when it eats, even if it touches it.

I don't want Abao to refuse.

A Bao waved his hand again and again, and even pushed the Earth Devourer Bear aside like disgustingly, not to come close.

Earth Devourer Bear looked at A Bao in a daze, making two weird sounds.

A Bao pointed at the rice bowl of the Demon Bear, shaking his fingers, and finally pointed at himself.

"It seems Abao has wanted to be the boss for many years."

Chen Lie couldn't laugh or cry.

Director Hua and the others, who looked like a dream, couldn't guess what dumb riddles A Bao was playing. They were both curious and embarrassed. Finally, they asked weakly, "Pet brother, what is A Bao talking about?"

Chen Liejie said: "A Bao is saying that the food here is rubbish, and it can be made casually."


"We know that Abao is the emperor tongue, but the emperor tongue does not mean that he can cook."

Director Hua they didn't believe it.

But Chen Lie was too lazy to explain.

Abao's emperor tongue has long been famous in the world, but its cooking skills are still unknown.

After all, it is enough for a panda to distinguish food.

Not to mention know how to cook.

"Thank you for calling this time."

"Is there anything interesting in the future, you can call me this personal phone."

Chen Lie was very satisfied with Director Hua's performance and left him a private number.

Only a few dozen people are qualified to know Chen Lie's private number. Giving him such a number is to thank him for his key help several times.

after all.

Leave the most private private number, that is a kind of trust.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your trust."

Director Hua didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and he was so excited.

He knew how hard it was to find Chen Lie's private number.

Before Chen Lie found the Giant Snake Temple in the Amazon jungle, countless people who couldn't find his private number, a small part of them had nowhere but to find Director Hua.

They all thought that Director Hua had helped Chen Lie so much, and he must have Chen Lie's personal number.

Only then did Director Hua know Chen Lie's high-end.


Chen Lie waved goodbye and left very simply.

"Are you back tired?"

Ren Qing saw the nanny car parked at the door and immediately came out to help.

"You guys."

Ren Qing led A Bao down, and then saw a cute and stupid bear looking at him, immediately bewildered.

"Why is there one more?"

Ren Qing was both pleasantly surprised and depressed.

Bears are not ordinary animals.

The security issues of the fierce tiger and others have begun to provoke a little topic, and now there is another bear, which is distressing.

After all, Xiong usually seems to be mild, but when provoked or in danger, he is easy to get angry and fights fiercely.

Coupled with the burly physique and violent power of bears, most people regard bears as dangerous animals.

"It will be a new member in the paradise."

Chen Lie, who wanted to get down, got out of the car, who was afraid of heights, and said: "Follow A Bao, you will like it when you get inside."

Then Chen Lie exhorted: "Abao, take the little bear."

Ren Qing asked, "Is this still small?"

When it was born, it was about the size of a guinea pig and lived with its mother for at least one year.

And this bear looks at least two years old.

Chen Lie said: "It is only 1 year old, but because it is too edible, it looks very fierce."

"Why is this?"

Ren Qing is not the kind of ignorant person, knowing that abnormality is a demon.

Chen Lie replied: "Because it is an experimental product from the laboratory, I don't know what medicine is injected or what gene is confused. In short, it is particularly edible, but under my education, it will not harm people. ."


Others promised that Ren Qing would slap it.

But Chen Lie's guarantee gave Ren Qing no doubt.

"You go and order a multifunctional fresh-keeping freezer."

"Remember, the best and the biggest."

"Then let Rentian Restaurant send a batch of fresh meat and vegetables."

Chen Lie thought of the appetite of the Demon Bear, and ordered immediately.


Ren Qing did things happily.

She is not afraid of being too busy, even if she has no chance to be busy.

Chen Lie parked the car and returned.

Found that A Bao was sharing it with Earth Devourer Bear.

It's just that the appetite of the Devil Bear is terrifying.

It doesn't stop eating.

A Bao's carefully selected fruits were not enough to slap the Demon Bear.


Seeing the devourer bear's violent eating method, A Bao became angry.

It slapped the Earth Devourer Bear's head with a slap, and slapped the Earth Devourer Bear in a daze.

In an instant.

The Demon Bear began to tears.

You know it's only 1 year old.

Converted to humans, that is, a child of 2 or 3 years old.

Isn't this bullying?

Xiao Lan, who looked distressed, came out to speak out righteously: "Abao, how do you fight the new partner?"

A Bao angrily picked up the empty fruit basket and pointed at the Demon Bear.

Xiaolan still said, "It just eats a little more, you can't do that either."

A Bao was angry.

Although it has a very good relationship with Xiao Lan, it feels that it is right. Xiao Lan's partiality makes it very angry.

And Devil Bear is not really stupid.

It supported its bloated body, tried its best to crawl to Xiao Lan's side, and complained with blood and tears, pointing to where he was beaten.

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