The pet king of the city

Chapter 600: Secret Yellow Wine


"The second dish is fried broccoli with shrimp."

"You guys taste the difference between the two dishes."

Chen Lie presented the dishes.

"It smells so good, I can't help it."

Liu Yifeng still felt foolishly holding his chopsticks.

The others are very clever and straight down chopsticks.

No nonsense.

"good to eat!"

"My God, it's rare to see this!"

"It's all fried with prawns and broccoli, why is there such a big difference."

All the girls were stimulated by this sudden transformation.

If the previous fried broccoli with shrimp was a masterpiece, now it is a masterpiece, at least one level behind.

Chen Lie said: "You have also seen the process of my cooking just now, just a few drops of rice wine."

After Chen Lie finished speaking, he showed the rice wine.

"So amazing!"

Ren Qing looked at it and asked in surprise, "Does that mean that I can become a chef with yours?"

"Theoretically yes."

Chen Lie then shifted the subject of the conversation: "Of course, your cooking skills are good; and this secret rice wine can only remove the fishy, ​​and maximize the freshness, it has no other effect."


Ren Qing asked excitedly, "What do you want to do with such an unbelievable ability to improve freshness?"


Chen Lie smiled happily.

have to say.

Fatty Chen's gift this time was so precious that Chen Lie didn't know how to respond.

If Fatty Chen is willing to offer 100 million yuan, Chen Lie also thinks it is a good deal.

Don’t talk about the others.

The brewing formula of this secret rice wine alone can perfect the taste of Chen Lie's several dishes, and even bring back a legendary delicacy that has disappeared for two thousand years.

If other chefs learn about this news, they might abandon their wealth and buy them.

Chen Lie was a bit greedy just now.


A Bao actually shouted a word.

This shocked Chen Lie.

Although I used to shout some human words, they all seemed to be true and wrong, and were not accurate at all.

But this time he shouted extremely accurately, absolutely not what a panda could shout.

"Eat and eat!"

Both Bailing and Blue Crown wanted to come and join in the fun.

Chen Lie didn't care about them. He looked at Ren Qing who had no reaction and asked, "When will Abao speak human words?"

Ren Qing replied: "Didn't you call you [Lie Lie] a long time ago?"

Gu Xiaoyu also replied: "Abao can even cook. Isn't it unusual to call one or two languages ​​with similar pronunciations?"

Liu Yifeng even said: "In addition to the word [Fan], Abao will also call out a few frequently used words. For example, he would call [Liquor] when he asked the god of wine for Lingguo Nong."

"I wipe it."

Chen Lie has a feeling of being evil among super pets.

"Forget it, this is also a reasonable trend."

"After all, it's a super pet."

Chen Lie also didn't care.


At this moment, Xiaolan pointed at the TV excitedly.

The TV is broadcasting a piece of news about a cruise ship photographing giant beasts driving off invading sharks offshore.

Although only approximate images were taken.

But the video shot is not short, it takes more than 1 minute.

The 4-meter behemoth easily flipped a shark close to two meters in length, and the shot was shocking enough.

This news caused a huge sensation.

It is said that the beast was discovered by an offshore cruise ship in Hong Kong, and many people witnessed it with their own eyes.

And foreign ocean forums have all exploded.

It is said that someone offered a million reward to catch this turtle-shaped behemoth.

"I wipe it."

"I haven't seen him for a while, how come Ba Xia has grown to this point?"

Chen Lie was in a daze.

He remembered that a month ago, Baxia seemed to be a little more than 3 meters, and then grew about 20 cm because of the metamorphosis.

It's actually close to 4 meters now.

This growth rate is simply terrifying.

Ren Qing asked weakly: "A Lie, this is not the super giant tortoise we saw last time."


Chen Lie couldn't explain, he could only give a vague answer.

Ren Qing wondered: "I remember it wasn't this huge last time."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

Gu Xiaoyu caught an extra fresh shrimp and asked, "If you go on, there is nothing to eat."

"Damn it! You secretly ate all the shrimp!"

"Xiao Lan, how can you do this? There are all fresh shrimp in the rice bowl! Give me one."

Ren Qing looked eagerly.

A scramble appeared.

Chen Lie looked at this chaotic scene, especially the scene where the rice bucket was drooling on the side, and his smile could not be restrained.

"Xiaolongbao was born between the poor in ancient times."

"Developed to the present, from traditional pork to seafood, from single flavor to multiple flavors, everything is inclusive."

"It can be said that Xiaolongbao has become a unique food culture."

Chen Lie picked up a steamed dumpling and finally said, "I know that many people are slandering Eastern cuisine, but delicious is delicious. We are just ordinary people. Why do we pursue the difference in taste that only gourmets can eat? What?"

This is an announcement.

It is also a clarification.

In the past, ghost chefs smashed signs everywhere in the country, causing a lot of rumors. Some people with insufficient IQ began to say that oriental cuisine is out of date and should learn from abroad.

These idiots were even brought forward in front of Chen Lie in the live broadcast room.

Chen Lie exploded.

This is not.

Today's live broadcast was on the spot.

He concluded: "Some people want to be a gourmet, then do it, don't get in the way of my live broadcast."

Chen Lie's words resonated with many people.

"Brother Pet, I support you!"

"I know that some people are all soft in their bones, and everything is good for foreign countries."

"Some people always think that foreign countries are good, but their own countries are not good. So please emigrate. Dongfang really can't tolerate great gods like you."

Chen Lie's iron rods have expressed their support and opinions.

The local tyrants use rockets to bring out their indignation.

"Since the indignation this time, I plan to use a song to express my current emotions."

Chen Lie rarely takes the initiative to sing.

Basically, he sang it only when others ordered.

The initiative this time makes everyone look forward to it.

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