"I wipe it, it's so beautiful!"

"Brother Pet, the outdoor live broadcast this time is really awesome."

"The one upstairs is an idiot. This is not outdoor, but a more high-end wilderness. I just don't know if it is a survival series or a treasure hunt series."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room boiled for the first time.

Some newcomers even naturally become everyone's jokes.

"Please be quiet."

"This is the northernmost Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the motherland. Starting today, in the next few days, I will show you the most primitive and real life in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains."

While Chen Lie was speaking, people came in one after another, and the number of viewers quickly increased to a mark of close to 5 million, many of whom were foreigners.

A large number of foreigners came out in all kinds of languages, making the live broadcast room bewildered.

"Is it really Xiaoxinganling? Don't just make a small forest covered with snow and call it Xiaoxinganling?"

"Are you blind? The grove has such majestic mountains and scenery?"

"It's really a survival in the wilderness of Xiaoxing'anling! The anchor of the East, your investment is really big!"

"Have you found it? The picture is absolutely Blu-ray!"

"This beauty and clarity are poisonous! And it's still poisonous!"

"This machine is at least hundreds of thousands of euros, the anchor is a real tyrant."

"Found a wild local tyrant!"

Afterwards, these curious baby-like foreigners carefully noticed that Chen Lie's pictures were extremely clear, and some of them could even see distant branches clearly.

This live broadcast condition is better than any live broadcast they have watched.

As for why Chen Lie could understand them?

It's simple.

Shark Live provided Chen Lie with automatic translation software so that Chen Lie could communicate with these people.

In addition, Shark Live will have personnel to assist in translation at locations in various countries.

So communication is not a problem.

Compared with foreigners, the performance of Oriental fans is a bit weird.

Fans in the East are very calm about live broadcasts. The only thing that is not calm is the topics they bring.

"I don't speak English anymore. I have all French, German, and Italian. I seem to have discovered the unpopular Egyptian."

"Brother Pet is really too 6, and other anchors are still messing around in China, but Brother Pet has already reached the international level."

Amidst praise and admiration, Chen Lie officially embarked on the journey of Xiaoxinganling.

"Walking in the snow is skillful."

"The reason is the same as on muddy ground, the feet will sink in, consuming more energy."

"In such a primitive and cruel wilderness, physical strength is the prerequisite for all life-saving."

"If you don't have special snowshoes, use branches and other things to increase your force area. For example, put four tough flat branches in a tic-tack shape and fix them."

Chen Lie explained as he walked.

Even, he personally demonstrated.

"It's up."

"I'll go, this is a decent old driver."

"Pet brother deserves to be the emperor of knowledge."

The audience was full of admiration.

The performance of those foreigners was even more exciting, and many words that others could not understand quickly popped up.

The effect of hundreds of thousands of people is even more exaggerated than millions of Oriental fans.

Because they thought Chen Lie was just doing something, walking around here at will, then set up a camp, and went back after playing for a day.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lie's knowledge and hands-on skills were so solid that he would do it right away.

Seeing Chen Liejian walking like flying, several of them spontaneously recommended to friends.

Not long.

The number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 6 million, of which at least half of the new hundreds of thousands of miles were brought by foreigners.

This growth trend is stable.

The most important thing is that the new audience is very sticky, and many people are left behind by the beautiful high-definition pictures.

Expansion of Chen Lie's influence.

Shark Live is so happy.

None of the domestic live broadcast platforms can successfully gain a foothold in the international arena.


There is no large-scale live broadcast platform in the world that can reach the real cross-cultural field.

Chen Lie now.

Use the most simple adventure to break this deadlock abruptly.

If he can successfully open this channel.

The influence of Shark's live broadcast directly jumps out of the East, and the market valuation will also rise.

In short, Chen Lie's live broadcast with Shark is the truth.

But it's not the kind of one that loses everything and everything is prosperous.

Belong to the kind of Chen Lie, well, the shark broadcasts the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

But Shark live broadcast was unlucky. Chen Lie lost some money at most, and it didn't hurt Daya's unilateral relationship.

"In the primitive mountains with abundant species like Xiaoxing'anling, you can't mess with anything, even the most ferocious Siberian tigers and brown bears."

"Because of the chaos, you are equivalent to the greatest human dependence-wisdom."

"If you encounter..."

Chen Lie's words stopped suddenly.

He came to a tall and upright red pine, rubbed the ancient mark on the red pine, and said: "Korean pine is a kind of precious wood, and the red pine in Xiaoxing'an Mountains accounts for more than half of the total stock of Korean pine. It is known as the hometown of red pine."


Speaking of this, Chen Lie sighed: "Because of the preciousness of red pine, the hacking phenomenon is serious. If it is not too cold here, it is difficult for ordinary hackers to work, otherwise the red pine that is so close to the edge of the forest must be Difficult to keep."

"I will use less wood for my furniture in the future."

"me too."

Many fans immediately expressed their views.

Chen Lie's words played a certain role in calling.

Lao Li, who was also watching the live broadcast, saw his eyes brightly: "Xiao Lie's public welfare promotion is not much worse than the prime time of some provincial radio stations."

Guiyan nodded in agreement.

"Continue on the road."

Chen Lie didn't think so much, and moved on.

But if you don’t have anything to release the rocket, he asked: “Brother Pet, every time you do a wilderness live broadcast, you have a certain purpose. The Hengduan Mountains are to find the traces of the Southern Song Dynasty royal family, the Amazon jungle is to find the city of gold, and the Sahara Desert is to explore. The secret of the daughter of the Nile."

"And this time?"

"I'm curious! If it is a treasure, it will be even more interesting!"

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