The pet king of the city

Chapter 617 Seven-leaf Ginseng King?


Chen Lie was shocked by the sudden bloody scene.

Because not far in front of him, a mutilated wolf head stuck in the bush.

There were also a few hungry mice nearby, staring at the mutilated wolf head.

The live broadcast room was also suffocated by the bloody scene.

Chen Lie slowly leaned over.

Except for the few mice that were so hungry that they had to come out looking for food, there were no other animals.

"I wipe it, it's disgusting!"

"I have to adjust the lens."

Chen Lie turned the camera aside disgustingly, and then explained: "The wolf's head shows signs of being gnawed, and there are also debris nearby. Some of the marks are the teeth of large canines."


At this point, Chen Lie smiled bitterly at the camera and sighed: "The large canines nearby are just the wild wolf that I heard last night."

"Wolves eat wolves, don't you understand?"

"Did Brother Pet make a wrong analysis?"

Many people expressed doubts about Chen Lie's analysis.

"No analysis was wrong."

Chen Lie looked at more traces left nearby and affirmed: "I can definitely be a masterpiece of the wolf pack. If I guess wrong, there is a wolf pack's nest nearby; and last night the wolf pack failed to compete with the brown bear and some members Injured, persisted and died, and became food for the wolves."

"I rub, eat the same kind, it's too cruel."

"What is the world of wolves?"

Listening to the sigh in the live broadcast room, Chen Lie continued to move forward and said, "Since the wolves are here to eat their companions, it means that they are hungry and they are not far from me. I can't delay any longer."

"There are bears behind and wolves nearby. Pet brother is really desperate."

"I suspect that my pet brother's animal relationship can provoke even carnivorous beasts, otherwise how could I encounter so many beasts."

"Although there is Jiaojiao, I strongly recommend Pet Brother to stay away from the edge."

Many people are making ideas.

They also felt a tense atmosphere.

"Although I am not afraid of wolves!"

"But I don't have to face them head-on!"

Chen Lie rushed towards the destination while saying: "I won't change my goals because of them. If they stare at me because of this, don't blame me for being polite."

"Pet brother domineering!"

"The way the pet brother said this makes me miss it!"

"Brother Pet, I want to have a monkey with you!"

"I rub, there are still so many rotten girls here, it seems that I have to withdraw a wave first."

Rotten girls are in power, even Chen Lie's irons have to avoid their sharp edges.

As for Chen Lie.

What else can he do besides a wry smile.

But his luck is not always bad.


After another half an hour's journey, Chen Lie finally arrived at his destination in a day and a half.

"This is the first goal I calculated using the supercomputer."

"The land here is very fertile, not very humid, and does not need to be exposed to the sun. It is very suitable for the growth of wild ginseng."

As Chen Lie spoke, he came to a place facing the sun.

The century-old wild ginseng displayed by the plant finder is nearby.

Chen Lie didn't pretend this time, while using the plant finder to increase his persuasiveness, he observed the surrounding terrain.

"I feel close."

"This feeling is very mysterious, but it is real."

While talking, Chen Lie suddenly stopped.

He stopped by a pine tree that looked a little thin.

Chen Lie asked, "Did you see anything wrong?"

"Nothing wrong."

"I always think today's pet brother is talking about it."

Whether it is a hardcore or ordinary audience, all they see are this bare pine tree and the flat bottom covered with snow in the university. There is nothing suspicious.


Chen Lie looked at the screen full of suspicion and said hello a lot, shaking his head and sighing.

Chen Lie said: "The ginseng will absorb the power of the earth. Although it is not as excessive as the rumors, it does exist. You see, this pine tree is at least 20 years old, but it is almost the same as a 10-year-old pine tree. What does it mean? "

"Don't tell me there are really people here?"

It’s okay to let the rocket say: “If your software is really effective, I’m afraid there will be countless people vying to buy it with you.”

"I won't sell it at any price."

Chen Lie blocked a sentence and went back.

Then he began to peel away the snowflakes. Not long after, a ginseng plant appeared in front of Chen Lie.

"one two Three……"

"My God, there are seven leaves in total, the King of Seven-Leaf Ginseng!"

"Unbelievable! It is really the King of Seven-leaf Ginseng, Brother Pet has made a fortune this time!"

"The one upstairs is an idiot. The net worth of Brother Pet is countless times that of the King of Seven-Leaf Ginseng."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room exploded.

This time it was even more exaggerated than Chen Lie's encounter with the century-old ginseng, and it was not inferior to the scene when the Inca giant snake appeared.

Shennong Wudi stepped up in time to help Chen Lie explain: "Please be aware that the age of ginseng is not distinguished by the number of leaves. The leaves of ginseng grow from one leaf to six, and then grow again, which reincarnates. There are also some mutations. , It grows directly to seven leaves."

But no one paid any attention to the words of Sannong Wudi.

Chen Lie carefully dug up the ginseng.

"It's just a century of ginseng."

"At most, it's nearly two hundred years."

Chen Lie took a look and said, "This ginseng has a good appearance, but what makes me feel better is that the search method is correct, and it really works."

"Brother Pet, sell it to me."

It’s okay to let the Rocket ask: "Last time you got one, how about letting this one go to me? The price is negotiable."

"Sorry, I am useful."

Chen Lie declined to open, and asked, "Have you forgotten what I said when I started broadcasting? This time I am doing wilderness, purely to find wild ginseng."

"I am embarrassed."

It's okay to release the Rockets and then thought of a possibility, weakly asked: "Then you found it now, do you want to continue the live broadcast?"

This question immediately aroused everyone's tension.

Everyone stopped making noise, waiting for Chen Lie's answer.

Although the live broadcast environment was very cruel this time, it didn't arrive two days before and after, and it was a little short, which made them feel unfulfilled.

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