The pet king of the city

Chapter 638 Thousand Year Ginseng King

"Accept the reality, this is the real nature."

Chen Lie put the little sika deer on his back and continued on the road.

Seeing that Chen Lie didn't slaughter the little sika deer on the spot, many people felt better.

Although this feels very hypocritical.

But this is what they want.

The next thing is very simple.

Chen Lie used the Mini Apache to save at least an hour and a half, so he rushed to his destination before dark.

"I'm here."

"I wipe, there are geothermal resources here."

"It's so comfortable. It's the first time I feel such a comfortable environment since I came to the Northeast."

Chen Lie pointed to the surrounding area and said, "Look, everyone, there is still a little green around. It seems that the environment here is very special."

No other nonsense.

He quickly touched the target located in the remote corner.

A touch of moving green, proudly in the snow.

The live studio almost held his breath.

Because this is a wild ginseng that has been collected live for more than 100 years in history.

The most important thing is that this time it might be better.

Chen Lie held his breath and peeled away the white snow on the ground, revealing the soil underneath that hadn't been frozen in time.

Because of the terrain here, ginseng can develop healthily.

Chen Lie gently pushed away the snow, and gently flicked the green ginseng leaves with his fingers.

"My God, it's Qiye again!"

"This time is the real ginseng king, right?"

"Unbelievable, King of Seven-Leaf Ginseng! This is the King of Ginseng with astronomical value!"

This is a pure seven-leaf ginseng, a veritable king of ginseng.

But Chen Lie was not distracted.

According to the instructions of the system, he dug up the ginseng with the smallest effort.

He knew the custom of collecting ginseng, but he didn't make it.

Because he believes more in the instructions of the system.

For example, visitors who follow the ancient style of digging wild ginseng will use a red rope tied with a copper coin to fasten it tightly to a cable stick (commonly known as a soro stick).

And the red rope is also exquisite. Assuming that this ginseng has three-branched leaves, tie three red ropes, and four-branched ginseng is tied with four red ropes. The six-branched ginseng is the best ginseng, and the seven-branched ginseng is naturally the king of ginseng. Up.

But Chen Lie naturally ignored this process.

He started digging under the instructions of the system.

Under normal circumstances.

Participants will start digging at the end of the external device about 40cm away from the ginseng.

And dug a 1-meter circle with ginseng as the center, and circle the ginseng inside.

But this is the king of seven leaf ginseng.

Therefore, Chen Lie specifically expanded the area.

And when he was digging, he gently shakes off the soil on it with his hands, and starts to clean up at a place 4-5cm away from the ginseng.

Others generally use cutting techniques to ensure the novelty of ginseng.

And in this process, we must be careful, slow and light, and must not break the roots of ginseng, otherwise it will directly affect the appearance and value of ginseng.

But Chen Lie is more advanced, as if he knew the ginseng growth vein in the soil, he separated directly one by one, and did not harm any body of ginseng, even the very end roots.


Simple digging work.

It took half an hour.

"Really the King of Seven-Leaf Ginseng."

"The years are definitely more than a thousand years."

"This is the veritable King of Seven-Leaf Ginseng."

The live broadcast room finally couldn't calm down.

When all the gods, or auction houses, heard the news, they jumped out immediately.

"Brother Pet, I will pay 30 million. You leave the ginseng to me, right?"

"Do you want to take advantage of the pet brother upstairs? I want to buy the seven-leaf ginseng king for at least a thousand years? How much do you have? I bought it all at a price increase of 5 million, which is absolutely unambiguous!"

"Poorly sit and watch the sages bidding. By the way, thousand-year ginseng is so expensive?"

"A few years ago, a 325-year-old Jilin wild ginseng was sold at a sky-high price of 10 million, and the price of ginseng has doubled over the years."

"Millennium ginseng can be hanged, can be kept in value, and can be kept as a family heirloom. If you say such a thing, if it is not expensive, what else is more qualified to hype?"

The scene was in an uproar.

Shenhao, knowledge emperor, etc. began to behave like crazy.

I can't wait to get into the computer and rub against the hot spot of Chen Lie and Millennium Ginseng.

"Get what you want!"

"This time the treasure hunt mission has been successfully concluded."

Chen Lie kept the Thousand-Year Ginseng properly.

According to the rules of ginseng farmers: freshly dug ginseng should not be put away at will. Use moss, grass, birch leaves, and some original soil to wrap the ginseng, and use straw rope to make ginseng buns to keep fresh.

But Chen Lie has a better insurance method:

The exchange area of ​​the system mall.

If not now is not the time.

Otherwise, Chen Lie would have thrown it up and saved it.

However, even in the system mall, millennium ginseng is a rare thing. Chen Lie can't just set the exchange price at will as before.

Chen Lie directly increased the recommended price by 10 times.

He doesn't plan to sell anyway.

The more outrageous the price, the less no one cares about, and the more his appetite.

"Brother Pet, what are you doing?"

"That's right! The thousand-year-old ginseng was left like this!"

"The violent thing! This is definitely the most violent thing I have ever seen!"

Everyone saw Chen Lie put down the Thousand-Year Ginseng hastily like this, without any protection, and immediately saw it cracked.

This is a thousand-year ginseng, the king of ginseng.

"Naturally do defense."

"It's getting dark now, I don't have much time, so I won't talk nonsense with you."

Chen Lie was too lazy to explain too much.

He found enough snow and used the old method to build a wall with all kinds of sharp objects, such as sharp stones, ice thorns, or broken wood.

In short.

Anyone who wants to break through the encirclement forcefully will have a bloodshed.

But this thing can only be used to prevent beasts, and has no effect on people.

Chen Lie, who was a little restless, added a simple and insidious defense.

at the same time.

The captain of the mercenary received a satellite call from the blood hand.

"What? He found the thousand-year ginseng king!"

"Add another million dollars?"

"Okay, I have settled the six million dollars, please wait for our good news!"

The chief of the mercenary army ended the call and gloomily looked at the geothermal area where Chen Lie was.

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