The pet king of the city

Chapter 644 Old Li's Shame

"Yes, your news is pretty good."

Chen Lie didn't expect the topic to turn so fast, but he was obviously very supportive of the matter, and smiled: "I also received the news the day before yesterday. It has not been officially announced yet. You did not expect you to know."

Ren Qing and the others deal with such trivial matters, and they can tell Chen Lie after a proper result.

But things are related to the opening of channels and the completion of the number of tasks, so Chen Lie has studied it in particular and used 3 orders as experiments.

The queen drove up and replied: "It's not that I'm well informed, but the person who has reached cooperation with you, who has been advertising at your fan gathering spots in the past two days."

"It turned out to be true."

"I thought it was a liar, and blocked his right to speak."

"I also blocked him."

Several administrators were amazed.

Surprised, they hurriedly lifted the ban on this collaborator, and also gave him the top and color of his speech. The effect of his speech was very eye-catching, which was not inferior to Shenhao's authority with money.

"Finally I can speak."

"You guys, you have to seal the truth!"

The partner named [Pet Direct] said depressed: "And you are so impulsive, you don't even give me the opportunity to explain in the picture above."

Many administrators can be embarrassed.

It’s okay to let the rocket question: "Brother Pet, I remember you said that there are a lot of restrictions on pet express. This time, if you suddenly open this channel, will it be too hasty."

Chen Lie explained: “A few months ago, there were many people in the live broadcast room who wanted to engage in pet transportation and wanted to cooperate with me. But the result was basically talkative. Only now, it’s already very busy. Up."

"In addition, not only is he a veterinarian, he will also give each express driver a quick training on pets. And I just worked with him, 3 pets, all arrived healthy."

"However, things are not done in a handful. At present, the pet direct company only delivers pet express delivery to some parts of South China, and other areas do not accept business temporarily."

Chen Lie said everything he knew in one breath.

Speak the truth.

He is very supportive of the opening of this channel.

After all, this is to increase the chance of pets finding a suitable owner. It belongs to channel development and has great potential for mining.

If it can expand, then Chen Lie is really busy.

But the number of tasks at that time must have been soaring.

After briefly communicating with everyone about pet delivery, Chen Lie ended the live broadcast.

And he did not relax.

Talk to everyone in the super pet shop through the video of the meeting.

"This question, we have already thought of it."

After listening to Chen Lie’s concerns, Ren Qing said proudly: “Did you not say that the pet training model of the police dog training base can also be integrated into other types? Then we can learn from this and promote it on a large scale?”

Gu Xiaoyu also said: "Brother Lie also said that the animal training skills in the store can also be taught to others to a certain extent. We have been testing it before. The Pet Association in the image of A Bao is our hidden method. Here it is."

Chen Lie's animal training skills completely surpassed this era.

And the ones he brought out before, and even the live broadcasts in public, although not out of the era, they are still the best in the world.

It is a good practice to share this technology and turn thousands of pet shops into their own homes.

Before defeating the Pengcheng Pet Association and forming a pet association in the image of A Bao, there was such a plan.

But these things are trivial.

Chen Lie didn't care about it, just let Ren Qing and the others do it.

However, in order to prevent the technology from leaking too early, Chen Lie added: “For the time being, I will focus on the promotion of dogs. After all, I control the bitter fruit feed, which is equivalent to mastering the ultimate initiative, even if there are nasty things such as gouging and betrayal. We can also block it in advance."

"Well, we mean the same."

"We don't want to be limited to police dogs. All canine pets want to be involved."

It turns out that they had already had such a plan.

Chen Lie still underestimated the business sense of Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu.

This concludes the topic.

Chen Lie also rested early.

4 days later.

Super pet shop in Pengcheng.

"We are back."

Chen Lie brought a fierce tiger and a ghostly squirrel on his shoulders, and appeared at the door of the store with the exhaustion of a long journey.

"You are finally back."

Ren Qing was not as stupid as last time, and greeted him with a gentle smile.

Gu Xiaoyu and others came over immediately to help with things.

Even Po is the same.

"Brother Lie, where's ginseng?"

Neither Xiaolan nor Kexin saw the shadow of ginseng, so they were very curious.

Chen Lie replied: "Here, but not much."

Chen Lie took out the wild ginseng that was less than a hundred years old.

There are only 3 strains.

But the shape has a human shape, the roots are not damaged, and the appearance is first-class.

"Huh, I remember that the ones you dug out were not so small?"

Ren Qing took over, somewhat skeptical of Chen Lie's gains.

"The really good ones have been put away."

Chen Lie smiled mysteriously, not wanting to explain too much.


Ren Qing and the others are very smart and did not ask.

There are too many secrets in Chen Lie's body, and this is not bad.

Ren Qing then reminded: "A Lie, Mr. Li waited for you here early in the morning. Seeing his expression, it seems that he has something serious to say. Go ahead."


Chen Lie responded and hurried to the paradise.

this is.

Lao Li was sipping tea and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Old Li."

Chen Lie was in front of Old Li.

Mr. Li was the first to thank: "Thank you for your gift, the old man deserves it."

"how is this possible."

Chen Lie replied: "You help me, I'm just polite."

"You made a mistake."

"We are always here to eat and drink, we owe you favors."

Lao Li sighed with a little shame: "The most important thing is that you are eliminating harm for the people and eradicating cancer for the country. We should have done this kind of work, but it turned out that you provided us with information, and we just realized it. We are to be ashamed, and we are to be thanked."

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