The pet king of the city

Chapter 649 Spirit Bamboo Insect

No matter how Chen Lie calculated, his transaction was made in blood.

"It seems that my red hand luck is coming to an end for the time being."

Chen Lie began to take heart.

No more betting on random draws for the time being.

Luck is not always possible.

"In the future, we should pay more attention to the collection of fan value, and we can't spend any more.

Chen Lie counted carefully.

Even if he didn't squander it, his total consumption in the system mall has exceeded 60,000 fan values, and is about to approach 50,000 fans.

Although the biggest one is the recent order of massive bitter fruit feed.

In order to avoid trouble, Chen Lie ordered the half-year consumption of the police dog training base in one go.

But if the scale of the police dog training base is to be expanded in the future, his consumption will definitely continue to increase.

"To earn fan value, fans are the most important thing."

"Improving the cohesion of fans is also a very important thing."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "If millions of irons are really all turned into true love fans, then I will be developed."

Bastard rice, that is, enthusiastic fans, can provide 10 fan points every 100 days.

True love fans provide 1 fan value every 100 days.

However, 1,000 passersby fans can only increase 1 point of fan value.


Chen Lie's fan base is too big.

Even if there is overlap, even if there are zombie fans.

But at least 50,000 fan points can be earned every 100 days, which is a very stable income.

Just now.

Chen Lie was not satisfied anymore.

Even if he now counts the 30,000 fan points he just got in the lottery, he has already accumulated nearly 110,000 points, but under the increasing pressure of consumption, he has to find ways to increase the income of fans.

"Number of tasks, fan value."

"Two big mountains."

Chen Lie sighed and came to the charity field that hadn't been here for a long time.

"There are so many abandoned pets!"

Chen Lie couldn't help shaking his head when seeing the explosion of charity pets here.

He knew why this happened.

Because the annual anniversary celebrations will be promoted vigorously, there are many novel pets appearing, so the number of pets will skyrocket, and those pets that do not like the host are naturally the objects of abandonment.


There will also be a large number of pets participating in the celebration competition, but abandoned by the owner because of failure.

This is also the source of the surge in charity pets.

For example, Chen Lie saw a boxing kangaroo that consumes at least 30 points worth of food every day. Because of its defeat, it was abandoned on the spot.

In addition, Chen Lie also saw a super rhino with a fan value of more than 30,000, because taking the illusion potion together with some conflicting foods, the spirit will eventually produce hallucinations, will it destroy the building, and cause it to be abandoned by the owner.

There are too many such things.

"Hey, not only did I offer a reward for the number of tasks, but I also offered a reward for fans."

Chen Lie saw a batch of super pets that no one cared about for a long time, and they were half given away.

For example, a cow that can produce special milk.

Because he likes to eat spiritual plants, he consumes at least 100 fans worth of spiritual plants every day, and is eventually abandoned by the owner who cannot afford it.

And it has lived in the charity field for 7 years, no one dares to claim it.

As a result, the system had to give out 30,000 fan points and 3333 missions, begging someone to take this hateful cow away.

"It's so weird, no wonder no one brought it."

"I can raise the number, but this cow is a big consumer, so forget it."

Chen Lie just took a look and gave up decisively.

"This world really isn't so cheap to pick up."

"It seems I can only go the previous one..."

Chen Lie said, but saw a pot of abandoned insects.

Maybe some people say that bugs are also pets?

In the pet pen.

People who keep insects are no longer in the minority.

Some insects have food value and even medical value, so they are also raised on a large scale.

The insects in front of them are called bamboo insects.

But they are the most special and rarest bamboo insects, and their names are spiritual bamboo insects.

They only eat all kinds of spirit bamboo, or food made from spirit bamboo.

The higher the level of Lingzhu, the more they like it.

"Spirit bamboo worm."

"Because the price of ling bamboo is expensive, even with the lowest grade ling bamboo food, such a pot can eat 10 fan points a day."

"If Lingzhu's grade is high, it's okay to consume 100 fan points a day."

"The most terrifying thing is that the life cycle of the spiritual bamboo worm is very short, from birth to the end of life, only 10 days. So they eat from birth, the more they eat, the faster they reproduce."

"It's no wonder their owner can't hold on to abandon such a rare spiritual bamboo insect."

Chen Lie looked at the spirit bamboo worm in front of him, his frowning expression finally turned into a smile.

"Spirit bamboo insects not only have the characteristics of short life cycle and fast reproduction speed, but also one of the best."

"What kind of spiritual bamboo to eat, their mature body will condense the essence of this bamboo. If a spiritual bamboo insect eats purple bamboo shoots, then the final body of the spiritual bamboo insect is equal to the effect of 10 purple bamboo shoots. The most natural spiritual material."

"I remember that many people in the system mall were collecting the corpses of spirit bamboo worms, and they would also give different prices according to the food of the spirit bamboo, and the prices were very high."

"My purple bamboo is stimulated by the fairy condensation, which can produce a lot of bamboo and bamboo shoots. Now the purple bamboo forest has a tendency to be full, it is time to dispose of some purple bamboo."

"These purple bamboo wastes are used to feed the spirit bamboo insects, so that the spirit bamboo insects multiply."

"In this way, won't I be able to exchange the corpse of the spirit master with the system?"

The more Chen Lie thought about it, the more feasible it became.

No nonsense.

Regardless of the reward of the Spirit Bamboo Insect, directly receive the task.

Not long.

The spirit bamboo worm was sent to Chen Lie.

"Women are naturally sensitive to bugs, and calling Ren Qing and the others responsible is probably more uncomfortable than killing them."

"And I can't spend all my time on raising insects."

"Who should be responsible then?"

Chen Lie didn't want to take on these slightly disgusting chores independently.

He was accustomed to throwing his hands off the shopkeeper, and began to look for coolies.

In the end, Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense and decided...

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