The pet king of the city

Chapter 657 Purple Bamboo Rice

It's okay to put the rocket proudly announced: "Such a well-behaved pet that can help is not only as simple as my appetite, it is simply born for me."

"What a shit!"

"Although you are a god, we will not support you."

Quite a few people took the opportunity to take advantage of the black rocket.

However, Chen Lie said with a weird expression: "I guess these twin squirrels can help you solve a lot of trivial life, and can make you lazier. You like it so much, right?"

"You see through it."

"Hey, it feels uncomfortable not to have a secret."

"It seems I have to take a few more days off."

It's okay to let the rockets admit it shamelessly, and take the opportunity to be lazy.

"Lazy to the point of Rocket Shenhao, it's also a weird thing."

"Lazy is a kind of cancer, it can be cured."

"Rocket Shenhao's image is getting more and more distinct."

Amidst everyone's sighs, Chen Lie's order has exploded.

This is what Pengcheng Old Lu couldn't hold Xiao Lu and his wife's request, and continued to ask: "Pet brother, since the twin squirrels are gone, then you can help me and choose a smarter squirrel for me?"

"Sorry, all pet squirrels in this batch have just been ordered."

"Even the next batch has been ordered."

Chen Lie's last addition made Old Pengcheng Lu Deng roll his eyes.

"how come?"

"Hey, I'm too mother-in-law."

"Obviously, I'm so spiritual, but I still hesitate about this, doubt that, but I didn't get anything."

"If it were in the mall, I would have been eliminated now."

After all, Pengcheng Lao Lu is a successful person with the supremacy of money, and he naturally thinks of business matters.

As for helping Xiao Lu buy pets.

That is the past tense.

Chen Lie was too lazy to pay too much attention to it, saying: "Now we have received more than 200 orders, but the number of pet squirrels we can provide is relatively small, so we can only give priority to those who ordered first. If other people are interested in others Of pets are interesting and can be changed before shipment."

A little local tyrant asked: "Brother Pet, will other small animals be as cute as pet squirrels?"


Chen Lie replied confidently: "The pets I shot, if they don't have that kind of spirituality, they will really live longer and go back."

Everyone is accustomed to Chen Lie's confidence.

No one is so stupid to say that Chen Lie is arrogant, because the pets Chen Lie trained are all extraordinary.

A female local tyrant asked: "Brother Pet, I want a snow fox, can I?"

"This seems to be a private order!"

The thief smiled and said, "If it is, I want a civet cat, can I?"

"Ha ha."

"Look at my mood."

Chen Lie didn't want to pay attention to the demands of these local tyrants.

If you agree, then there must be all kinds of weird requests, and they are endless.

Chen Lie didn't want to toss so much.

Opening up a small pet training base will keep the whole shop busy enough, and adding more types of pets to train is purely unpleasant.

"All right."

"The next show is a singing session that everyone likes very much."

"As for the pets you ordered, I hope you will pay more patience, communicate more with pets, and teach them more action instructions."

When Chen Lie talked about this topic, he reminded him in passing: "For example, if you hold the blanket to be colder than the cold posture, you will make such an action in the future, combined with some decoys, and they will remember the instruction to take the blanket when you are cold. ."

Simply teach a pass.

Chen Lie finally opened the most popular and profitable singing session.

Chen Lie's life became increasingly busy.

The gradual formation of a small pet training base relying solely on the training of ghost squirrels is difficult to work, and it needs his host.

Everyday Chen Lie needs to show his face and suppress the spirit of top chefs from all over the world.

And the super pet shop also has a lot of chores to do, such as collecting the ingredients of the spirit bamboo worms, dealing with some difficult customers and so on.

Finally, there is his foundation-live broadcast, which is impossible to overlook.

He is not enough to split it in half by himself.

If he hadn't had a group of caring and talented confidants, and a group of super pets with extraordinary capabilities, otherwise he would have surrendered now.

I don't know how many days have passed.

The day that Kitchen King stopped signing up.

It was also the day when all the bamboos in the paradise were replaced by purple bamboos.

"The Zizhu of Paradise has finally grown to its limit."

Chen Lie looked at the forests of Zizhu, sighing.

"Level 6 Zizhu seems to have grown to its limit."

After so many days of full irrigation, grade 6 purple bamboo has not changed any more.

Especially today.

Grade 6 purple bamboo actually did not grow any purple bamboo shoots.

"It seems that the dual crazy catalysis of nutrient mud and fairy gel has limits."

Chen Lie has two catalytic methods.

Let’s not talk about nutritional mud.

In addition to Bacchus they need a lot of farming, grade 6 purple bamboo is also a big consumer. Every day at least 30% of the nutrient mud is digested by grade 6 purple bamboo.

It has lasted for a long time from nutrient mud to now.

Recently added the crazy catalyst of fairy gel.

In the end it was over.

"Huh, what is that?"

Chen Lie discovered the abnormality of Level 6 Zizhu.

At the top of grade 6 purple bamboo, the most beautiful leaves are filled with rice seeds like ears of rice.

"Bamboo rice!"

"This is impossible!"

Chen Lie exploded instantly.

Not happy, but worried.

Because bamboo rice is the seed of bamboo, after the bamboo blooms, the bamboo will die.

In general, bamboo rice is the most traditional way for bamboo to continue to be descended.

But Chen Lie didn't want it.

Even the purple bamboo shoots that grow out of grade 6 purple bamboo are only grade 5.

Although the huge 6th grade purple bamboo only grows a bunch of bamboo rice ears.

But this string of bamboo rice ears alone has at least a dozen bamboo rice.

A dozen bamboo rice are produced in one breath. That is the rhythm to be played.

A dozen of grade 6 purple bamboos may be grade 5 or even grade 4. Who wants to?

Chen Lie wouldn't change even if the number of exchanges was added to 0.

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