Now this world.

Money can buy a lot of things, even if it is a giant tree.

Not to mention the domestic ones, but there is a clear plant market internationally, and all kinds of trees have corresponding prices.

Take the countries in Southeast Asia as an example.

As long as they can spend enough money, they can send a thousand-year giant tree to their doorstep.

"Wait, I remember it is in the system mall."

"And it was in the system exchange area."

Chen Lie immediately entered the system mall.

Saplings of ancient war trees, level 4 super plants, inspired by Western mythology, can grow into ancient war trees of level 7 in the future.

"It's just a seedling. It's crazy to exchange for a potion that is worth 80,000 fans."

Chen Lie was tempted to see it.

After seeing the price, it instantly languished.

It's not that I can't afford it, but the price is completely unreasonable.

What's more, what Chen Lie wants to buy is a giant tree, not a seedling.

When the seedlings grew into giant trees, Chen Lie was in the soil.

In desperation, Chen Lie could only continue shopping.

He searches for more targets.

Xiao Jianmu (during the sapling period) is a level 5 super plant whose creativity comes from mythology, a paradise where all animals inhabit, and can grow into a level 7 super plant in the future.

"I rub, they are all mythical things."

"Moreover, even when Xiao Jianmu is in the sapling period, the scale is comparable to those more than 20-meter-high giant trees that only four adults can hold."

"It's just an exchange condition."

Chen Lie hesitated.

The legendary Jianmu is a bridge between heaven, earth, man and god.

All emperors such as Fuxi and Huangdi traveled up and down the heavenly court through this sacred ladder.

But it was in the sapling period, and it would take at least a few hundred years to fully grow. Chen Lie didn't have to wait that long.

Even if Chen Lie doesn't have to wait, he can use it.

But the price of level 5 super plants is not something that can be exchanged for ordinary things.

This is not.

The exchanger asked for a 5th level small super pet, or 10 antiques with at least a thousand years of history.

Because the exchanger is a historian.

"Level 5 small super pet."

"The ghost is."

"But even if you get to level 6 plants, I won't exchange ghost talents."

Chen Lie looked at the conditions behind, and muttered: "10 antiques with a history of at least a thousand years. I seem to have a lot of them. The treasures of the ghosts, the treasures of the Southern Song Dynasty royal family, the shipwreck of the sea merchants, the giant snake temple of the Inca Empire Treasures, many religious tokens of ancient Egypt..."

"I wipe it."

"A careful calculation, I have a lot of antiques."

Chen Lie's expression suddenly became weird, and he murmured: "The treasures obtained in the Giant Snake Temple alone are enough to shock the world, and each one has a history of more than a thousand years. There are only 10 antiques with a thousand years of history. "

"Don't say it is 10 pieces, 100 pieces are fine."

"I seem to have met a fool."

Chen Lie smiled, and then he denied himself: "Antiques are purely hobby. In my eyes, they are just interesting antiquities, but in the eyes of historians, they are priceless."

There are too many things in reality about this kind of arrogant look at mung beans.

For example, Tian Huangshi and jade.

In the eyes of some people, it is just a beautiful stone, but in the eyes of lovers, it is a desirable treasure.

Another example is a certain game. Some people feel that plaything is frustrating, but some people regard it as a lifelong hobby.

Such a thing is impossible to say.

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He randomly selected 10 Inca antiques and traded them directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for successfully trading in the level 5 super plant Xiaojianmu."

"May I ask whether the customer chooses to receive the Earth currency or receive it immediately."

Chen Lie heard the system prompt and found that it was safer to receive it remotely without prompting. After a brief inquiry, he was relieved.

Because Xiao Jianmu was too swagger.

No matter how remote, the effect is similar.

But if you choose to receive it immediately, the chance of being suspected is much higher than usual.

Therefore, the system gives a non-existent statement: simply use [Earth Currency] to solve such things.

after all.

Buying and selling trees on the earth is too common.

Normal to no one will notice.

"Earth currency receipt."

After Chen Lie saw the RMB he needed to pay, he did not hesitate to choose the earth currency to receive, and the destination was his big paradise.

At the next moment, the system reported: "Congratulations to the customer, the system has placed an order for the customer, and Xiao Jianmu will be delivered directly to the Great Paradise in 3 days."

"The system never fails."

"In this way, Bacchus's home will be lost."

Chen Lie was very satisfied with this exchange.

I didn't pay anything, I just used things I didn't use, and it was still a foreigner's antique, and moved to the home of 4 super pets.

As for the various side effects of Xiao Jianmu, Chen Lie didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"From this time, it seems that the system evaluation is not very high antique, in fact, it also satisfies the hobbies of some people."

"The things I used to hide in the trading area, the exchange conditions must be changed."

"Otherwise, if someone picks it up, I can't even cry."

After Chen Lie increased the exchange price as quickly as possible, he continued to browse the exchange area.

Don't tell me.

Charity pets in the field of system charity have exploded, especially here.

Many people feel that their pets are still valuable, or the items they buy are good, and they are reluctant to abandon them, so they just use it here to trade and see.

This is not.

Chen Lie saw a well-raised 5th-level fighting black bear and wanted to exchange a bottle of high-level comprehensive potion.

It stands to reason that the price of high-level single-attribute potions is approximately equal to that of ordinary level 4 super pets, and the price of high-level multi-attribute potions is approximately equal to that of ordinary level 5 super pets.

The high-level comprehensive medicine is the best high-level multi-attribute medicine, and the price is almost comparable to that of the quasi-6 super pet.


Fighting black bears are just ordinary level 5 super pets.

Chen Lie looked at the explanation and understood why the seller was so confident.

Because this fighting black bear is a fighting pet specially trained by him...

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