The pet king of the city

Chapter 663 First Emperor Fish Ball

Not long after Chen Lie walked out, he discovered that someone actually wanted to make a famous delicacy:

Shi Huang Fish Balls.

Since Shihuang Fish Balls have the name [Shihuang], they are naturally related to Qin Shihuang.

According to the records of barnyard history, Qin Shihuang tasted good fish. After he unified the country and became the emperor, he needed to have fish for every meal, but no bones. If there were fish bones, the chef was given death, and several chefs died for it.

The saddest thing is that if you cook the fish broth, you are afraid that there will be suspicion of cursing Qin Shihuang's "bone to pieces", and the consequence will be to rob the family.

One day, a certain chef made an imperial meal, and when he saw the fish was timid and fierce, he smashed the fish with the back of a kitchen knife to vent.

After smashing it twice, he was surprised to find that the bones of fish bones were automatically exposed, and the fish flesh became fish paste.

At this moment, the meal was delivered in the palace, and the chef picked out the fish bones and squeezed the fish paste into balls. Without thinking, he poured them into the boiling leopard fetus soup, and the gluttony became balls.

After a while, one by one, the fish balls were white, soft and crystal clear, and tasted fresh and tender fish balls floated on the surface of the soup and presented them to Qin Shihuang.

The first emperor tasted it, praised it, and ordered a reward.

Later, this practice gradually spread from the palace to the folks, and it was called "", which is the fish ball of later generations.

However, the history is recorded by literati, and the food is not so detailed.

Only the food world knew that the fish balls that Qin Shihuang ate were not simple fish balls.

After all, Qin Shihuang had eaten the food of the six countries, how could he appreciate the mere fish balls.

The real Shihuang Fish Ball is still on the [Leopard Fetus Soup] recorded in historical data.

Many people know the tiger and leopard Leiyin, but do not know the idiom of tiger bone and leopard fetus.

In fact, these idioms all indicate that tiger bones and leopard fetuses are objects of the same meaning.

What's the use of tiger bone soup?

Samurai likes most of the things used to forge bones.

Moreover, the tiger bone soup can strengthen the blood, taste fresh and rich, it can be described as the best in the world.

Where can the fish balls boiled in this soup base go bad?

But now let alone tiger bones, even tiger hair is hard to get.

Someone restores such a delicacy, it is a crime.


"It's really interesting!"

Chen Lie's nose moved, and then the corners of his mouth rose. He gave the stranger a funny look, and then left him.

He believed.

The two sides will meet soon.

The fact is also true.

Jin and Silver Spoon, who was a guest on the show, also discovered this guy who does not represent the East, but does its signature food.

"It turns out to be the chef of Ryukyu!"

"The kitchen king of Ryukyu is very powerful. After all, they are in the same vein as us. There were many famous chefs back then, especially the famous chefs who served the Qing Dynasty and the high-level people of the Republic of China. They ran to Ryukyu because of the turmoil."

"Well, I also heard that the ancestor of this Ryukyu city was the first imperial chef of the Qing Dynasty. The family tradition is very powerful."

Jin Yin Spoon and others began to whisper.

Chen Lie's hearing is good. After listening to their chat, he will know the identity of this person.

He had heard of this Ryukyu Kitchen King before, and he was very powerful, even if he was not at the level of Bei Qiao Shan Nan Naughty Boy, he was stronger than Xiao Chu Wang Lei Yuan.

He dares to stand here now, he must be confident.

And this Ryukyu Chef King was obviously prepared long ago.

A soup that needs to be simmered for at least 5 hours. After applying for and preparing it in advance, he made the signature delicacy in just one hour and stood up.

"Mr. Chen, please comment on my Shi Huang Fish Ball Soup?"

The chef of Ryukyu City actually skipped the decent judges and directly asked to fight: "Thanks to Mr. Chen's guidance, my old friend is going back early now."

"Your old friend?"

Chen Lie was puzzled.

"Ginseng Chicken Soup."

The chef of Ryukyu City named a medicated meal.

"Oh, that's the guy who is eager for quick success."

Chen Lie waved his hand and said: "It's all about opportunistic tricks. If you don't have the skills, you can use it to mess around. That's not a shame for yourself. Anyway, things are gathered in groups, and people are divided in groups. You..."

Chen Lie murmured here, deliberately looking at the Master Chef of Ryukyu City with a careful look, as if he was the same thing.


Ryukyu Kitchen King is worthy of being the King Kitchen, and his temper cannot be controlled. He said: "It is useless to say more, please comment on the advantages and disadvantages of my delicacy."

"it is good."

Chen Lie looked at the judges and asked: "I will try first, don't you mind?"

With Chen Lie as the core, the judges shook their heads.

They are all the world's top gourmet figures, either at the level of international royal chefs, or as representatives of the world's top ten gourmet magazines, or retired chef kings.

The 30-person judge lineup can be said to be the most gorgeous food judge lineup in the world today.

And the chefs of the competition.

The masterpiece must attract at least 12 people among them. In the end, these 12 people subtract the highest and lowest scores. The final total score is the first half score.

This selection method is already the most appropriate method for synthesis.

after all.

There are more than 80 chefs present.

Even if I only eat one bite of each dish, that is more than 80 bites.

Who can support it?

So this kind of approach like rotation and brainstorming is the most appropriate.

"Not bad. The fish balls are very round, the color is pure and white, and the color is like the finest white porcelain, which greatly increases the appetite."

Chen Lie took the first bite and nodded approvingly: "Moreover, the taste is delicate, delicious and smooth."

Then Chen Lie took a second bite fiercely and continued to admire: "It is full of elasticity, yet crispy but not greasy. It is a perfect match with the incense and delicious tiger bone soup."

"Thanks for the compliment."

The chef of Ryukyu City seems to have eaten the wrong bite, and actively asks for the shortcomings: "But I have finished talking, I hope you can tell me my shortcomings, so that I can improve."

This is provoking.

Maybe the chef of Ryukyu is very satisfied with his masterpiece and feels that there is no flaw at all, so he wants Chen Lie to deliberately find the fault and then fight back.

I didn't want Chen Lie to reply naturally, "Even if you don't ask for it, I will say, after all, the problem with this soup is a bit different..."

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