"Gravity topography is easy to identify, that is, a large area of ​​geological formation is moved downward due to gravity, and new geological formations appear on the side."

Chen Lie pointed to the exposed roadside, along a line, the clear topography, introduced in great detail: "There are many such landforms in Funiu Mountain. Look there, there have been serious landslides. I must take care of it. alert."

When walking in snow-capped mountains, beware of avalanches, and you have to be more careful when walking in mountainous areas with too much rain. Disasters such as mountain torrents, mudslides, landslides, etc. cannot be resisted by martial arts experts.

"Here is an area where there are mountain slopes, valleys or road slopes above 60. Landslides are prone to occur during the rainy season and when the snow melts in spring, so the effect of gravity is more obvious."

"Look here, there are not too many traces of humans here, but wild animals are still pitiful. This is one of the manifestations that animals know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"But now is not the time to care about these."

What Chen Lie said seemed to be nonsense.

But it is directly related to him.

Some people who like to travel, especially those traveling friends, can't help but nod their heads and admire them.

Although many of them are just ordinary fans, ordinary fans also have gifts, and the scene of a large number of free gifts on the screen is also very shocking.

"Brother Pet, tell us what the martial arts village looks like?"

It’s okay to put the rocket’s focus on differently, and asked with a grin, “Is it true that the whole village is martial arts masters as it is said on TV, and even an old lady who takes out the garbage can easily knock people off?”

"Real martial arts is amazing."

"To some extent, martial arts are used to kill people."

Chen Lie recalled: "In ancient times, in the social environment, if you went out to visit relatives in the next village, you might encounter bandits and horse bandits. They didn't know how to practice martial arts? So people at that time learned some self-defense skills. At that time, martial arts were just like people now know how to read, it was a basic life skill."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie asked with a smile: "You can read a postgraduate or a doctorate, and finally you can become a writer. The ancients can naturally also practice martial arts to become the masters we imagined. For example, in ancient times, many fighters were The ability to shoot a group of people and flip the tank with one hand is not a boast. But what about modern times? It is estimated that only those strong men who have been specially trained can do it, right?"

Many people nodded in agreement.

"Don't study this ancient question."

"In a civilized society, you have to lose money when you hit an individual, so there are fewer and fewer people practicing martial arts."

"When you get to this martial arts village, you will probably know."

Chen Lie swiftly climbed the mountains and ridges with meteors, and quickly approached the martial arts village that had a road but no car to reach.

"It is said that this village of martial arts was a group of martial artists who were persecuted by innocent people who fled there and was taken in by the locals."

"Later, the group of fugitive martial artists took root there and eventually became a famous martial arts village nearby."

Chen Lie took a shortcut, but it still took more than half an hour to reach the entrance of the village.

He pointed to the mountain road that was built halfway up the mountain and the car couldn't drive up, and even the bicycle had to be carried up. He said, "Hey, everyone now knows why the car can't get here, right?"

Many people agreed.


When the militiamen in the village saw Chen Lie, they approached immediately.

However, their pace was ridiculously fast.

What's even more outrageous is that on the downhill road of about 40 degrees, they ran up like their feet on the ground, with a steady word written in the uniform.

"Have you seen it?"

Chen Lie pointed and said: "They all have a basic foundation in martial arts. It's a pity that they learned very rough; if they can master the entry level, they can get down twice as fast, and the same secure."

"Is this good enough?"

"It's more than 40 degrees on the road, and you can run down the mountain. It's already very powerful."

"If it were me, running like this would definitely be rolling down the mountain."

The fans disagreed, and they hacked themselves.

"Huh, pet brother!"

One of them clearly knew Chen Lie.

"Pet brother is mighty, there are fans of pet brother even here!"

"My pet brother in society has a lot of fans."

"I'm curious how to watch Brother Pet's live broadcast here."

Chen Lie's hardcores are amazed.

"Brother Pet, I am one of the million irons."

"I am organized!"

The fan who recognized Chen Lie was very excited and spoke a little incoherent.

"It's good to know me, I thought I had to explain a lot."

Chen Lie was a little surprised.

There is a corroboration.

The next scene is very simple.

Under the leadership of this supportive and organized fan, Chen Lie came to the Wushu Village and was warmly welcomed.

Especially the village head.

I heard that Chen Lie is the world's number one anchor, and every live broadcast can be spread to the world, immediately enthusiastic.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that this is a good publicity opportunity.

"Sorry, I am here just to investigate some things."

"I will leave after a while. There is really not much time to stay."

Chen Lie refused the invitation of the village chief.

"It's ok."

After the village chief was disappointed, he quickly cheered up and said: "Mr. Chen has anything to investigate, we will do our best to cooperate."

Chen Lie asked, "I just wanted to ask, did you spot the orangutans earlier yesterday?"

"Not only to find out, but also to fight!"

When the village head heard about the orangutan, he said angrily: “The orangutan is not our eastern species at all. I am afraid that its appearance will destroy the ecological balance of Funiu Mountain. So after we discovered it, we wanted to catch it, but did not want to be caught by it. Three people were injured."


Chen Lie remembered that there was a hard-working comment in the evaluation of the farmer orangutan.

It is precisely their nature that makes them work pets and has not been eliminated.

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