The pet king of the city

Chapter 681 Exploring the Secret of the Farmer Orangutan

Farmer orangutans are born with supernatural power, and are more vigorous than monkeys, jumping and swinging, it is almost no different from flying.

Soon the farmer orangutan disappeared into Xiao Hei's barking and Chen Lie's vision.

"M's, chasing lost."

Chen Lie was very upset.

Although it was not his fault, such a delay made it feel like a rush.

"Happy to see and hear!"

"Seeing pet brother's rare failure, everyone is happy."

"My pet looks so handsome when he's deflated, let's come a few times."

Seeing Chen Lie's helpless appearance, everyone laughed and molested.

"Just keep having fun."

Chen Lie looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, I have to prepare in advance. Anyway, the orangutan's tail has already been caught, and it will not be too late to catch it tomorrow."

"Excuses! Full of excuses!"

"Routine! All are routines!"

Chen Lie's irons are not willing to let go of this opportunity.

It's okay to release the rocket to destroy the formation again: "Pet brother, remember to see what the orangutan took? I am not willing to let go after being chased. It is definitely not an ordinary thing."

"Hmph, when I see its secrets, I will close the live broadcast directly, I am so curious about you."

Chen Lie also retaliated publicly.

As soon as he said this, he immediately received countless pop-ups.

Of course they all scolded him.

It is in this lively atmosphere that the time quickly reaches night.

Chen Lie made a simple tree house to avoid being attacked by wild animals.

There was also a bonfire on the ground.

"The audience who got up, it's time for everyone's favorite food again."

Chen Lie got everything ready.

Amid protests and grievances in the live broadcast room, he set up the iron plate he brought.

"I wanted to cook a pot of chowder soup, but I thought it was too luxurious."

Chen Lieliang said today’s harvest, saying: “It’s all pure natural green food. Where can I find such good ingredients? The hodgepodge is too wasteful, so I plan to make it a little more delicate.”

"What you do is hurt."

"And it's all crit."

If there is nothing to release the rocket, it instantly resonates with countless people.

"Autumn is the harvest of all things, many plants bloom after absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and it is also a good time to enjoy this harvest."

Chen Lie said with a smile and suggested: "At this time, you should buy some seasonal wild vegetables and go home to try."

But it's okay to release the rocket and immediately see through Chen Lie's conspiracy, questioning: "Pet brother, how do I think you are showing off?"

"You can actually tell."

Chen Lie expressed surprise.


It's okay to put the rocket to dub himself: "Pet brother, your surprise caused me tons of damage."

"Then you get hurt slowly, I don't have time."

"Look, my iron plates are hot."

"These are the essence of nature, not to be wasted."

Chen Lie brushed a layer of oil and started to fry.

"I know many people are inexplicable."

Chen Lie pointed to the mushrooms that were picked out, and said: "The method of frying fresh mushrooms is very simple. Wash them but don't soak them, because the water will be too much after soaking, which will affect the final taste."

"Moreover, the best choice of shiitake mushrooms is fresh, preferably thicker fresh mushrooms, so that there will not be too much conflict in taste."

"The final heat should be controlled well, because shiitake mushrooms can easily be disturbed by the heat."

With that said, Chen Lie poured in the mushrooms and fry them in a proper heat. After the mushrooms were slightly browned and fragrant, quickly put in the cut spices and stir-fried a few times with salt to get out of the iron plate.


Chen Lie made the fried shiitake mushrooms.

Ready to make the second one.

It's just that many fans have seen this shameless vegetable-fried shiitake mushrooms, just glanced at it, and looked at Chen Lie with grateful eyes.

It's okay to put the rocket directly, and he jokes: "Pet brother, I don't believe that such a simple dish will be delicious."

"You'll know later."

Chen Lie didn't mind.

This dish of fried shiitake mushrooms is indeed simple.

But if someone is on the scene, it is guaranteed to be robbed.

Then he took out the elm tree money, used a stir-fry method, and sprinkled it with a layer of cooking, and it was done.

"Is not it simple?"

Chen Lie showed a satisfied expression after being sent to the importer.

The thief smiled and said, "Pet brother, don't deceive yourself. Such simple wild vegetables and such simple cooking are personal skills. I don't believe where they can be delicious."

But he was beaten in the face soon.

Because Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard eat with relish.

Then, because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, the two super pets also had a little conflict.

"I remember that cats and dogs are not vegetarian."

"Even the non-vegetarian dogs and cats almost fight each other. It seems we underestimated them."

"Cut, Brother Pet is a well-known God of Cookery. Others can't invite millions of rewards. How can he make bad food?"

The last sentence is the truth.

Many people watched the video pitifully and swallowed secretly.

"Today's vegetarian meal is not bad."

"Although not satisfied enough, I finally fed my stomach."

Chen Lie stretched his waist and said: "Today, chasing the orangutan is exhausted physically and mentally. It's time to take a rest.

"What rest, get up and wave."

"What is the wave, get up and hi."

"Hi what, get up and sing!"


Chen Lie's army of die-hard fans successfully brought a wave of rhythm.

Finally, under everyone's persuasion, Chen Lie had to sing a few songs to deal with the scene.

With the appearance of cooleyes, foreign gods, and generous rewards, the atmosphere once again reached high chao.

The live broadcast ends.

Chen Lie closed the live broadcast.

But Chen Lie didn't go to bed right away.

He opened today's live video and started to go backwards until the scene where the farmer orangutan appeared.


Chen Lie pressed pause and locked the moment when the farmer orangutan was shocked and exposed.

On the live broadcast today, Chen Lie was inconvenient.

But now that you have time and don't be afraid of exposure, Chen Lie naturally wants to investigate clearly.


Chen Lie keeps expanding and uses the system to make it clear.

With the expansion and clarity of the video, the farmer orangutan gradually revealed the last secret...

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