The pet king of the city

Chapter 688: The Mystery in the Stone Painting

The first centipede appeared under the light.

Then came more centipedes.

The sea of ​​centipedes is getting denser.

"What's wrong with pet brother? Your expression is so scary!"

"I'm going! So many centipedes!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pet brother, run!"

The fans are crazy.

They were all scared to death by the sea of ​​centipedes in front of them.

Those female fans kept screaming.

Chen Lie took back the mini-live footage and ran away without hesitation.

This kind of centipede sea, even if he brings all the super pets, it will not help.

Quickly return to the previous palace.

As a result, Chen Lie froze.

A large number of centipedes came out from nowhere, and fell on stone statues, weapons, and even a lot of ground.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and immediately picked up Xiao Hei and charged.

I don't know how many centipedes were trampled to death on the way.

A large amount of venom mixed with some inexplicable things splashed all over the ground.

The scariest thing is that Chen Lie's soles actually show signs of corrosion.

But he obviously didn't have time to pay attention to so much.


He quickly rushed out of the secret tunnel.

"My grass!"

However, Chen Lie was still too naive.

As soon as he walked out of the hidden stone door, he noticed a large number of scorpions on the road.

These scorpions are all the same species, and they are all unknown species.

Seeing their fiery red poisonous tails raised up high and looking hideous, Chen Lie was angry but could not vent.

"M's, I can't wait to have a shovel now, a slap shot will surely end many things."

"Hey, why doesn't it respond, what about my live broadcaster?"

Chen Lie realized that his live broadcast was missing.

He took a look at the mini live camera and found that the fixed live camera was lost in the palace. It was now covered with all kinds of centipedes, and there was a wailing in the studio.

"It's just convenient for me to act alone."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Since the way forward and the way back are blocked.

Then he can only continue to go all the way down this left passage.

No choice.

Go all the way.

Except for the occasional poisonous scorpion, there is really no other threat.

"M's, it's too abnormal here."

"I don't know how so many poisons are raised here."

Chen Lie walked down with grievances.


The end appeared.

The end of the passage on the left appeared, and at the end was a wall carved with paintings.

So immortal.

This painting turned out to be the stone-engraved version of "Yue Fei's Soldiers"

"its not right."

"Although this painting is finely carved, I always feel that it is a bit different from my family's "Yue Fei Pointing Soldiers"."

Chen Lie looked at the stone painting and studied it carefully.

He can't go back at all now.

You can only start with the painting in front of you.

Chen Lie didn't have time to waste, so he turned to the system directly: "System, give me an appraisal of the difference between this stone painting and the "Yue Fei Point Soldiers" in my house."

"Ding, this is not "Yue Fei's Pawn Map", it's just a very common Pawn Map."

"The picture of Yue Fei's Soldiers in the client's house is the result of deepening and artistic development on the basis of this type of painting."

Listening to the system's identification, Chen Lie suddenly realized: "Yes, when the Northern Song Dynasty fell, Yue Fei hadn't risen yet."

"That means this is original, no wonder it looks so familiar."

"But since it's original..."

Chen Lie rubbed the stone painting, and finally found something abnormal.


There is no Yue Fei in the original picture of "Yue Fei's Soldiers", but the position that belongs to Yue Fei is specially vacant, as if waiting for a later person to carve out a general here.

"Specially vacated..."

Chen Lie rubbed in this position.


Found the mechanism.

There is a very hidden mechanism in this location.

Chen Lie pressed it down, and the stone painting began to shake.

It was another hidden stone door.

Chen Lie was pleasantly surprised and waited for the exhaust gas to flow in immediately.

The road is a tunnel that leads to the underground.

The end of the tunnel is the same as before, a palace.

But this palace is even bigger and more magnificent. There are imaginary dragons and phoenixes in it, and there are treasure chests for storing things.

"I wipe it, it's all Jin Sinan!"

Chen Lie almost stared out.

Golden Sinensis is a precious wood unique to China and belongs to China's national secondary protected plant.

Phyllostachys japonicus has a fragrance, straight texture and fine structure, it is not easy to deform and crack, and the surface of the wood shines with gold in the sun, golden threads emerge, and has an elegant fragrance. It is a special wood for royal palaces and a few temples.

"With so many Jin Sinan, only Zhao Ji, the richest person at the time, was qualified."

"Hey, this seems to be the legendary royal oil film, which is said to be incorruptible for thousands of years."

"The blood book was wrapped in this stuff before."

With Chen Lie's excavation, he discovered that there are more secrets here.

Each treasure chest here has a fixed key.

At that time Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

After using violent means to pry open a treasure chest, he found that it was full of paintings and calligraphy, and they were all Zhao Ji's favorites.

Pry open the second treasure chest.

This time it is even simpler. Inside are all precious sculptures, several of which are sculptures of Jin Si Nan by Zhao Ji.

Others such as Buddhist beads, odd carvings, etc., are dazzling, all of which are rare wood carving masterpieces.

Because golden nanmu is hardwood, it is hard and not perishable.

Moreover, the golden nanmu is an old material that is naturally oxidized and carbonized by ordinary nanmu for a long time, and its organic matter content is also reduced during the period, and it is not perishable.

There is also a saying that the fiber structure of golden nanmu is more breathable and is more conducive to the drainage of water vapor. Coupled with the anti-corrosion treatment technology of wood in ancient my country, it can survive for thousands of years even if it does not contain preservatives.

So they are precious, so precious that only a few people can use them to play carving.

Zhao Ji is one of them.

"still alright."

Chen Lie ignored it.

He came to the most conspicuous box.

There is a small wooden box on this box, no nonsense, take the lead in prying open the small wooden box.

Inside are several ancient books.

And it's not Zhao Ji's kind of wind and snow, but the record of raising poisonous insects.

"I suspect that the centipedes, scorpion vipers, etc. outside are related to these books."

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