"Is this local tyrant stupid? Now the price of Jinsinan has fallen to a dog, and a wooden sculpture is worth 280,000 yuan!"

As soon as this mean-mouthed fan said it, he immediately encountered a lot of insults, but more people echoed his statement.

In the past few years, the price of golden nanmu was extremely outrageous, even more exaggerated than the room.

But after the bubble burst, the price of golden nanmu plummeted, from tens of millions of sticks to 20,000 tons, no one wanted them, but from heaven to hell.

"Idiot, this is an antique."

"It cannot be measured by common sense."

Professor Gu stood up and said something fair: "Looking at the carvings and the layout, they are definitely not ordinary wood carvings. Those who can be collected so carefully must be big people, so 280,000 yuan is not very expensive, or even a little low. If it were the emperor, then the price of this wood carving might be even higher."

"Yes, the ancient emperors liked golden nan wood carvings."

"After all, the royal family chose golden nanmu. The picture shows the cut surface of the wood with shining golden threads. Different cutting methods and viewing angles have different brightness and light and mechanism. Let alone the extravagance, it is said that it is as resistant to play. Super other wood."

Speaking of this, Professor Gu asked: "Mr. Chen, the royal family not only uses golden nanmu to make big pieces, but also often makes small pieces to play with. Didn't you come out with more treasures?"


"This thing is purely picked up."

Chen Lie babbled casually.

He has entered the treasure land many times, but returned empty-handed again and again, which is too unlucky.

It was a coincidence.

So he made one specially this time, purely to confuse his judgment.

Enough rest.

Nonsense is enough to be foolish.

"Well, I've delayed too much time, it's time to return to the subject."

"I guess I still can't catch that orangutan today."

Chen Lie got up with a sigh.

Abandon the package and move on.


Before the bonfire, Chen Lie was lost in thought.

The pot on the campfire is exuding the aroma of transpiration.

This is snake meat soup.

Snake bone is the soup base, and snake meat is the main ingredient.

The two-meter-long venomous snake he killed in the underground palace this morning was a big pot of snake soup.

Gourmet current.

Chen Lie shouldn't be like this.

But because he turned around today and found that the last trace was actually near the underground palace, he was a little confused.

"I tracked the orangutans today, basically it was spinning."

"Either the orangutan did it deliberately, or the orangutan was originally nearby, so the smell was messy."

Chen Lie is a little depressed now.

Although he spent a lot of time in the underground palace today, it didn't take long to actually hunt down the farmer orangutan.

But that is close to two hours.

Two hours of futility.

It is not exhaustion, but depression.

"If the farmer's orangutan did it deliberately, it shows that its intelligence is high, which is a good thing or a bad thing."

"The good thing is that you can have a clever pet in the future, but the bad thing is that it will be much more difficult to catch it now."

Chen Lie kept tapping the iron plate, his thoughts moved.

But he did not forget the situation in the pot.

When the fire reached a certain level, he sprinkled the spices that had been cut in advance.

Then continue to analyze the matter one by one: "If it is the latter, it means that the farmer’s orangutan’s medicine field is nearby. If the farmer’s orangutan’s medicine field is nearby, it will naturally cause odor confusion and the interference of Xiaohei and Silver Leopard will lose accuracy Judgment."

"In that case."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He summoned the Mini Apache, used today's rotating range as the scanning area, and conducted a full search.

Just find the farmer orangutan, or the medicine field.

The answer is equivalent to being revealed.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Chen!"

A team rushed in the wind and dust against the cold of the night.

It is not Professor Wang, but he knows him.

Because one of them is Professor Wang's proud student, what is his name.

Chen Lie forgot.

Professor Wang’s proud student said: “Mr. Chen, it’s me. I met you in Zizhu Village and had two drinks with you.”

"I remember that."

Chen Lie nodded vaguely.

"Mr. Chen, I am the leader of the first condemnation team, and I am glad to meet you."

"We got here first, it doesn't mean that we are the best team."

"Because when Mr. Chen discovered the underground palace, we happened to be doing some research nearby, so we were authorized to rush over."

After shook hands with Chen Lie, Team Leader Tu first explained: "Our helicopter discovered that there is a bright light nearby an hour ago. Based on the coordinates you gave and the background of the live broadcast room, we concluded that it was Mr. Chen, so we came first. Join you."

Team Leader Tu could tell from clues that Chen Lie's position was definitely a talent.

"You are very smart."

Chen Lie never felt that he was the only smart person in the world.

Now, naturally, Team Leader Tu will not hide and tuck him openly, saying: "The basic goal is to find the location of the thief and underground palace, and analyze the possibility of entering the underground palace to avoid unnecessary casualties."

They had already watched Chen Lie's video and knew the dangers in the underground palace, so naturally they did not dare to take it lightly.

Chen Lie asked with a smile: "So you want me to support you?"

Team Leader Tu nodded and said: "Yes, we dare not force Mr. Chen to take any risky actions, just to reduce our casualties."

Chen Lie nodded and asked, "I just mentioned the basic goal, what about your ultimate goal?"

Leader Tu bluntly replied: "Our ultimate goal is naturally to crack out all the secrets of the underground palace, and then hand it over to relevant departments such as culture to develop it into a brand new tourist attraction."

"It's easy."

Chen Lie selectively stated the route he had taken.

Then set some dangerous settings, focusing on the dangers of centipede sea, scorpion wave and so on.

"Thank you Mr. Chen!"

"With these information from Mr. Chen, we can reduce a lot of casualties."

Leader Tu was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

"Don't talk about those imaginary now."

"I want to know now, when will your follow-up army arrive?"

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