The battle for hegemony in IWC has entered a white-hot stage.

Three corpses near the super pet shop were also found.

Because it is a sensitive moment, the police will be there immediately and the scene will be sealed off.

The appraisal expert has also arrived.

"Strange, it was obviously burned to death."

"Spontaneous combustion from inside the body."

The appraisal expert checked several times and wondered: "But this type of death is basically chemical injection, but all the dead are not ordinary people, especially this sniper, but there is a top killer in the killer world."

"My God, where's the killer!"

"He died here somehow."

The old knife with sweat on his forehead asked, "Dude, can you find out what caused them to ignite? This method of death is too weird and it should be easy to investigate."


"There are several spontaneous gadgets in this world, but the scene is obviously not."

The appraisal expert shook his head and said: "I have detected that the deceased may have eaten chili peppers, but there is no sign of this in his mouth or stomach. And I think as the world's top killer, it is absolutely impossible to be stupid enough to eat peppers that easily reveal traces before performing the mission. chili."

They never dreamed that it was really caused by pepper.

It's just that this pepper is 10 times more terrifying than the Hellfire pepper that Chen Lie used to deal with mercenaries. It is produced by the system. After the essence is extracted, it is concentrated into the essence and installed in the tail needle of the enhanced version of the spy bee.

Even the fire of hell can burn people, not to mention the more terrifying system pepper essence.

It can be said.

System pepper essence is an alternative toxin.

It is equal to the fire poison in the fantasy fairy tale novel.

Such a toxin, paired with an enhanced version of the spy bee, it is simply...

No matter how clever the sniper is, can he detect the bees flying high in the sky?

Even if the sniper is agile, can he avoid the tail needle attack of bullet speed?

So the moment the sniper was spotted, his death was inevitable.

This time it is destined to be a mystery.

There is never a mystery of evidence.

"The soup is fresh and sweet, mixed with light spices to form a perfect taste, I give it 9 points."

"The soup base is cooked perfectly, and every ingredient is endless. For this technique, I will give you 9 points."

"First-class technology, first-class appearance, first-class taste, I give you full marks as encouragement."

"Needless to say, full marks! Undoubted full marks!"

The masterpiece of Western Chef King has won a lot of applause.

His masterpieces are very good and representative, but they don’t have the luxury of the chef King Illy, the embarrassing fineness of the chef JP, and the perfection of the ancient Dongmen that is so delicious that the enemy has to admire. .

and so.

The masterpiece of Western Kitchen King only scored 9 points for a large area and 10 points sporadically.

But the one who was looking for something came.

"This dish is indeed a rare delicacy, but it is purely a smorgasbord, Arabic style blended with Latin style, and it tastes nondescript."

"This is a pile of skills, it seems to be showing off skills, it happens to be the type I hate, so I can only give 8 points."

As a result, the conflicting comments came down, and the Western Kitchen King finally got only 451 points, which is 3 points lower than JP Kitchen King.

The Western Chef King who was originally confident, gritted his teeth and looked at the few who gave low marks.

But he found sadly that these guys all had grudges.

Either they have been defeated by themselves in the international arena, or they have been mocked by themselves, and some are enemies of life and death in business.

He was speechless all of a sudden.

Can only accept this helpless reality.

"Mine is done."

The ghost chef of the biological flower country kitchen king seemed not afraid of any competition, and slowly processed the last process, and sent the signature dishes he made to 78 judges.

Ghost Chef chose a very simple delicacy:

Mushroom bibimbap.

Huaguo people's pursuit of food is relatively simple, so their dishes are also very simple, nutritious is not difficult to eat enough.

Mushroom bibimbap is a nutritious delicacy popular all over the world and can be made at home with a little thought.

It's just that the Huaguo people don't have any cooking skills. Even if the oriental people find food that anyone can make on the road, they find it troublesome and complicated.

So such delicacies basically appear in restaurants.

But because of its nutrition and taste, it is very popular in many restaurants.

"I don't believe it!"

Ghost Chef watched his subordinates present plates of exquisite and flavorful delicacies to the judges. He confidently said in his heart: "Although my delicacy sings this time, I have accepted the lessons of those fools. Use simple delicacies to perfuse things."

The mushroom bibimbap chosen by Ghost Chef this time is not simple.

It is not simple, but also connotative.

It will definitely surprise people.

"Okay, great!"

Nantong took a bite and exclaimed: "You use an unprecedented cooking method to make the flavor of shiitake mushrooms more intense and lasting. Combined with your exclusive secret sauce, it blends into a long-lasting mushroom fragrance. It's like a unique melody atmosphere."

Sighing at this point, Nan Naughty sighed: "You really have reached that state, but it's a pity that you chose the wrong path."

The ghost chef in front of him has definitely reached the realm of a master.

However, his realm of master is relatively imaginary. It was created purely by the quintessential cooking skills taught by the master stealer Nie Long. He is not a real master, at most a pseudo-master.

"It's not simple to create an extraordinary taste impact in simplicity, it's really too simple."

"This wonderful taste is like eating the best food in the world in the most high-end restaurant, listening to the best live performances in the world. I have to say, for this feeling, I have to give you 10 points. "

"Break through simplicity, full of artistic conception, and I will give you 10 points."

A group of top international chefs headed by the Canadian Chef King gave the highest marks one by one, which instantly lifted the atmosphere of the scene.

All are eagerly waiting for the final score.

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