The pet king of the city

Chapter 727 The Living Environment of Dinosaurs

"If I'm not mistaken, this area has experienced violent crustal movement a long time ago, which made this interesting terrain appear here."

"Also, look at these plants, horsetail, stone pine, ferns, etc., do they look old?"

Chen Lie's words were sent out at the last inquiry.

It's just that many people don't understand what this means.

Chen Lie can only explain further: “Pteridophytes are the representative plants of the dinosaur era. Horsetail, stone pine, and ginkgo grew in large numbers during the dinosaur era and prospered for a while.”

He swallowed his saliva and asked, "I mean this is suitable for dinosaurs?"

"I just feel like it does not mean it is suitable."

"After all, the environment in the age of dinosaurs is very different from ours today, and the oxygen content in the air alone is very different."

Chen Lie then laughed and said: "I remember a scientist saying that if the dinosaurs of the dinosaur age passed through to our present, we don't need to be nervous, let alone care, because they will soon suffocate and die."


There was a wild laugh in the live broadcast room.

"I rub, it's a big vine."

Chen Lie turned a corner, immediately dumbfounded.

Because the vines in front of me are exaggerated.

Have you ever seen vines entwined together and stronger than a century-old giant tree?

Here it is!

Have you ever seen huge vines that look like wires running across the air, crossing in disorder, like spider webs?

Here too.

"The vines here are really special!"

Chen Lie lowered his head and crossed a vine wall, and soon saw a green pond.

"The water here is not polluted in the slightest, but unfortunately I dare not use it randomly."

"Here, you see that there is not a single fish or shrimp in the pond, so you definitely can't drink such water."

Chen Lie walked to the pond and looked at an old tree full of various plants, and said: "The survival of the fittest by nature refers not only to animals but also plants. This old tree is parasitized by various plants and absorbs it. The nutrients in the body will eventually gradually die."

"Yo, there are also Alsophila spinulosa here!"

Chen Lie came to a fern plant and proudly introduced: "This is the famous Alsophila spinulosa. This plant was the most prosperous plant on earth during the Jurassic period about 1.8 billion years ago. Like dinosaurs, they belong to the two major symbols of the reptile era."

"I know you have no idea."

"You only need to know that it is the only woody fern that has been discovered. It is so precious that it can be called a national treasure. It has been listed as an endangered plant under first-level protection by many countries and is a famous living fossil in the plant kingdom."

In the end, Chen Lie suddenly became black again: "You said, if I cut it off, I won't be sentenced if I go back to Congress?"

"Cut it, we support you!"

"A real man has to just once!"

"Brother Pet, you were counseled once before, but now you can't counsel anymore."

Many shameless people began to encourage Chen Lie to chaos.

"Ha ha!"

"Try it freely, there are many black-bellied guys."

Chen Lie asked thiefly: "Do you guys tell me, should I list these black-bellied guys as a priority?"

"Brother Pet, don't be like this! I was joking just now!"

"My pet is so sinister!"

"Listen, I hope pet brother pays more attention to me!"

The atmosphere of the scene became noisy again.

Chen Lie would not be so stupid, doing unnecessary crimes and stupid behaviors of black fans.

It was purely active just now.

All the way over the mountains.

The speed of advance dropped sharply, and it was expected that he could reach the first coordinates in the swamp today, but he has not arrived yet.

"It's late now."

"I must find a suitable habitat in advance."

Chen Lie pointed to the mountain bag in front and said, "I went to the mountain bag in front, hoping to find a dry place. Overnight in the swamp is a nightmare."

Just arrived in front of the small mountain bag.


Chen Lie saw a cave that was not very large.

"I'll wipe it, pet brother, run!"

"Snake caves of this size are definitely of the Inca serpent level!"

The live broadcast room broke out again.

"Don't be nervous, this is just a cave dug by aardvark."

Chen Lie was very relaxed.

Before the people in the live broadcast room were relieved, he turned his head and said, "Of course, the chance of a snake inside is quite high."

Countless people sent out emoticons with sweaty foreheads.

It’s okay to put the rocket in question: "Pet brother, what is the aardvark you just mentioned? How do I think you were talking about the strange pig that was hunted by the leopard and looked a little disgusting?"

"It's the same type, the strange pig before was the aardvark."

"Also called the African Anteater."

Chen Lie said: "The aardvark looks a bit like a strong kangaroo. It is recommended for a body length of 90-140 cm and a weight of more than 100 kilograms. Unless you encounter a beast, the average dog can't help them. But they His skin is reddish brown or white, and the hair on the body surface is sparse, which looks ugly."

"They only eat ants and termites, but with such a large body, they spend a lot of time looking for ant nests every day."

"And they are timid, only daring to come out for food at dusk or early morning when others are inactive."

"However, their digging skills are at full level, and when they are in danger, they can dig out a cave where they can hide in tens of seconds."

When Chen Lie said this, he pointed to the cave in front of him and said, "Here, this is their cave in front of me. In Africa, the aardvark's nest is a unique landscape."

Chen Lie tapped the edge of the cave with a machete.

A few mice ran out soon.

All were killed by Chen Lie.

It's okay to let the rocket laugh and say: "The nest is caught by mice, this African aardvark is nothing more than that."

"You think too much."

Chen Lie shook his head and smiled, and said, "The aardvark has a poor memory, and its personality is easy to follow, and its whereabouts are uncertain. They often build new houses because they forget their old nests. Therefore, the aardvark's home is often borrowed by other animals and can be found in it. Large animals such as lizards, pythons, cobras, honey badgers, warthogs and even lions and leopards, local indigenous people occasionally use the aardvark's den to escape wind and rain."

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