The pet king of the city

Chapter 731 Killing in the Invisible Underground Poisonous Gas

In the amazement of countless people, Chen Lie straddled the riverside stone bed more than 1 meter and flew out of the river at least 5 meters.

Before falling into the water.

Chen Lie merged his hands and pointed his body into the water, piercing into the water like a flying fish returning to the water, his feet constantly flapping up and down as if he were praised.

With just such a blink, Chen Lie swam a distance of 3 meters.

"I'll go, professional swimming skills!"

"Unexpectedly, Pet Brother is still a good swimmer!"

"Today, I discovered the new identity of Pet Brother."

In countless emotions, Chen Lie went ashore.

The whole process didn't even last for 3 seconds, and the crocodiles were still rushing for food on the beach.

Chen Lie is so efficient.


"But I have to take a break."

Chen Liechuan said angrily: "Don't look at what I did simply, but the short burst just now was even more tiring than I ran for several kilometers."

It's okay to put the rocket and ask: "Brother Pet, why not choose the beach?"

Chen Lie replied: "Because the sand is too soft to leap with strength!"

"Yes, you have such professional swimming skills."

It's okay to let the rocket curl his lips and ask casually: "Brother Pet, I heard that your house was robbed last night. There is nothing to lose, right?"

"What? Someone robbed the pet shop?"

"Did the legendary pet thief stare at Brother Pet?"

"Damn thieves, kill them!"

Fans have a very low tolerance for this matter, not to mention that it involves a few very cute little animals.

"The animals are okay, it's just that the warehouse was destroyed and some pet feeds related to trade secrets were stolen."

Chen Lie can only take the initiative to calm the atmosphere: "At present, we have called the police. I believe the superintendent will handle the matter quickly. Don't worry."

But Chen Lie's iron rod brought out another wave of rhythm.

They were all mocking the superintendent.

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

And at the same time.

Pengcheng Police Station was startled by the scene and let out a cold sweat.

Thousands of people knew about the theft of the training base, and the incident was directly upgraded to the headline news level of the day. Not to mention covering up, they didn't even dare to neglect.

At the same time, Lao Dao and they felt very sad.

I feel that Chen Lie is too scary.

Even if a small incident occurs around Chen Lie, it will directly evolve into the headline news of the day. Such influence cannot be described by the mere "terror".

Chen Lie didn't think so far.

After crossing an obstacle.

In order to make up for the wasted time, he speeds up the pace specially.

Later, I encountered two rivers of different sizes. One time there was no crocodiles, and it was easy to cross; but the second time, because of pythons, it took Chen Lie a little time to pass.

This was when he came to a strange swamp with sparse vegetation and occasional dead wood.

"From the first geographic coordinates, I drove another 4 hours."

"According to the map, I should have arrived."

Chen Lie turned the camera around and said: "But look at this place, let alone monsters, there is very little vegetation."

There is really little vegetation here.

Just like the edge of the desert, although there are vegetation, the branches are extremely sparse.

If it weren't for the land here is still wet, otherwise Chen Lie would think he was going in the wrong direction.


Chen Lie stepped on something.

This is a severely decaying human corpse.

Chen Lie frowned and took a step back.

He waved his hand to fan the surrounding air, missing the bones.

But he discovered that this was not a single bone, the more he came across.

"There are more than 30 bones in total."

"They all died in a small area, so there is only one explanation: they suffered a sudden attack."

Chen Lie used a machete to poke away several corpses that had become lairs of poisonous insects, and said: "They are all very tall and they are obviously a well-trained team. As for the army or the mercenary or the adventurous team, that's not the case. Got it."

"But these are secondary. The most important thing is their number. Even if the cannibal ambushes, it's impossible to kill them all at once, right?"

"The most serious problem is that there are no traces of battle nearby, and some of the corpses are still superimposed in the same direction. There is only one explanation: the people or things that attacked them have super lethality, almost in a very short time. Kill them all within the time."


Chen Lie's mind surged with a strong anxiety and quickly retreated.

Just as he ran out of this strange area and stood on a small hill on the edge, a sharp tremor came from the ground.

But this tremor was very short, probably not even 3 seconds.

Then Chen Lie looked at the place where he had stepped on the bone just now. The mud puddles boiled, and successive bubbles began to expand and exploded.

And every time an additional bubble exploded, the surrounding vegetation withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I wipe it, it's underground poison gas!"

Chen Lie felt his scalp numb.

It's okay to release the rocket and shout: "Pet brother, go! That's a super rare poison gas!"

Many people are also worried about Chen Lie's life safety.

If Chen Lie hadn't been alert, I'm afraid Chen Lie would have become one of those corpses.

"It's okay, I'm far enough away."

"And I'm in an upwind zone."

Chen Lie pressed his hand down and said: "Poisonous gas terrain is not uncommon. Those who have seen the Three Kingdoms know that after Zhuge Liang captured and released Meng Huo four times, Meng Huo and his brother Meng You fled to the Tulong Cave on the Xi'er River."

Chen Lie actually had the intention to talk about the Three Kingdoms: "And there are four poisonous springs on the road to Tulong Cave: one dumb spring, the water is quite sweet, if people drink it, they can’t speak, but they will die within ten days; Spring, this water is no different from soup. If a person takes a bath, his skin and flesh will be rotten, and he will die if he sees the bones; three black springs, the water is slightly clear, if a person splashes on the body, his hands and feet are black and die; four soft springs The water is like ice, if people drink it, there is no heating in the throat, and the body is weak as cotton and die."

The Three Kingdoms are not all false.

The poisonous gas here is not unique.

I heard about it when I went on an adventure in the Amazon jungle before, and near Qushi in the northeast of the county seat in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, there is a rare poisonous gas spring known as "Chaquetang"...

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