The pet king of the city

Chapter 746: Discussion with the descendants of Tiger Fist

Although it was unsuccessful at the time, it has evolved to the present and this idea has been copied by many people. Some agencies even secretly developed this technology in order to reduce the casualties of soldiers, and now there are automatic combat robots.

The electronic sniper rifle in Chen Lie's hand is not smart.

Even a layman like Chen Lie is not rare, and more professional fangs can be imagined.

"Okay, I know."

Wei Hanchao yelled to all the team members: "Handle it and continue on the road. We only have 5 minutes."

The defender Han Chao looked at Chen Lie with a strange expression.

Chen Lie ignored it.

He carefully picks and chooses among the weapons, just like visiting a vegetable market.

This is the Atu gang back with the tiger hunting equipment.

The car that drove out and pretended to escape also returned to the team.

"Can you go?"

Instead, Chen Lie asked actively.

Wei Hanchao had a lot to ask, but in the end he didn't ask.

The two sides proceeded in this way.

The news that the elite of the nightmare was wiped out by the Fang Tuan also formed an industry storm after half a day.

It has always been just a fearful fang, and the danger level is directly increased to:


5 days later.

Chen Lie set foot on the land of his native land.

"Finally home."

Chen Lie sighed.

Wei Hanchao also showed a rare ease.

Chen Lie stretched out his hand and thanked: "This time I will trouble you."

Along the way, in addition to the formidable enemy of Nightmare, there were several tricky attacks, all of which were strangled in the cradle by Wei Hanchao and the others.


One of them was a Chinese killer pretending to be a crew member of a merchant ship. He dealt with it all the way for 4 days. In the end, he was found out only because of an accent error. He was shot to death by Wei Hanchao and the others on the spot, and he was finally thrown into the sea to feed fish.

And what about Chen Lie?

It's all enjoyment all the way.

Enjoying the sea life like traveling, and also bought many local specialties for the family and pets.

When you are bored, you can even improve the design of the park.

shake hands.

This is recognition and liberation.

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Wei Hanchao replied calmly.

Chen Lie asked: "I know you have held back a lot of people, so I can talk now."

Wei Han laughed super.

He asked: "Mr. Chen, the description of you in our information is wonderful, and we also say that you are a master of tiger boxing. Combining your deeds of killing two elite members of Nightmare, I would like to discuss with you."

"It's unnecessary."

"And with your personality, it doesn't have to be that way."

Chen Lie wondered and asked, "Do you have some reasons for not telling me."

Wei Hanchao replied: "I am the descendant of Weijia Tiger Boxing. In order to understand the strongest Tiger Boxing, I was a tiger breeder for 3 years."


Chen Lie pushed a step away and made a gesture of asking.

"Thanks for Chengquan."

Usually Wei Hanchao is the most dedicated soldier.

But now that the task is over, it is rare for him to show his will, so naturally he doesn't want to miss it.


Without the slightest preparation, let alone any nonsense, Wei Hanchao broke out like this.

The ground he was stepping on suddenly exploded, and the ground cracked.

The speed of this outbreak is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

Very straightforward tiger claw.

Go straight to Chen Lie's heart.

Life and death are on the line, but Chen Lie is blessed to the soul.

Countless memories flashed through Chen Lie's mind.

Finally, Chen Lie's hand greeted him.


The breath was gone, and all the plumes were discarded, only the unstoppable fist and claws were instantly shattered.

Just now Wei Hanchao has hidden several insidious changes.

It's a pity that no matter how insidious changes are, Chen Lie can't avoid Chen Lie's swiftness, everything is under his control.

Wei Hanchao, who returned with a muffled hum, finally showed his hole card.

The fist is like a machete, drawing a beautiful and impeccable trajectory in the void.

But the fist locked Chen Lie's head and even all subsequent evasion spaces to death.

Tiger shaved!

Driven by the experience accumulated in countless killings, Chen Lie followed an inexplicable and weird trajectory, with a subtle vigor like the sharpest knife, and slashed at Wei Hanchao's wrist.

Wei Hanchao's fist arrived, and Chen Lie's hand knife happened to be cut.

First come first.

Everything is calculated.

With a dull air explosion, Wei Hanchao retreated in embarrassment.

The battle is over.

From start to finish, Chen Lie didn't move half a step.

"Thank you for your mercy."

"I realized today who is the real descendant of Tiger Fist."

Wei Han was convinced by the super defeat.

It broke Wei Hanchao's continuous attacks without moving. Such a boxing technique and such a martial arts realm completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen is so powerful!"

Ah Tu was stunned, beyond words.

We must know that Wei Hanchao's fighting ability is the first among the fangs. There was once a mission to capture two boxing masters. As a result, Wei Hanchao was alone, relying on pure hand-to-hand combat to capture these two masters on the spot.

Wei Hanchao's unarmed fighting ability is well-known throughout the army.

But now.

He actually lost to a pet anchor.

"Come and sit down sometime."

Chen Lie waved to all Fang Fang, sat in the angel wings sent by Guiyan himself, and extended away.

"I now finally know why Mr. Chen dared to break through those desperate situations alone."

"Mr. Chen doesn't need our protection at all."

Tiger Hunting finally said the bottom line of everyone.

"Don't underestimate yourself."

Wei Hanchao encouraged himself.

But the effect is not obvious at all.

He couldn't even deceive him by this sentence, let alone fool other people.

"Okay, get up your mind."

"We have to go back and report."

Wei Hanchao quickly shifted his attention: "This time the task was completed beautifully, everyone must have a good vacation."

Everyone laughed at the thought of vacation.

But Atu said weakly: "Captain, we came here very smoothly. It's almost like a vacation."


This sentence resonated with everyone.


They have never encountered such an easy task.


"Everyone, bring up the last spirit and go back to the barracks!"

Wei Hanchao clapped his hands and reminded: "Don't forget, everyone, we still have a follow-up task..."

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