The pet king of the city

Chapter 750 The Potential Energy of Jianmu

The sea.

Chen Lie sat on a huge body that was close to 15 meters under his dominion, playing on the nearby rocks.

And he held three tubes of blood in his hands.

They were all just pulled out of Ba Xia.

Such a small amount of blood, for an extremely large Ba Xie, is simply a drop in the bucket, and it is no different from the bleeding of ordinary people's teeth.

Ang Ang!

Ba Xia shouted again.

Chen Lie had no choice but to give the last bottle of Faerie Condensation to Ba Xia.

The disadvantage of being huge is that he wants to drink more and more Faerie Condensation every time.

"Fortunately, there are more and more fairy gels provided by the Great Paradise."

"I also brought all the amount for today, otherwise I won't really satisfy you."

Chen Lie patted the dragon's horns on his head, which became more and more obvious, and said, "Hey, we have enough fun. Help me catch a few delicious sea fish and go back."

Ang Ang!

Ba Xia nodded.

Then he opened his mouth to the distant reef:


A strange stream of water blasted past.

Soon, a few fresh platinum bars were stunned and surfaced.

Platinum is a very high-end white-bellied sea fish. Accompanied by environmental pollution, the annual catch is very small. However, their meat is tender and delicious, so they are rare and expensive, and the price is rising. Last year, the market was even more so. Set a historic price of 4700 yuan per kilogram.

4700 yuan per kilogram, what is this concept?

These are the platinum bars in front of Chen Lie, all of which cost less than 50,000 yuan.

Chen Lie would naturally not refuse this kind of unexpected gain.

"Haha, thank you!"

Chen Lie smiled happily.

Then, after a match with the hegemon, he officially went home.

Great Paradise.

The number of purple bamboos here is more than twice that of Little Paradise.

In addition, it can form a small piece of spiritual land by itself.

Let the celestial spirits that are provided every day here is three times that of Little Paradise.

"Take care of it!"

Chen Lie handed the dragon's blood under the tyrant to Bacchus and asked, "Bacchus, how far has the spiritual soil been cultivated?"

Bacchus pointed at the farmer, and then hurried to deal with the dragon blood.

The farmer was already very fluent in communicating with Chen Lie in simple sign language.

Make a gesture.

Chen Lie praised: "The spiritual soil has basically covered the necessary places."

However, the creation time of spiritual soil is too short, and it is limited to spiritual root grass.

Therefore, currently only small Jianmu, farmland medicinal fields, rare plants, grade 5 and 6 purple bamboo can be taken care of, while the 4th grade purple bamboo which covers the largest area cannot be taken care of at all.

Rao is so.

Chen Lie is very satisfied.

When it is all covered with spiritual soil and the fairy condensed enough to form a stream like a spring, then this place is really a blessed place worthy of the name.

"Come on!"

Bai Ling suddenly cried.

It turned out that the well-behaved squirrel gave Chen Lie a glass of water.

Drink it all.


Chen Lie asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Why is there still fairy condensation here? Didn't I take all of them out to treat you?"

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel kept making gestures.

"It turned out to be new."

Chen Lie was surprised: "I only left for a few hours, and yet another bottle was produced! This speed is too fast, right?"

You must know that all the purple bamboos in Little Paradise are level 6 and 5.

The quality is leveraged.

But every day is to provide two bottles of fairy gel.


"This condensing speed is completely wrong."

Chen Lie looked at the super pets, hoping to get an explanation.

Guicai Squirrel hurriedly pointed to Xiao Jianmu to explain.


Chen Lie was surprised and asked: "The aura released by Xiao Jianmu is equal to two small paradise, and once it grows up, it can even support a small cave!?"

Cave sky?

That's something more advanced than Fudi.

Legend has it that living in the cave for one year can prolong your life for one year.

Legend has it that one year of cultivation in the cave is equivalent to ten years of cultivation outside.

Legend has it that the spiritual creatures that grow in the cave sky are two levels higher than those outside.

In short.

Dongtian is the land of the fairy family in the legend.

At this moment, Chen Lie realized how precious Xiao Jianmu is.

Only then did I realize why so many animals crowded into Xiao Jianmu like suicide.


"I seem a little naive!"

Chen Lie laughed at himself: "It will take 100,000 years for Jianmu to fully grow up. Even if I have a system, I can't live that long."

"Now that you have such a harvest, let's be content!"

Chen Lie drove away unnecessary troubles.

"Little Lie!"

Lao Li and Lao Zhu called Chen Lie at the door.

The bodyguard next to Mr. Zhu, Xiao Lei, is about to call Chen Lie and ask Chen Lie to open the door.

Chen Lie snapped his fingers.

The door opens automatically.

"It's not easy to find you."

As soon as Li came in, he looked around and couldn't help but sighed: "The air here is actually better than that in the paradise. No wonder you don't go back overnight."

"It's better here than I thought."

Ghost Eye smiled and said, "I want to move in to be your neighbor."


Chen Lie invited everyone to the familiar tree stump.

Ghost Eye was very direct this time and asked: "Xiao Lie, we come here this time just to ask how you plan to deal with the Ancient Lord?"

Chen Lie asked, "If you can fix the Congolese institution, I can fix the ancient master."

"Congo Agency."

Old Li came down in embarrassment.

no way.

I don't know what happened to this African friendship agency, which has always had a good relationship, and ignored the olive branch recently handed out by the East.

However, Lao Li still wanted to fight for it: "Xiao Lie, Pengcheng has no high-level tourism resources yet. This time is the best opportunity, so they want to try, even if they pay a high price."

"I understand."

Chen Lie replied regretfully: "However, with the terrifying body of the ancient lord, it is still sensitive, and the Congolese institution is a barrier that cannot be circumvented!"

Ghost Eye asked: "What if we can do it without knowing it?"


Chen Lie shook his head and said: "No matter how slow the Congolese institution's response is, under the temptation of this big gold mine, it will definitely not be taken lightly. Here, if I remember correctly, since my departure, the Congolese institution has arrested thousands of people. An intruder maliciously spying on the rainforest."

"But what do we do?"

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