The pet king of the city

Chapter 752 The Price That Cannot Be Rejected (Part 2)

Drunk out during the wine tasting?

This is purely Hu Che.

He tried the wine, but only took a sip.

It was stored because it was too expensive.

And because the required materials were too cumbersome and harsh, Bacchus later only brewed one bottle.

In order to keep a little bit for himself, Chen Lie said this deliberately.


Chen Lie's words almost made the ghost eyes vomit blood.

Chen Lie continued: "Fortunately I still have a vial."

"Sell it to me!"

"Price you open!"

Ghost Eye gives a price that cannot be refused.

"I don't want your money."

Chen Lie shook his head and reminded: "Remember, it takes a hundred days to drink continuously to be effective. If you interrupt it in the middle, the effect will be weakened a lot. Unfortunately, even if I save a little drink, I will stick to 20 at most. day."

Guiyan asked eagerly: "Can I brew it again?"

Chen Lie nodded.

Guiyan was so anxious that he almost got angry, so he wanted to ask, but was obstructed by Old Li, and asked, "Xiao Lie, don't tarnish our appetite. Tell us what conditions are needed?"

"how to say?"

"I provide at most 3 bottles a year."

"Three bottles add up to barely consume a hundred days."

Chen Lie did not conceal his thoughts this time, saying: "There are so many people, it is impossible to only supply to one person. Fortunately, I have a method of dilution, which can increase the supply on the basis of ensuring the taste and only weakening part of the efficacy of the medicine. double."

Guiyan asked urgently: "I want to know how much the effect of the medicine has been weakened?"

Chen Lie replied honestly: "It will only increase life expectancy by 3 to 4 years, depending on the physical condition."

This problem is not Chen Lie's exclusive technology, but Bacchus told Chen Lie a long time ago.

"It's fine."

Ghost eyes are relieved.


Lao Li was very satisfied: "This effect has far surpassed any life extension item on the market."

Chen Lie finally revealed his exchange conditions: "The exchange conditions depend on the exchanges with the old seniors, but if I can take out the reward items I listed before, then I will give at least one bottle."

"Hei Yuanhua is too hard to come across."

"If I can find those gems, I will laugh in my dreams."

The ghost eyes sighed endlessly.

The black dollar flower of the last transaction has been delivered.

And under the proper protection of the farmer, it has now revived.

With the current conditions of the paradise, I believe that in a while, all of Chen Lie's pets will be able to use the black yuan flower to strengthen their muscles and bones, and their strength will be even higher.

The few gems mentioned by Guiyan are all rare varieties in the system mall, even in the system, they are unattainable.

Although Chen Lie gave a reward far exceeding Hei Yuanhua.

But still no hope is pinned.

Old Li suddenly said, "Then Xiao Lie, you have to give me a bottle of that ginseng wine to try."


Chen Lie was a little confused.

Old Li handed out a manuscript.

He introduced: "I used a little authority and found it in the highest level archives of the agency. You must be interesting."

"So confident!"

Chen Lie was also attracted by Mr. Li's words.

Take it over and take a look.

Breathing stopped immediately.

It was not that he saw any treasure, but an animal that looked like a leopard.

This is a monster found in a certain mountain range decades ago by a team of soldiers pursuing fugitives.It's just that the fugitive was directly torn apart by the monster, and the soldiers who were hunting down suffered heavy casualties, and only three people escaped.

The three people who escaped portrayed the image of the monster. After comparing with animal experts, they found that the monster is simply the legendary beast.

Later, the military sent more than a dozen teams into the mountain.

The result was nothing.

This file is also sealed up.

Chen Lie asked, "Could it be fake?"

"will not!"

Old Li said: "Why would I make jokes about things that have no evidence."

Ghost Eye asked: "Have you reviewed it?"

Old Li nodded and said, "Because the matter is extraordinary, the agency specially sent people to interrogate the three surviving soldiers by interrogation, and even used hypnotic methods. The result was a report that was not a lie."

"The legendary beast."

"Then really have to play."

The corner of Chen Lie's mouth curled up, and his heart flew to nowhere.



Lao Li took Chen Lie's "last" bottle of Baixian Brew, and fled in the envy and hatred of the ghost eyes.

And the paradise has restored calm.

At this time, the farmer was working hard to transplant the disorderly growing purple bamboo.

Bacchus is helping to take care of the rare herbs and plants.

Fierce Jiaohu also rarely did not bask in the sun, but fought with Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard.

Interestingly, Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard seem to be learning Thunder Boxing secretly.

Everyone else is busy.

The ghost squirrel is the busiest.


The ghostly squirrel is actually commanding his squirrel army.

With its direction.

The squirrel army rushed into the bush with various weapons. Not long after, a poisonous snake with a length of more than 40 centimeters and two large mice were hunted by them.

The ghost squirrel kept nodding.

It seems that it is very satisfied with the combat effectiveness of the 12 gods.

I don't know what the ghost squirrel watched, and actually trained it personally. The 12 most powerful squirrels were named the twelve gods.

The ghost squirrel is in charge of the small animal training base, and there are more than tens of thousands of squirrels trained.

But to achieve the level of the twelve gods, not only must the intelligence be superior, but also the strongest, and must master many hunting skills.

It's just pediatrics.

Chen Lie had seen the ghost squirrel command the twelve gods, and easily successfully repelled a wild dog that broke into the training base.

If it weren't for the inability to bear to kill, the wild dog would be shot and killed if he couldn't hold on for a minute.

"A toothpick crossbow that can shoot through tomatoes twenty meters away."

"A mini sword that can easily cut two centimeters of wood."

"Super tough rope like a fishing line."


Every sentence of Chen Lie is a weapon held by the Twelve God Generals.

This is the current combat effectiveness of the ghost squirrel.

It can solve a lot of trouble without going out on its own.

Today is the best example.

As for the two oldest brothers of Guicai...

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