The pet king of the city

Chapter 761 The Secret

Every time there is an acrobatic action, or an interesting housework performance.

In this way, the housework squirrel triplets can continue to perform for many days.

It not only enriches the content of Chen Lie's live program, but also helps Chen Lie consume a lot of time, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Chen Lie is a little leisurely.

I finally have the mind to continue the previous things.

"The previous plan to let the fierce tiger enter the trial ground was interrupted."

"I have to plan again."

Chen Lie began to return to the daytime thinking.

"I want to bring the fierce tiger into the trial field, and I need some future high-end equipment. After all, I am in a different time and space from them."

"But the equipment is completely beyond the technological level of the earth, a bit expensive."

More than Xiaogui.

Even now Chen Lie is a bit unacceptable, not to mention that Chen Lie’s spending speed in the last few days is really good enough. With thousands of flowers here and 10,000 there, his fan value is not very generous. .

"Forget it, I still..."


Chen Lie, who had a headache, rubbed his eyebrows. Before he could make a final decision, the fierce Jiaohu rushed happily.

Follow past habits.

Most of the fierce tigers are already asleep.

However, it has been vigorous recently and has a strong will to fight. It still wants to fight and can only fall asleep when it is tired.

Chen Lie had a headache even more.

"M's, this problem must be solved."

"Otherwise, I won't even leave for a day in the future."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He comforted the fierce tiger, opened the system mall, and directly searched for the future machine entering the trial field.

In fact, there are many common ones among them.

Such as virtual helmets, virtual game cabins and so on.

These are relatively low, and the price basically fluctuates from a few hundred to a thousand fans.

After all, these things cannot achieve the purpose of exercising the body.

Contrary to the core theme of the trial field.

Chen Lie directly chose the more high-end ones.

Virtual substitution into reality game lock.

This thing can be made into various shapes, such as glasses, earrings, nose rings, lip rings, headwear, necklaces and so on.

The most common one is Bluetooth with a microphone.

"Which one is better?"

"I can only buy the highest level 5, although the system has a discount for level 5 customers, even the cheapest game lock has more than 5,000 fan value, and the expensive one is more than 2W."

"It is said that at level 6, or even above level 7, you can realize the trial of dreams. After a few days in the trial of dreams, reality may only pass a day, or even a few hours."

"I heard that level 9 people can even synchronize their dreams with reality. This is really sharp."

Chen Lie looked around.

I bought the most expensive set directly.

This is a set of futuristic technology that can virtualize a place in reality and connect to the system, so that the fierce tiger can directly fight other combat pets in the test field in the open space of the paradise.

If necessary, Chen Lie can input previous enemy information, virtualize the terrain into a game interface, and even enhance it.

Such a set of high-end equipment will cost more than 3W fans even at a discount.

With the final confirmation.

Chen Lie's fan value was instantly scarce.

Chen Lie, who could be said to be a rich man, is now really poor.

"It's been a long time since I had no fan value."

"Fortunately, the spirit bamboo worms have an account every day, otherwise they will really eat soil."

After ridiculing himself, Chen Lie tidied up and took the entire machine away from the open space where he often fought with fierce tigers.

In fact.

The so-called complete machine is nothing more than a metal box about the size of a mooncake box.

Chen Lie knew what to do after reading the explanation.

He took out a metal object that was only the size of a tennis ball, pressed it, and threw it into the middle of the open space.

The metal ball immediately stretched into a metal top, and drilled into the ground.

Not long.

A faint green light appeared on the ground.

Then everything around began to virtualize data.

In the eyes of others, it is still the same here.

But in the eyes of Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu, who were wearing game locks, this place became the entrance to the trial field of the system mall.

Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu walked in.

And the fierce Jiaohu was curious about everything that had changed dramatically, but he was more vigilant.

If it weren't for Chen Lie by his side, it would definitely not enter the trial field.

There are many trial modes in front of you, such as single or team, qualifying, training mode, pass mode, grievance arena, etc., and there are many types.

Chen Lie asked, "Jiaojiao, what are you going to play?"

Fierce Jiaohu shook his head.

It has grown to the size of an ordinary large dog, and its intelligence is very good, but it still can't tell which of these models is more suitable for him.

"Then do some targeted training first."

"For what first?"

After thinking about it, Chen Lie made a decision: "We have encountered so many enemies. In terms of single combat power, the Inca Serpent is the first and the bear king. The ancient lord is a friend, not an enemy. And it has no effect as a training object."

Chen Lie analyzed this and chose Xiong Wang as his opponent.


Fierce Jiaohu was dissatisfied with the opponent Chen Lie had chosen.


too easy.

The former bear king was simply unsurpassable, and Chen Lie would not have much confidence if he did not take a knife.

But today is different.

At the beginning of the virtual reality battle, the fierce tiger and the bear king roared at the same time and launched a charge against each other.


The fierce tiger didn't even use the Tiger Emperor's cannon, relying on a simple acceleration punch, violently blasted the bear king's slap, and blasted the bear king's heart with one punch.


A quick and neat spike.

After landing, the scene returned to reality.

But the fierce Jiaohu yelled in dissatisfaction and looked at Chen Lie directly, as if saying: "This kind of opponent doesn't even warm up enough."


Chen Lie called the Inca Serpent.

Relying on everyone's combined punches, especially the poison of Dionysus, did the Inca Serpent be solved.

Now that the fierce tiger is so strong, what will be the result?

The fierce Inca giant snake raised its huge head and looked at the fierce tiger condescendingly.

With this sense of oppression, even slightly weaker animals are scared to paralysis.

But Fierce Jiaohu smiled.

It actually overflowed with a humane ironic smile.

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