"I am either dreaming or dazzled!"

"Giant panda is a mysterious guest, pet brother, you are also capable!"

"Brother Pet, run away! It's enough to get a tiger quietly, and now there's a giant panda, you're dying!"

The local tyrants reacted even more intensely, with countless rockets rising, almost dominating the screen.

Other small gifts are piled up so that there is no room for comments and messages to appear on the screen.

"Thank you all for the gifts."

Chen Lie saw the exploding screen and pop-up window and smiled and said to A Bao, "A Bao, look at it, how much everyone likes you."

A Bao felt at ease when he saw Chen Lie was fine.

"Get up."

Chen Lie realized that A Bao didn't mean to get up at all.

Bao pointed to the top of the closet, and then pointed to his mouth.

The intention is obvious:

If you don't give me food, I won't get up.

"You greedy ghost!"

Chen Lie flicked A Bao's forehead and cursed: "You dare to threaten me!"

"Brother Pet, stop! Don't bully our Fatty!"

"This Fatty seems to be eating!"

"Nonsense, fools can understand this gesture, but the question is, have you ever seen such a smart Fat Da?"

"I can only say: the animals in the pet brother's house are all refined!"

Chen Lie had no mind to take care of the live broadcast room, and patiently explained: "Abao, I will eat you a lot tonight, you can cooperate a little bit, I will make you a good meal later?"

A Bao actually shook his head.

The most excessive thing is that it even put its head aside, not cooperating if it didn't give it.

"I'm fine! This panda is definitely the emoji emperor!"

"The new emoji set is born!"

"This panda is so cute, I seem to hug her to sleep! That must be very comfortable!"

"With this expression, it's time to swipe a wave of gifts."

A Bao’s vivid expression once again made the live broadcast room boil, and the atmosphere reached a new high.


"Don't think that you can't help you if you are stubborn!"

Chen Lie was not welcome, and moved the chair that was used to step on to the computer, then picked up A Bao and put it on, and ordered: "Sit me down."

Then Chen Lie sat down on the ergonomic chair again.


A Bao lied directly on the computer desk, in a posture of irreverence.


"No, I laughed miserably."

"Birth is nothing to love, I suddenly found this term in my mind!"

"The emoticons have been screenshots, and a complete set will be made tonight."

"For a set of pictures, buddy, I can pay for it!"

"Same for the same picture!"

Take a deep breath.

Chen Lie was delighted by A Bao.

"Fierce Tiger!"

Chen Lie yelled, and the fierce tiger flew through the air like a bird and came to the computer.

Chen Lie pointed to A Bao and said, "This guy is not good, what do you say?"

Fierce Jiaohu looked at A Bao strugglingly, and finally ran away.


"What does it mean?"

Chen Lie was confused.

But the live studio laughed:

"Visually detect that Brother Pet's animal defense technique failed, and the first pet defected."

"Brother Pet has a dumbfounded look, I beg Pet Brother's psychological darkness at this time."

"Poor pet brother, do you need my sister to comfort me? My sister is ambitious and can give you enough peace."

"Sister, please comfort!"

"Gui beg my sister to comfort me!"

"Rolling naked and begging sister to comfort me!"

But this time the fierce Jiaohu came back.

It took a generation of ordinary future pet food in its mouth and put it in front of A Bao.

Chen Lie asked: "You mean you want me to use this to convince it?"

Fierce Jiaohu nodded.


Chen Lie took out a handful of pet food and tempted: "A Bao, this is the pet food you like very much."

A Bao sniffed with his cute nose, and the pet food in Chen Lie's hand was rolled up as soon as he rolled his tongue.


A Bao pointed to the top of the closet, as if saying, "It's still better."

"Haha... Visually inspecting the pet brother N is stunned."

"This is a standard loss of madam and loss of soldiers!"

"La la la, I just lost my wallet and I was so depressed to death, now seeing what happened to my pet brother, I really feel better."

"You can be happy to see that others are worse than yourself. I couldn't understand before, but now I finally understand."

"You guys!"

Silent Chen Lie asked: "Let's give me some suggestions. If Abao treats this negatively, our special guest tonight will not be able to perform."

"No need to perform, it was the best performance just now."

"The emoji has finished the show, don't Pet Brother know?"

"Brother Pet is really slow!"

Not a single fan stood by Pet Brother's side, and they all fell to A Bao, even the corrupt girls who supported Chen Lie the most.

Time passed in such a frolic, bit by bit.

And Chen Lie's fans, whether in the live broadcast room, WeChat, or Weibo, are all due to the emergence of the giant panda Abao, showing a trend of explosive growth.

The total number of fans is stable.

One is hot, the others will decline.

This phenomenon is particularly obvious on live broadcast platforms.

After all, there are so many fans on a platform. Unless it is open to the outside world, there are so many fans competing for a basically fixed fan base.

And Shark Live is now in this tragic atmosphere.

The first brother of Shark Live, the ninth brother with millions of fans and a top contract.

Brother Jiu's agent looked at the latest statistics and sighed: "Brother Jiu, your popularity today is less, and the rewards are only half of the usual."

"Or the pet brother?"

Brother Nine took a sip of red wine without raising his head, as if he looked down on the pet brother in his mouth.


The agent replied helplessly: "Brother Pet came back to live, and the popularity flowed to him."

Brother Jiu asked uncomfortably: "Have you ever thought of a countermeasure?"

"I thought about it and did it."

The agent cursed directly: "We had invited Pet Brother before and planned to tie him down with a contract, but he refused. Then we invited our brand-name brother who had just signed the contract and wanted to teach Pet Brother a lesson. I didn't expect this guy. Then it’s useless. I slapped my chest to make sure, but now I’m in the police station and I beg us to protect him.”

"Invite again."

"Give him a better contract."

"If the pet brother still refuses, then use the killer."

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