The pet king of the city

Chapter 783 You Are Cheating

The fierce tiger's claws only left a few white marks on the petrified skin of the two-headed giant python, without breaking the defense at all.

"It's an exaggeration."

"Even the first-class defensive pets at level 6 are not so exaggerated."

Chen Lie thought it was just ordinary petrified skin, but he didn't expect the result to be far beyond his imagination.

You must know that under normal conditions, the claws can tear the iron sheet on the top of the car.

With Thunder Fist, ordinary cars can be torn to play easily.

But it was such an attack that couldn't tell the opponent.

The defense of the two-headed python is really abnormal.

"Ah ha ha……"

"Laughter hurts me."

"A familiar scene has appeared again."

The number of spectators has exceeded 100,000, and even though the game has started, there are still people coming in.

It seems that the battle for the first place in the Level 5 Proving Ground is still very popular.



The battle has become fierce.

The attacks of the two-headed python have repeatedly failed, but the fierce tiger changed its strategy and intended to attack the vulnerable points of the two-headed python, but the effect was not very obvious.


The formidable tail swept across the top of the fierce Jiaohu's head, and the strong wind that came out was as sharp as a spirit.

The power of quasi-6 is indeed not easy to mess with.

However, the fierce tiger was unable to attack for a long time, and finally paid the price:

The two-headed python protruded from a cloud of poisonous mist.

Almost swallowed the fierce Jiaohu in.

That was the case, the fierce Jiaohu was still wiped aside by the poisonous mist, and part of its fur appeared green.

Almost the next moment, the other head of the two-headed giant python suddenly overflowed with a wave of magic, and a cloud of wind and sand like a sandstorm directly swallowed the fierce tiger.


The fierce tiger can barely stabilize his body in the storm sand.

As a result, a huge boulder without warning rushed out of the sand and hit the fierce tiger.


The second boulder fell from the sky.

If it hadn't been the moment before the collision, the fierce Jiaohu would bounce back to the back for the first time, otherwise she would have been smashed into meat sauce by this at least two-ton boulder.

The next moment.

A huge magic map appeared under the feet of the fierce Jiaohu.


The fierce tiger won't run away!

Life and death bearish, just do it!

It unexpectedly exploded out of extreme aura, accompanied by the king's anger, trampled on one foot, and actually crushed the magic map.

"I wipe, there is such a thing."

The snake demon was shocked.

It was the first time he saw anyone interrupt the magic in this way.

"Jiaojiao finally broke out."

"about there."

Chen Lie knew that the battle was about to end.

The reason why the fierce Jiaohu is so strong is that the dual blessing of Thunder Fist and Qi is almost comprehensive, and the overall combat effectiveness of the fierce Jiaohu instantly jumps from quasi 6 to quasi 7.

Facts also proved that Chen Lie was correct.

call out!

The fierce tiger is like a streamer, let alone a reaction, even his eyes can't keep up.


Poisonous fog shelter!

The snake demon can't keep up with the speed of the fierce tiger, but he has extremely rich combat experience, has the experience of dealing with speed-type pets, and immediately envelopes the poisonous mist on himself.

In the second time, the huge boulder fell from the sky, directly covering the direction from which the fierce tiger came.

If the fierce tiger rushes over, it is a self-rejection.

No, I will die.

But he was still too naive.

The tiger cannon exploded a boulder that fell from the sky, and the tiger shaving cut a boulder in the way.

Then Thunder Step suddenly erupted, and finally left a afterimage of reality and illusion in the dense rain of flying rocks.

Tiger King Cannon!

The fierce Jiaohu even forced through the poisonous fog, with terrible corrosion and cold killing intent, and finally turned into a punch:

In the middle of the body of the two-headed python.

The two-headed python flew.

The two-headed python, which is much heavier than the bear king, rose from the ground and fell severely into the arena 15 meters away.

But this trick did not cause any practical harm, and even left no white mark on the surface.


"It's useless, your attack can't break the defense of the two-headed python!"

The snake demon was very proud.

What comes with it is the wanton ridicule of more than 200,000 viewers.


The fierce tiger descended from the sky like a rotating meteor.

Meteor Tiger Emperor Break!


Power penetrates through.

The fierce tiger bounced away when touched, and landed steadily to the ground nearly 20 meters away.

The scene is still.

"Haha, it's still okay!"

"This war tiger is purely looks!"

"The search just now has a very visual effect, but unfortunately it's not a bird."

There were a large number of people with different skin tones, but they were all tacitly taunting the fierce tiger together.

"This is impossible."

"How could you attack like this!"

It's a pity that the snake demon can't laugh this time, and some are just full of horror.


The two-headed python screamed one after another.

Finally, it was suddenly shattered with a broken sound.

Lost, the two-headed python lost.

"You are cheating! You are definitely cheating!"

"This kind of attack technique that ignores physical defenses can only be possessed by level 7 trialers!"

"I'm not convinced!"

The snake demon scolded frantically.

It is a pity that Chen Lie has left with the fierce tiger and 100,000 fans.

"This two-headed giant python is really tricky, and it's not inferior to the first-class battle pets at level 6!"

"Suddenly let the two-headed giant python break through to level 6, there will definitely be a qualitative leap in strength, and I am afraid that it will become a top battle favorite at level 6, at least able to reach the top 30 in qualifying."

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone in the system."

Chen Lie sighed till the end, seeing that he had accumulated a fan value of 350,000, he couldn't help laughing.

For the first time in his life, he earned so many fan points.

And this time.

Chen Lie received a hundred times the usual letter.

Either it is an invitation, or a consultation, or intimidation.

Chen Lie didn't read any of those junk letters, so he deleted them and left the invitation letters.

These people all represent a superior, or a force, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.


A person's letter made Chen Lie curious to open it.

It belongs to the snake demon.

The content of the Snake Demon's letter is a bit complicated: "Dude, you have won, and I am convinced. Before I thought you used the legendary..."

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