The pet king of the city

Chapter 800 Ten Merchants

Although it only lasted for more than 3 minutes, the competition was very tragic.

Xiao Hei is all wounded.

"Yes, 5000 fans are worth it."

Chen Lie nodded.

This is a warm-up level challenge, and naturally there are bonuses.

The 71555 action team's entry into the ring is also shameless, and the set challenger ranking cannot exceed 1,000 of them.

With their combat literacy, if not for Chen Lie.

In low-level areas, not many people can beat them.

Return to reality.

Chen Lie looked at Xiao Hei who was resting and asked, "How do you feel?"

Black and Silver Leopard lowered their heads in shame.

They don't yet know that the enemy is stronger than expected, only that the enemy's ranking is very low, almost at the bottom of the 6th level group.

The Blue Crown demanded: "We need to train again."

Bailing looked at the face of his brothers and resolutely supported: "If they enter the state earlier, the battle will end sooner."

Fierce Jiaohu glanced at the action team indifferently, without making any comments.

"Let me talk about it!"

Chen Lie sorted out his thoughts and put forward the suggestions that he had thought of before: "First of all, the silver leopard's fighting style is wrong. You are an assassin, a natural assassin, not a warrior who charges, understand?"

Yin Leopard lay down seriously.

Begin to review his recent fighting style.

Chen Lie looked at Xiao Hei, who had grown to be close to 1 meter tall and majestic, and said, "Xiao Hei, you are the attacker of the action team and also a tank. You must have enough sacrifice to create opportunities for teammates; and It's not like before, blindly rushing to break through."

Xiao Hei got down in shame.

Chen Lie looked at the blue crown and said in the blue crown full of anticipation: "You have nothing to say, what you need to strengthen is the combat awareness. With the strengthening of the combat awareness, you can fully grasp the combat opportunities created by your comrades with your life. They will also understand tactics such as interference and differentiation."

The blue crown nodded repeatedly.

What it needs most now is fighting, more fighting.

"Next, you have to line up to support the battle."

"With your current strength, it is estimated that 30,000 is the limit."

Chen Lie said seriously: "But if you comprehend your fighting style and cooperate to a higher level, you should be able to kill 10,000. At that time, I will give you each a gift that can make your strength a big leap. "

Xiao Hei's fighting spirit, which had been a little depressed, rose again.



In a paradise surrounded by bamboo forests.

Chen Lie was sitting leisurely, sipping tea, and admiring Xiao Hei and their battle.

It just wrinkled when he took a sip of tea.


It is a special tea that nourishes the mind.


Accompanied by the silver leopard's passing.

The enemy's neck left a terrifying mouth of blood, blood spurted wildly.

Not long after the battle ended.

"Not bad."

Chen Lie praised: "Silver Leopard has found the way to the assassin, which has improved the team's strength.

"Ding, congratulations to your action team-No. 82058 successfully defeated the enemy and is currently ranked 587979."

"Yes, three consecutive victories."

Chen Lie found that many people wanted to add their friends.

Many of them are pet merchants.

"Hello brother, I'm really sincere."

A payment message was passed directly to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie received the money as soon as he clicked.

Since the other party was so sincere, Chen Lie reluctantly took a look at the other party's identity:

Top ten pet merchants in level 6 areas:

Wing Demon.

Wing Demon is the top man in the 6th level, not to mention the influence in the 5th level.

Very identity.

Chen Lie contacted, and the Wing Demon immediately started chatting: "Brother, your silver wild cat is very beautiful and has a kingly atmosphere. But your training seems a bit crooked, I don't know if it means to cut love."


Chen Lie refused decisively.

He thought it was a mutual exchange of experience in raising pets, but he did not expect to be a fool who wanted to buy a silver leopard.

"Brother, your silver wild cat really has potential."

"I know you have invested a lot in it, but I think you have not invested enough."

The Wing Demon said seriously: "If it were me, I would definitely be able to train it into the top battle pet in the 6th level or even the 7th level. If you are willing to cut love, I can give you 200,000 fan points. Transfer fee."

"200,000 points, send a beggar?"

Chen Lie sneered: "What's more, Silver Leopard is in my eyes, let alone 200,000 points. Even if you are generous with 2 million points, you will not sell it."

Wing Demon asked coldly: "Brother, give me some face."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie is too lazy to talk nonsense.

Wing Mo said coldly: "It seems that brother doesn't want to make my friend."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie is looking for a blacklist.

"No one in the 6th level dared to refuse my request, let alone the mere 5..."

Wing Demon's words could not go on.

Because Chen Lie has blacklisted him.


Wing Demon's anger exploded.

As he said, no one in the 6th level dared to disobey him as a big businessman.

"I will make you regret it."

Wing Mo swears coldly.

And what about Chen Lie?

He knew the mentality of people like Wing Demon.

But he doesn't care.

In a fundamentally different time and space, the Wing Demon could only see the spirit after passing through it.

Moreover, the system has never neglected the confidentiality of customers.

So Chen Lie only needs to worry about being sniped in shops, trial grounds and other places, and nothing else.

"Shop sniper?"

"Hehe, from production to sales, I'm all in one line. You have no other choice but vicious price reduction competition, but this is what I am least afraid of when the cost is almost zero."

"As for the trial area, it doesn't matter anymore. Who am I afraid of?

"But I can't be passive either."

After searching through the information, Chen Lie disdainfully said: "It's just a businessman who uses his name to buy all kinds of potential pets and trains them to auction them out at sky-high prices."

"3 of the top 10 pets in the 6th level are just yours, right? Well, they are my hunting targets."

Chen Lie said he was very calm.

He didn't even delay too much, allowing Xiao Hei to continue their rankings.


The opponent they met this time was very special.

It was so special that Chen Lie wiped his eyes in disbelief.

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