The pet king of the city

Chapter 819 The Secret

"It's not that I am so arrogant that I look down on each other."

"It's that I have absolute confidence in myself."

Facing Chen Lie’s admonition, I didn’t want to defend Jiaohu and replied: “Now I have two big hole cards. It’s a great vulture man to force me to use one.”


"I don't want any mistakes."

Chen Lie reminded: "You have to know that I also invested 300,000 fan points in this bet. This is all the liquid cash I have on hand now, and no mistake can be made."

Before, Chen Lie only had less than 200,000 fans.

But in order to satisfy the fierce tiger, for this gambling game, he specially cashed out some resources that did not need to be cashed out, such as the processed and non-reproducing level 4 purple bamboo shoots, the refreshing tea and the black yuan flower.

If it weren't for such a big investment, Wing Demon would not easily take the bait.

"rest assured."

Yan Jiaohu replied easily: "I learned a famous saying from a human being."

Chen Lie asked, "What have you learned?"

The fierce Jiaohu replied: "Despise it on the surface, but attach it psychologically."

"It seems to despise the enemy strategically, and value the enemy tactically, right?"

"Forget it, as long as you are not really paralyzed."

Chen Lie didn't bother to think about it so much, and said: "Wait for me again, I will put these things on the shelves."

Chen Lie put the ten-sweet comfrey on the shelves in his online store to see how the sales were.

If you can sell it, you can play it for a long time.

After all, the cost of a scented comfrey is extremely low, but the price is not low:

3888 points of fan value.

Without bargaining.

Because this is a level 6 cuisine.

If it weren’t for food that is a daily consumable, it’s not as rare as elixirs and medicaments, so the price will naturally be much lower, and many of them must be considered at a lower level.

Chen Lie doesn't know if this price is appropriate, but if it can solve the cold toxin below level 6, then it can be treated as a level 5 therapeutic medicine. It is not excessive to open a fan value of 3888.


Fierce Jiaohu began to urge again.


Chen Lie threw the game lock over.

Substitute virtual into reality.

When the trial field appeared, the vulture man's ring was already full of voices.

There was noise everywhere.

"At least 500,000 people watched the game."

"Even if only 20% is divided, it is an extremely considerable wealth."

When Chen Lie saw the lineup, he had to admire the hidden interests of the top 10.

Even if he has multiple sources of financial resources, no matter which one, or even all of them together, can earn hundreds of thousands of points in less than a day.

Only when this kind of opportunistic gambling opportunity is in front of us, can we have the opportunity to make money.

The fierce tiger appeared.

The scene was in an uproar.

"War Tiger, and not yet ranked? What's the matter?"

"It's not right, the last time an unranked squirrel killed the octopus with a spirit face, will it be the same way this time?"

"I heard that the Wing Demon has offended many people. Now these people are uniting to kill the Wing Demon. I used to think it was not credible. Now I believe most of them."

The audience at the scene was not as extreme as before.

So many lessons, let them all be on guard.

And some smart people even wanted to buy Huojiaohu to win, only to find that all the 300,000 handicap on the Hujiaohu side was eaten by one person, making them feel more problematic.

Ever since.

The slightly smarter people do not buy Wing Mo to win.

The Wing Demon, who had recently lost jealously, even if he knew something was abnormal, he still ate a full bet of 250,000, and the rest were bought by scattered audiences.

"Hey, how does it make me feel familiar."

The Flame Demon Wolf, who had been defeated by the fierce tiger, immediately felt familiar.

The same feeling is that the battlefield rhinos have been defeated by the fierce tigers in the arena.

For a time.

The scene was full of weird atmosphere.

"It's the same again."

"Hmph, I have added a layer of protection to the vulture man."

"It doesn't matter if there was a weird squirrel before, I don't believe you can get one more, let alone you have so many hidden level 6 perfect pets."

Wing Demon didn't know that all of this was Chen Lie's one-man show, and thought it was the other nine major businessmen who were doing him.

But he did a lot of preparation this time.

It will never be caught off guard like the last time.

of course.

The real reason he took this duel was the additional bargaining chip proposed by Chen Lie:

If Chen Lie loses, tell him who knows Chen Lie.

This agreement has a systematic testimony, so Wing Demon is not afraid of Chen Lie's shame.

At this time.

The seventh symphony sounded.

When the music ends, it is the moment when the game begins.

Everyone has their own characteristics, and the opening signal is one of them.


Suddenly, the vulture man pointed at the flying looter, and the sword in his hand that could kill the elephant was held high, and it slammed down on the top of the fierce Jiaohu.

The most terrifying thing is that the giant war knife flashes this blood, which is breathtaking.

This is the signature ability of the vulture man:

Killing grudge!

Judging from its momentum, it's simply incomparable.

However, the fierce tiger, who has been standing on the ring, with a leisurely posture, still doesn't care.

Not caring doesn't mean just sitting and waiting.

I saw the fierce Jiaohu’s right hand coming first, and he was on the front line to the side of the sword. Just a slap blasted the vulture man’s overbearing sword power away, and the vulture man also made a sound of boredom. Humph, get electrocuted and fly away.


The audience was terribly quiet.

Although vultures are known for their nerves.

But he has already practiced to the dual-wield auxiliary explosion, and the instantaneous explosion speed is the top of the 6th level pet.

So it is also famous for its simple speed explosion.

Looking at the entire 6th-level pet zone, basically there are only a few dozen or so daring to confront the vultures.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the fierce Jiaohu miraculously disappeared.

At the next moment, the fierce tiger was silently pressing against the vulture man's side, and the tiger's claws were like the most terrifying snake, piercing the vulture's heart.

It was so fierce and vicious, it didn't look like the leisurely posture that the fierce Jiaohu just showed.


The extraordinary response of the vulture man has served his purpose.

He turned around when his body was out of balance, supported by one foot, and his body turned out a strange rotation...

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