The pet king of the city

Chapter 822 Chen Lie's Bait

After all, the fire beast is far more powerful than the tiger, and it is also a monster in the classics of mountains and seas. If you say it at will, it is estimated that most Xiang Xiaoan does not believe it.

Proper solution made Xiang Xiaoan's face less painful.

But Xiang Xiaoan still asked stubbornly, "What does the pet brother have to do with my father's disappearance?"

"It's natural."

Lingyan said: "Because he is the person who can save your father the most."


Xiang Xiaoan was uncertain.

Lingyan asked: "Have you never watched Xiaolie's live broadcast?"

"I have seen it, but not a lot."

Xiang Xiaoan said: "I have watched the live broadcast of my pet brother's treasure hunt in the Sahara Desert, and I admire his courage and will."


"You know too little about Xiaolie, that's why you are so stupid."

Lingyan regretted it.


Xiang Xiaoan was a little dazed.

He has been a child of other people since he was a child. Although his academic performance is not the first one last time, he is still the best.

Because of his father's relationship with him, he exercised since childhood and exercised strict self-discipline, so his sports are particularly good. Several provincial teams want to recruit him as a top student, and even top domestic universities offer him an olive branch.

But he didn't want to do special admissions, he wanted to get everything by his own efforts.

But now.

He was said to be stupid, which is unprecedented.

Spiritual eyes stabbed and asked: "If you rush into someone else's territory without investigating it clearly, are you going to die? Or are you going to die?"

He has no confidence in Chen Lie, but has enough superiority to Xiang Xiaoan.

Without waiting for Xiang Xiaoan’s answer, Lingyan continued to ask: "Your father definitely didn’t teach you this way, that’s because you didn’t learn well. If you don’t learn well, then it’s not a waste of stupidity; if you listened well, It would be even more stupid to learn, such a precious opportunity was wasted."

"do not talk."

Xiang Xiaoan, who was so embarrassed and angry, scolded: "Where is my father? He immediately disappeared after he took your task. It has been almost a month now. No matter how difficult tasks he accepts before, it is impossible for no reason. Disappeared for a month."

Lingyan said seriously: "I told you: Your father is missing."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Xiang Xiaoan almost gritted his teeth.

If he could move now, he would have gone to get his spiritual eye long ago, no matter how old he is.

Lingyan said, "The reason why your father agreed to my invitation was not for you asshole."


Xiang Xiaoan was stunned.

What happened is my fault after all.

"It's you."

"Do you think you are hiding well? You think your father didn't know if you didn't say it?"

"In fact, your father knew you had many girlfriends a long time ago, and he secretly participated in some amateur competitions to make money, and secretly maintained expenses."

Lingyan sneered and said, "You kid is pretty good except for your family background. But your father is afraid that you are young and frivolous and accidentally kill you. That's why you have such a sense of urgency."

"I remember very clearly, you magic city, the cost of getting married is not low. Anyone who wants a house, the expenditure alone will cost at least more than 3 million yuan. Your father can't save this money even after a hundred years of work. , So your father could not refuse my invitation and was forced to come back again."

Xiang Xiaoan fell silent.

Even though he is 16 years old, he actually has several girlfriends.

Naturally know the cruelty of society.

"All right."

Chen Lie pulled his attention back and said, "Although I don't mind if you guys play and communicate, this posture is a bit of a violation in such an environment, so let's stop at it."

"Go back and think about it for yourself."

"You are fortunate enough to meet us this time. If you encounter a guy with a more aggressive means, even if your father comes back safely, then he can only cry."

Lingyan is no nonsense, let Xiaolei send Xiang Xiaoan back.

Xiang Xiaoan also wanted to ask why Chen Lie was able to save his father, but when he saw the housework squirrel triplets, he settled down decisively.

"Interesting kid."

Chen Lie looked at the spiritual eye and asked, "Lao Zhu has the heart to cultivate?"


"His age is really a good age for kindness."

Lingyan smiled and said: "And it's just a matter of effort for me, but it is a great gospel for him. Since this is the case, why not do it?"

"Older gingers are more spicy."

Chen Lie was amazed at Lingyan's behavior.

Chen Lie had thought about similar ideas before, but after thinking about it, in the end, he felt that it was better to put more thoughts on pets.

After all, the pet's mind is simpler and more loyal.

"Don't talk about it."

Ling Eye asked: "Would you like to give us a convenience?"


"But it depends on the time."

Chen Lie agreed, but added a restriction.

There is no other reason.

He wants to go live in the wilderness again.

Look for werewolves.

What a sensation this gimmick is.

And if it's really a werewolf, wouldn't it be a new source of money to catch it and raise it in captivity?

Chen Lie's abacus is very loud.

The matter was settled in Chen Lie's vague attitude.

And Lingyan didn't know from beginning to end that Chen Lie didn't plan to lend any super pet.



Wing Demon's home.

The familiar smashing sound came out again.


"Dare to contact me! Do you really think I'm muddled?"

Wing Demon received Chen Lie's challenge letter and was immediately furious.

"Damn it! Take my things as a bet!"

"But I just can't refuse it!"

Chen Lie actually took out the 7th-level honor badge as a bet, making Wing Demon speechless instantly.

Beauty Action Team can no longer be broadcast live.

Only one of the three major battle pets remains.

Coupled with other people's revenge, and systematic investigations, Wing Demon is desperate.

If he does not regain the 7th-level badge of honor and reshape the signboard, his financial resources will be cut off.

The most important thing is:

In addition to the 7-level honor badge, Chen Lie also used an additional 1 million fan points to act as a second bet.

This huge fan value is definitely a life-saving fund for the devil who has recently suffered a blood loss.

This is Chen Lie's bait.

Even if it is poisonous.

But the Wing Demon couldn't resist, and could only take the bait obediently.

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