The pet king of the city

Chapter 825 The Secret


The relieved spirit returned to the iconic cry and decisively went to practice.

"Hang it in the online store first, and then test the market later."

Chen Lie was not in a hurry.

Because he still has one thing to understand.


Chen Lie called the farmer.

The farmer watched the hoe quickly came to report.

Chen Lie asked: "Farmer, tell me about the current situation of Zizhulin branch and the production of fairy gel."

As a person who manages the Grand Paradise first-hand, the farmer knows the foundation best.

The farmer replied: “Now the land belonging to the owner is covered with purple bamboo forests. The other purple bamboo forests leased for scientific research issues have not yet any expansion plans."

Chen Lie asked: "Why not expand?"

The farmer replied: "It is rented there. If it is developed at will, and the lease ends in the future, Zizhu Forest will be someone else's."


"With a 50-year lease, and the payment is still completed in one go, is that called a rent?

Chen Lie scolded: "Some property rights are not as much as mine."

The farmer was speechless immediately.

Chen Lie continued: "Moreover, no one can do better than us in scientific research-type green land. So you can expand out without worry, and if there are problems, I will make them no problem.

In the nearby plots, Lingyan and other seniors specially helped Chen Lie circle them in order to obtain wine that could prolong life.

There is no so-called insider trading, and there are no nasty tricks, just to take it openly.

And they demanded greening, demanding that it cannot be used for commerce, all is fine.

Anyway, Chen Lie only intends to grow super plants such as purple bamboo.

of course.

It is impossible for Chen Lie to rest solely on the credibility of others.

The strictest legal provisions, and a well-deserved first priority.

Even if something happens in the future, someone covets Chen Lie’s land, Chen Lie can take the lead.

As for taking them all down?

This one is also very simple.

Chen Lie is even planning, and it is estimated that he will bring it up the next time he communicates with seniors such as Li Lao, Lingyan, and De Lao.

As long as they are spiritual eyes.

Chen Lie believed that nothing was upset with a bottle of Baixian Brew.

It's really unbalanced, then two bottles.

"I know how to do it."

The farmer made a decision.

Chen Lie reminded him in passing: "The outside venue is more than ten times as large as here. You must be too busy to come alone. When you are busy, remember to let other pets help, especially the lazy rice bucket."


The farmer is not stubborn.

After all, it is just a gorilla with only one opponent.

At the rate that hundreds of grade 4 and grade 5 bamboo shoots are born here every day, just transplanting these purple bamboos is too busy.

If it weren't for the help of the housework squirrel triplets.

The farmer must be very tired every day.

Ever since.

It began to look for coolies to help.

And a rice bucket with terrifying strength is a good target.

"Hey, it's really hard for the farmer."

"Even if it doesn't complain, it still has to give him a sigh of relief."

Watching the farmer leave.

Chen Lie is full of thoughts.

The pets in the pet training base are dexterous enough, but they are all too small to do the heavy farm work of transplanting purple bamboo.Otherwise, Chen Lie will definitely let the squirrel army come over as coolies, and he will not hesitate.

But there is no good way for a while.

I can only let his super pet in his free time, and try his best to help.

This episode wasted a lot of Chen Lie's time.

He immediately fetched water and a pot of fairy gel.

Pour all into the bottle of good fortune.


It's just waiting.



Level 6 trial area.

The second-place qualifying challenge has started.

This is the seventh-ranked fierce tiger, challenged the second-ranked Jedi elves in a focus duel.

This is much more eye-catching than an unknown player challenging a high-ranking favorite, a competition that is more commercial than competitive.

This is not.

Wing Demon didn't make much publicity, and more than 500,000 people bought tickets to enter the venue.

And according to this trend, breaking one million is a matter of minutes.

Although both sides are in the top 10, so the ticket income will be divided into a small part to challenge Chen Lie, which is an unexpected gain for Chen Lie.

For the audience, this is a rare reference and learning opportunity.

After all, how masters cultivate pets and what styles they design for pets can all be seen in the life and death battle.

This is not.

Many top-ranked masters and analysts began to comment.

The vulture man who had been defeated by the fierce tiger said with a hint of discomfort: "The fierce tiger has no chance at all. It is facing the Jedi elves, a variant of the elves."

But his remarks were instantly stepped on.

"A variant of wool, half-elf is half-elf."

"What's wrong with ranking second? Didn't you see that the fierce tiger at the beginning was completely random?"

"That's right, you were abused when you used cheating runes."

Many viewers heard this remark and immediately scolded.

In their eyes, the quasi-level 7 rune is pure cheating, not technology at all.

The enraged vulture man sneered: "The Jedi Elves have been in the 6th level for more than 3 years. From beginning to end, they only lost to the first guy. Tell me, what kind of opponents the Jedi Elves have not met? Let's talk about it. , No matter what kind of opponent, facing it this kind of magic swordsman who can break through to level 7 anytime, anywhere, what kind of specialties are useless."

"Although the elves have good magic talents, they are relatively weak. This is generally accepted."

"Upstairs is funny, the Jedi Elves are fused with the blood of Jedi monsters, and their physical fitness is not much inferior to that of the orcs. According to me, in the 6th level, the blood of the Jedi is even the limit."

"The Jedi elves are just hybrid elves from the genetic laboratory. Don't brag about it."

"If you have the ability, you can buy a bottle of blood medicine."

"That is, the price of a bottle of Jedi Elf blood is nearly one million, not many people can afford to gamble."

The scene was noisy because of contradictions.

But after all, it shows one thing:

The Jedi elves are very powerful and rare.

And Chen Lie is also...

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