The pet king of the city

Chapter 835 I'm Here

"In addition to the Chimera bloodline in this genetic laboratory, is there any bloodline we don't know?"

"And where did they find this bloodline?"

Chen Lie's two consecutive questions went straight to the core of the problem.

Where could Lingcai think of more distant things, he could only nod his head in response.

"Let's go."

Chen Lie went on.

He used to beware of danger, but now he is eager for danger.

There was a surprise when I first entered, showing how many little-known invisibility is hidden here.

Perhaps there will be more exciting releases in the hinterland of the Forgotten Lands.

Push flat all the way.

But Chen Lie and Lingcai didn't find any strange animals.

On the contrary, there are very few animals here.

As if this is an animal forbidden place, even the most common mice and birds are rare.

Such an environment.

Even Lingcai can't get active anymore.

Chen Lie is very leisurely.

As he walked, he admired the lack of life around him, which looked very drab green.

Not long after he said, "With the food environment here, I am afraid that there are not so many monsters. It seems that the weird-headed fox we encountered was forced to hunt towards the edge. It is probably a lucky accident."

"No, I believe there are not so many coincidences in this world."

"Is anyone deliberately testing us?"

Chen Lie pondered.

Along the way, he always had a lingering sense of being peeped.

This feeling is absolutely not there before.

Since he has taken two Red Blood Fruit consecutively, his ability in this area has become more acute.

But when I feel the qi, I am more clear about the feeling in the dark.

"It seems that someone knows that we are here, and deliberately sent a strange head fox to test."

"If we are not strong enough, it is naturally fresh food for weird head foxes. If we are strong enough, they can also get first-hand information."

Chen Lie has analyzed the truth here and has a certain insight into the truth behind the Forgotten Land.

In view of this.

Chen Lie began to pay attention to his surroundings.

Especially the peep point.

So it went for nearly two hours.

"Are these trees?"

After repeated analysis and systematic judgment, Chen Lie finally determined one thing:

These trees have problems.

These trees do not know what species they are. They look very ordinary, but there is a little dust-like thing between the branches and leaves.

Chen Lie didn't care much before.

Later, I couldn't find the floating objects with the effect of disturbing the mind. At the end of the screening, I discovered the weird tree species everywhere in this forgotten place.

Chen Lie patted gently.

There is a little less dust on the strange tree.

The system also gives a notice that the concentration of nearby floating matter has increased significantly.


Chen Lie repeatedly identified the tree and finally determined: "This is not any tree species that the earth has discovered. There is no such weird tree in the data. The strange head fox before, the strange tree now, everything here is It’s so weird and artificial."

It's not that such a large area is artificially planted.

This difficulty is too high.

It may be a tree species that reproduces very fast, or grows very fast.

Of course, it is also possible that some drugs were forcibly injected later to make it what it is now.

but no matter.

The meaning expressed is terrifying.

Di di di di!

Di di di di!

The alarm sounded urgently.

"Sent from the Mini Apache."

Chen Lie reminded: "It must have discovered something powerful enough to threaten us, and then it will send us a security report. Please prepare and don't lose it.

But the next moment.

Toy Wu Zhi also sent an alarm from the other direction.

"Oh, it seems we are not very popular."

"So many people came to drive us out."

Not only did Chen Lie not feel nervous at all, he was excited.

After the system upgrade, whether it is a mini Apache or a toy Wuzhi, the combat effectiveness has reached the level 5 determined by the system, and it has basic artificial intelligence.

They didn't have such a witty scene before.

Chi Chi!

Lingcai points to the left.


Chen Lie, who understood in seconds, pointed to the right and said: "We are alone, let's see who can handle it quickly!"

Chi Chi!

Lingcai squirrel rushed into the lifeless bush like lightning.

"How about giving you a step ahead?"

Chen Lie moved his body lazily, then walked casually to the woods on the right.



"Report! Everything is normal!"

"We haven't found the target yet, but we are about to complete the encirclement."

"It's me. We will definitely bring that squirrel back. The squirrel that can only emit flames is definitely the most valuable animal in this century."

"The signal interference is strong, that's it."

A small team wearing white combat uniforms and masked combat formations quietly touched Chen Lie from the right.

They were shocked by the performance of Lingcai before.

Immediately ordered to catch alive.

As for Chen Lie's Min Gan identity, they did not hesitate at all.

"Strange, the detector just caught someone approaching."

The captain glanced at the detector and immediately wondered.

This thing is used to catch squirrels, for fear that the squirrels run too fast or hide too deep and waste too much time.

I didn't want to but accidentally discovered Chen Lie's trajectory.

The captain was one of the elite, and immediately ordered: "It's definitely not a malfunction. You can look around for it."

"No, I am here."

Chen Lie appeared behind the sub-team like this.

The captain turned around to fire his weapon.


Where did he see Chen Lie, all he saw was the death of two teammates.

"The opponent is fast!"

"Gather together to defend."

After all, the captain is an elite, effective countermeasures for the first time.

"too late!"

The blade flashed past, and the two retreating team members were cut off by Chen Lie with weapons.


The captain was too lazy to guess the body of his teammate, and directly ordered to fire.

It's a pity that just after his word of fire came off, a flying knife pierced their wrists.

Three flying knives in one hand, all hits accurately.

The weapons of the last three combatants were collectively dropped.

The captain didn't give up and wanted to struggle to death...

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