The pet king of the city

Chapter 841 Hell's Gate

What surprised Chen Lie was that this particularly large dog bone had three heads: "I wipe it, isn't it the remains of the legendary three-headed dog from the hell? That is a super monster!"

There is also a golden bat on the side, a python with four heads, a skull with many snakes on the head, and so on.

As for the others.

Werewolves and corpses are the most perfect ones, and there are several complete corpses.

The hard work of more than 70 years is really not comparable.

"This is simply the corpse library of mythical species!"

"From the recovery of Germany to the looting of the world during the Second War."

"Also in a vain attempt to change the pattern of war with extraordinary power."

"Compared with those above, the forces I have encountered before are simply scum!"

Chen Lie recalled everything he saw and couldn't help but sigh.

He already knew that this was called [Hell’s Gate], which originated from a special department secretly formed by Mustache before the Second War, with the purpose of establishing an armed department with extraordinary powers to conquer the world.

But because the upper part is too mysterious, everything is only dictated by the mustache, so even if the second war of Zherman failed, the gate of hell was not discovered, and it has been lurking until now.


The gate of hell has been passed down in religious form to the present, and has gradually evolved into a mysterious head of unknown scale and unknown potential.

Most institutions on the earth don't even know its existence.

"System, find me the hidden storage room here."

"Many movie novels have such plots."

Chen Lie will not miss such an opportunity.

Not long.

The system really detected an abnormality in a location.

Chen Lie came to a cabinet, broke the organ from a hidden corner, and found the identity verification system.

He took out the identity card of the chief scientist and swiped it.


With a clear electronic synthesis sound, the cabinet moved horizontally away automatically.

A large number of medicines of different colors appeared in front of Chen Lie.

"I am disrespectful of the results collected for nearly a hundred years."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Search all the valuable things here into the system warehouse.

Finish all this.

Chen Lie fart. The stock left.

But he was not going to protect the group of abductees who had escaped, but to ask the Nazi general about something more secretive.



Edge of the Forgotten Land.

The Nazi general climbed up from the hillside in embarrassment.

The guard uniform on his body has lost its original cleanliness and his face is dirty, but his expression is extremely firm, even if his physical strength is low, even if he is the only one left in the team of more than ten people.

"hold onto."

"I must send out the information about the werewolf's perfect body."

"This information does not exist in files, all are transcripts. Send it out, and Germany can reproduce its former glory!"

The Nazi generals were determined to shuttle through the jungle like fanatics.

This way is their escape route, extremely hidden.


When he looked up, his face finally changed when he saw the man on the protruding position of the mountainside.

There is a broken tree, thorns out horizontally.

Chen Lie stood on the broken tree, looking at the Nazi general with a full face of irony.

"You really came."

The Nazi general was not surprised when he saw Chen Lie.

Chen Lie said, "It seems you know I will come."

The Nazi general said: "Since I saw you destroy the ghouls like that, and saw that your drone can ignore the forgotten dust, I know you will catch up with me sooner or later."

"You must be thirsty, here!"

Chen Lie threw a bottle of mineral water to the Nazi general as usual, and then asked: "Tell me about forgetting dust."

The Nazi general ran for more than an hour and was really thirsty.

After he drank the entire bottle of mineral water in one breath, he replied with his hands on his back: "The forgetting dust is something we have researched based on a mythical species. We inject this gene into a designated tree species to keep them going. Slowly mutated in 10 to 20 years, and finally evolved into what it is now."

"Manpower has its limits, and it also has to specify tree species."

"No wonder it's here."

Chen Lie suddenly came over.

Such a large range, even if it is only injection, is a big project.

The Nazi general nodded and replied: "Yes, because it is too cumbersome, we can only control such a small area."

Chen Lie continued to ask: "Tell me the reasons for your persistence. Your once glory has been more than half a century. For so many years, you can't just rely on faith to maintain cohesion, right?"

"Aren't we fools?"

The Nazi general sneered: "In such a world, pure faith can no longer maintain the cohesion of a large-scale boss, so we use a combination of faith, reward and intimidation to control people."

Chen Lie asked: "Intimidation? Is it to intimidate family members?"

The Nazi general replied grandiosely: "Broader, sometimes even the closest friends are among them."

"You really are."

Chen Lie continued to ask: "Then tell me about the research progress of the base? Apart from werewolves, corpses and that weird fox, what outstanding results are there?"

"That's not a weird fox, it's a Chimera fox, but the research was too unsuccessful and we used it as a tool to test you."

"As for the corpse spirits, they are also failed products. They are weak in combat effectiveness and extremely genetically unstable. They are all transformed from garbage humans who fail to pass the drug test. They are treated as consumables by us. Oh, yes, your first and second The next time I came here, it was us who used the garbage to die."

"As for the others, there are no outstanding results."

The Nazi general avoided the topic of werewolves.

But Chen Lie was most interested in werewolves, and asked, "Where are those werewolves?"


"We captured a half-wolf and half-human monster more than 70 years ago, and compared it with the werewolf corpse we found, and then began more than 70 years of research."

"Originally we thought that only the strongest people could adapt to the werewolf genes, but then we realized that we were very wrong, only..."

The Nazi general did not say anything.

Because he said so much nonsense to Chen Lie just now, all for...

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