The pet king of the city

873 chapter initiative

Successfully defeated the long arm and the long arm said: "We don't have a hundred-digit fighters, and you will break your Thunder! Simple, your Thunder is useless. "

: "Is this your relying on?"


The long arm is proud: "Every warfare has a specific style, as well as combat frequencies. When the style is locked, the frequency is broken, that everything is futile."

"10 seconds."

He Tiger puts out flying pose and tells a inexplicable quantifier.

"What do you mean?"

The long arm was taking a slotted tiger.

"Solve you in 10 seconds!"

The sound of the treasure tiger, the Thunder stepped full out.

This is the driving effect of all air explosions, and the speed is fast.

Still tiger fist.

Only under full's outbreak, the speed is faster and the power is even more powerful.

The long arm is told and smiled with both hands, just like a straightened iron gate.


The new outbreak of tiger gun is again blocked.


The attack coming from the long arm has not appeared yet, and the iron gate on your hands also came to a horrible explosive force.

Yes, it is an explosion.

As the power of the bubble explosion, the scene is stable, such as the mountain.

The long arm war of directly plowing the ground quickly stabilized.

But his feet is already strong. The hard ring is plowed to plow two stitching.

"How is this going?"

"There is no such thing in the information!"

The long arm has appeared in the bottom of the war.


Heji Tiger, Tiger shaving is also used.

However, the long arm war was huddled by Tiger.



Although the attack is all the characteristics of the long arm war, it will not swim, and it is always playing like a ball.

"It's not a constant!"

The roaring roaring from the sky falls from the sky:

Meteor Tiger Emperor!


The long arm will actually use highly condensed internal power balls, and die to stand the dangerous tiger.


"I said it before!"

The long arm is laughing: "Your trick is broken by us!"


The embarrassment is like the final declaration.

The force of the meteor tiger emperor suddenly doubled, with a point break, the internal power ball is broken, and the horrible cone is running through the body of the long arm.


The long arm is still dead, and it is stubborn: "We clearly crack your tiger emperor, your meteor tiger emperor has no power!"


"You crack is just a fixed trick."

: "But is the profoundness of Yan Xia martial arts, is your cracking? It can be transformed into a lot of money, or it can also be a combination of punctuality, countless combination, there are countless crackers Method, is your head reaction? "

The long arm has floated a cruelty, turned into light.

The Heaven won the first game.

And it, even the blood talent is not used, only a super genius in the air and martial arts.

"Long live, is not our first battle!"

"The strength of this long arm is completely under the magician, but he even makes the eligibility of the , ."

"There are more than a dozen fighters behind, but they still have been transferred. This long arm is really garbage."

"Hey, I also believe in the official evil, actually didn't pretend to win!"

The audience on the spot boil.

This is a very interesting match.

Although it is short, it is very exciting, and it is also particularly enlightenment.


The gods and the took a palm.

"Boss is boss after all."

Lingcai also jumped over and gave a palm of the Tiger.

: "The Spirit, the next opponent is old, but I think it is a little bit better than before."

The spirit is easy to answer: "Who is not better than before. I can defeat the six arms once, you can defeat it the second time."

This encountered this time is a six-arm orc who has been defeated once.

Wine god reminded: "You can't arrogate. It's proud of the enemy of the six-arm orcs, how do you have to be careful."

"rest assured."

"I haven't confident to the big."

Lingcai will not give the six-arm orc to turn the opportunity.

"That's good."

Wine god is no longer aura.

In addition to continuing to familiarize with Bodhi, it is still studying the new wine.

The battle is also the guarantee of the lescale.

Although the six-arm orc did not know what gateway, the acquisition of the magnitude 7 magic anti-equipment, wearing it, wearing a prestige, like a senior guardian army.


Lingcai is not only an attack means.

Smart it uses a shock attack and opened the magic helmet.

Needless to say next.

The six-arm orcs were headed, and the bones were not overfold.


Chen Lie is not happy.

He said: "Slag such as the six arm can know how to use the equipment gram, those super geniuses with a big background?"

Chen Lie even doubt some people, it has already made the fire equipment, so that the flame talent of the lescale has been shown.

And Chen Lie's guess is not inert.

Because someone has been inspired from the six arm or arms.

At the system 8 stage trial area.

"Yes, I found a way to rest" squirrel. "

A level 8 trial person told: "That told this, improve this road, we need a super-war favor of physics and magic defense, I have to make their Thunder and flames can be invalid."


A home super pet is pleased.

The picture of the 8-level trial person is two, one is a , one is a spirit.

He thought a lot.

Finally, I said: "The strategy of the long arm failed, take the spare plan. Remember, I want to be a top 8, and the quota of the squirrel is also can't grab the quota of the line, know?"

The housekeeper is super PK: "Yes, I will send a variety of crack programs as soon as possible to their group competitors."

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