The pet king of the city

886 chapter changed thousands of Druid

"At least 11 of the 11-level battle pet, this Druid is a super genius who is going to develop in the middle."

"Heji Hu is just 7-level war, but Druid has directly defeated the qualifications of Level 7 warfare, it is entirely two yards."

"Heju Tiger came to go to the boxing method," "

"The winning of the tiger is very low."

The public opinion in the audience fell.

"A group of stupid materials."

"If the gaming company sees that Druid is too high, it is necessary to replace death, otherwise it will not announce the late not announcement, announce this time?"

"Live you lose bankrupt."

Chen Lie did not even see the so-called trials of this group of self-seekers, except for disdain, no positive.

The heavens will come.

There is a countdown that appears in the sky:





Heaven and earth will be released, the game begins.

"go to hell!"

This shout is naturally from Druid.

He knows that his ability is not high, but it is still confident.

He wanted to hit an abnormally, even if he died in the hand of the treasure and tiger.

Druid did not care, directly turned into a blast, and the wind rushed to attack.

Almost 3, 4 breathing, the blast spans more than 100 meters from:

Blast spurs!

The speed is the windproker. Double the peak speed is not under the radius of full speed.

The windlake is like the arrow of the string, and it is flying to Chen Lie.


The blast suddenly became a forest giant bear in the flying process, and the huge claw whistling the speed of the flying thorn to suddenly suddenly

Several spurs + .

Combination skills to the .


He is a half, and then a force to return to the sky, so it is simple and roughly rigging to fly the forest giant bear.

However, the forest giant bear suddenly became an extreme bat, and the emptied air, and he flooded from the top and flew down.


The scorless mourning sound is suddenly coming.

The speech power that is broken is even more stronger than the maximum output of the sound gun. It directly defeats the , the shock will be shocked.

"Directly attack the mourning of the soul!"

Heji Hu's face is slightly changed.

This mourning is an extremely special talent capability, but relatively special, belonging to the sound attack, there is no special blood and magic of people, it is impossible to show.


A smoked Druid is again roaring.

The scared mourning shocks the eardrior pain in the field.

Plan to Druid's deadly hit, the face is, but also the face change, the body station is unstable, and it can only hard to resist this strange sound force.


The is not a cold, but a burst.

This is a magic sound in the murder, and the gossip is called [ ].

But in ancient times, this sound is the sound of Luosha.

Druid is in an instant.

He didn't expect that the Heji Tiger will also apply it to his people.

Next moment.

The body of the treasure tiger is coming to disappear, and I have someone behind Druid.

This huge bat is cut into both sides.

The body of Druid is a little bit of golden light.

The battle is over.

A silence in the audience.

The scene just now is like a mountain car. Finally, the Tiger is so simply, and the champion of their mind is, and most of the audience can't accept it.

Unfortunately, the fact is the fact.

The system announcement is coming out, and it is not allowed to be destroyed.

"What kind of bat is it just?"

After the Bailian, I was afraid: "I can directly attack the soul, I still heard such a skill."

Chen Lie replied: "That is not a skill, it is blood ability."

Li Shen said: "I didn't see Druid to turn into bats. It seems that this is the bottom card of Druid."


This is the .

Heju walked over the farmer's side, patted the farmer as the Xiong mouth of the steel, said: "Farmers, thank you for your hard-working tea. If you don't pose your tea, you can't practice my mind and spirit, otherwise this will definitely Dark budget. "

So strange speech power, is indeed documented.

"Who have heard that can directly attack the sound of the soul?"

Bailing asked: "I am a speech expert, but I still haven't heard which blood is so abnormal?"

Everyone collects his head.

"I find it."

Chen Lie opened a huge bat, almost the same as the change of Druid: "This bat is mourning the bat, the abyss department, just mourning, but mourning can directly attack the soul, is a very special abyss blood Even if there is no one in Level 7, there is only a related legend in the magnitude 8 area. "

This payment query, spent a hundred times more advanced counseling fee.

But this is worth it.

After all, the 8th level is.

Bailing: "I don't know how Druid is so rare blood."

Druid wants to make perfect transformation, you must have the blood of the transformed object, but also to control the strength of the blood.

But not to change it.

"We don't need to care so much?"

Abao said: "Druid has been eliminated, he is already a past style, we don't have to worry about his fight."

Bailing immediately said: "Stupid, Druid will be promoted to 7 levels, when he will meet us again."


Abao is saying right.

"Well, this topic is here."

"The next step is the game."

Chen Lie looked at the spirit, asked: "The spirit, you are facing the sky king, your natural enemy."

Sky King, the head name of the sixth group.

It has an unparalleled aerial advantage in all wins, and is also a popular championship.

At the gaming field.

The odds of the spirit even up to 1 pay 2.8.

No way, the spirit can be promoted to the most people to determine that it is speculative, not rely on real strength.

On the other hand, he pressed his spiritual spirit in both the race or record.


Lingji habit ...

(Strongly recommended "Municipality of the City", this is a rare good book, not to be missed!)

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