The pet king of the city

888 chapter shelter treasure

"I have to see if your flame power is really used as a propeller!"

The king of the sky is rising, chasing the past.


The spirit suddenly stagnant, the burning platform seems to be trailed by a horrible force, all the flames have set out.

The king of the sky feels the abnormality from the bottom, suddenly stagnation, and look down.

The flame rushing up is like the column of the flame, and the king of the sky will be scared in the middle.

If the king of the sky wants to force breakout, it will inevitably be burned.

The spirit is coming.

All flames are collected on it.

In the eyes of all the attention, the late cultivation is a real flame meteor, hitting the sky:

Fun God comes!

This is the strongest blow to a collection of hundreds of the fire column.

This is the killing of the spirit, the powerful powerful to the sky is not estimated, can only look at the gathering of the fire column to be swallowed by the fire column.


The genius falls back to the ground.

The battle is over?

No, the king is still alive, although he is full of composite, it is good, but he is still alive.

"No ... how can I lose here?"

"I am the great sky king! I am the king of the Thunder!"

The sky is out of control. He felt the lapse of life and felt that the body was dissipating.


It is not an Jedi elf, and it is weak to return.

I can only look at myself completely disappear.

"Wow Cao, the little mouse is very might!"

Bailing excitedly: "You still have such a strange trick!"

Xiao Black Hao Yu: "100 hell fire thunders, the power added is not less than 7 flame magic."

The wine god tou said: "The final attack power of the spirit is easy to kill most of the 7-level war pet."

Hejihu also came over from the shock: "The light and beast has the talent of the flame. The flame generated by hell fire thunder is just within the control range. Use the flame to imprison the sky of the sky, the last blow must kill, very creative Trick. "

Lingling is exhausted, accepting everyone's admire.

Chen Lie said: "If it is a golden knife, he will turn the platform into a desert. The fire will be extinguished at any time, so you can't contribute any effect, so you will think of surrendering before you."

The god god sorry: "But such a plan can only use it once, the second time is not good, because the opponent will prevention."

If the spirit doesn't have this skill, I will go to the top of the past.

But once I have used it, everyone will find a way to suppress the fire of hell fire.

There is no fire sea, the power of the last move will be inferior.


Lingcai is proud: "I have completed the goal before the game, there is no burden, isn't it?"


The god god is sorry.

"Don't have a psychological burden."

Chen Lie solution to the game lock, saying: "Now you are already eight, the top 8 of the iron, I will go to honor the award bet. Spirit, what gift do you want, I will bring you."

"no need."

The spirit will drive directly: "I have worsened before, I almost made a big mistake. Everyone didn't blame, I just made good. Now it will make it up."

"I give you better spiritual fruit."

The gods turned.

Abao asked: "What do you like? I will give you."

The scene is happy.

Chen Lie also entered the system mall of the virtual world, found the gaming area and credited a reward.

"At the beginning, you felt that the spirit could kill the top 8 chances of super land, actually gave an odds of 1 loss 3.1."

"Also, when you watched my order, my order, the team killed the top 100, and the odds were not low."

"Now purely give me money."

Chen Lie took nearly 5 million fan values, proud.

Pay 2 million points, recycling nearly 5 million points, so buying and selling lanterns can't be found.

Coupled with Chen Lie now has more than 2 million fan values ​​in his hand.

Now Chen Lie's total remaining filament value exceeds 7 million points.

It can be said that wealth is rough.

", dead zone?"

Chen Lie knows that there is a place to be classified near the casino, which is to facilitate some people "emergency".

There is a pawn place, naturally there is life and death.

Chen Lie saw that the died of the dictionary paving, and the dead status of the sales, I got a fun.

"There is no pet, after all, pet is the sale and sale of system exclusive."

"There are many good goods, this level 6 shelter bracelet is only sold half of the price, not bad, even the second-hand is also very cost-effective, but unfortunately."

Chen Lie immediately became the first item.

Unfortunately, she asylum bracelet is a chargeable energy shield, as long as there is energy, once induced the danger, it will automatically form a protection shield, which is very convenient.

The problem is Chen Lie.

Then Chen Lie is speechless.

Because he saw more asylum type items, ring earrings, necklace watches, etc., some even nine-centered, the price is only 80% of the market price.

"M, the future people are so afraid of death?"

Chen Lie is a bit depressed.

But at the next moment, he understood: "Wait, in the future, the items of asylum type may be insurance, just buy insurance with modern people. Just buy the most effective defense item, not insurance This symbolizes the actual amulet. "

"To change the idea, there is this gating, you can avoid a lot of accidents, such as falling, caught by the air, and even avoid crashing or by the car."

"This is said that this stuff is really necessary."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie once again looked to these things, but did notad: "These clothes are used, and the price is not the most cost-effective. If I have not remembered, the system mall launched a lot of asylum type props, there are many Is it promotion? "

Chen Lie put into action.

Don't say something, this thing is really a lot.

It is like modern a large amount of insurance companies to compete for general, compared to quality, compared, compare. Don't see it than health.

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