The pet king of the city

890 chapter loses again

Not only is the audience think this is a fate, even the swan people think.

He floated.

I saw the ,,, : "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Cochao, I didn't answer.

Swan said: "Beat you, I will re-become the first hot."

Heji Hu is still not answered, continue to do your own warm-up.

"I will not allow the last unexpected failure."

"I will use your so-called first battle, re-laying my honor."

The swan showed the double sword and said, "I will remind you, I am the sky of the swordsman, the most talented swordsman in the Swan People, I will be a well-deserved first promotion level 7, becoming a veritable magic sword. "

There will be a title after Level 7.

The title represents honors and represents a person's war.

For example, there is a swordsman who is unknown in the magnitude 8 area, and is sealed as [Wine Juxian].

For example, there is a golden dragonfly, which is sealed as [madwood].

Perhaps someone will say that the name of the madwood is not as good as the knife, but to know that the madwear is a recognized title, the knife is just the name of the pet category, but also has an advertising nature promotion name.

If the real person has the courage to claim to be a knife after level 7, there will be countless people to play him suspected of life.

Simple point, the title after Level 7 is not given by yourself, you must hit other people's conferencing.


He is finally simply two words.

I can't shout. I don't want to go back. I will burn the swan people in the fire.

He felt that he couldn't see him, and he didn't talk to him.

The heavens will come.

Do not give both sides to steal the opportunity to prepare.

The swan is unhappy, but the


After the pressure of the will of the day, the swan is humiliated.

He is not a decoration like angelic wings, instantly broke out, and the speed is not inferior to the limit of the king of the sky.

Magic Sword Guanghua explosion.

The hand of the hand is suddenly crossing between the flash of light, it is unbiased, just patted the sword of the swan.

The magic sword is open.

The swan face has a horrible color, and it is busy retreating a few steps.

I have to know that one hit is not a test.

The magic sword skills under the super high speed bond is simply a combination skill, and the power is definitely 7.


Wings of the wind.

There is no sign of hazy winds.

However, this time is not an attack or interference, but a semi-air of the swan.

It is this sudden boost, so that the swan people have cleverly avoid the fist of the ;; it is true that this is empty, giving the swan people again. Opportunity.

Swan people know that they underestimate the , if they continue to play, they will explain it here.

The most critical is that he is afraid, with the war with the treasure tiger so horrible freighter, if you can't quickly solve today, the lost must be him.

I saw the swan people's magical swords, with the swordsmanship of Lingxiao to the :

Thunder sword.

Level 7 magic swords!

But !

The Thunder of the Tiger Tiger is unquestioned, but he knows a truth:

One force dropped ten people.

This is the experience of understanding the understandable of countless battles, and the strongest strongest strongest.

Regardless of this attack, it is a magical sword, or the paw of the dragon, and the tiger will only respond in this way.


The swan people 's magic sword should be broken, and the body fierce a blood, until it crashed a big tree to stop.

"No! This is impossible!"

"How can you get better!"

"Even if the Level 7 war pet in the team, there is no such thing as you!"

Swan people look at the figure of the treasure, like seeing the devil, whole body fibril. Shake, in addition to fear or fear.

Have a little pale and straightforward tiger pen straight to the swan people.


The swan people have suddenly replaced a layer of mysterious and artistic colors, with a bright stream rotation to cut the past:

Sword of the streamer!

This is a speed type attack that is attached to the magic.

Swan people actually blend them into their own double wings, and turn the double wing into a sword.

So creative, it is really a top genius of magnitude 8 potential.


How can I know that the simple two strokes will break the swan.

However, the spin speed of the swan is too fast, the offense is still going, the most critical swan people have magic swords and hands, and there are two attacks in the rotation, equal to four attacks, intensive.


However, is in place, constantly making punches, so that the swan people's streamer's swords are difficult.


Finally, accompanied by a scream, the swan was shocked, and slammed to the ground, and he did a cracking on the ground.

The sword of the streamer failed.


The swan people asked excitedly: "Even if the Level 7 battle is can't break my trick, you ..."


: "Your attack routine is attacking with the core, that is, only one direction, to prevent your sword or the sneak attack of your fist. The same direction, it is the upper and lower Several routines, this can't be broken, then I am more live and more. "

Swan people heard horror.

I want to struggle but I feel that my body is not flexible, and I know that my spine may be injured.

Maybe not very serious, but will definitely affect his movement.


Head tiger slowly walking towards the struggle.

"No! You can't be like this!"

"I am a genius of the trial, you will be defeated, I will be killed by the trial day!"

The swan is crazy, crazy roaring.

This instantly is embarrassed to make a trial day.

Although the trial dazzle, it will not be so public.

I have to know that there are more than 2 million people in the scene.

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