The pet king of the city

893 chapter tiger from the mountain

Chen Lie's 5th Legion final match is a good background.

The old man of this relationship is the master of magnitude 8.

There is also a quasi-8 level in the 7th level.

Under the meditation "care" of this exclusive 8-level master, the relationship has a 6-level warfare that is extremely excellent in unique combat power.

However, Chen Lie found this relationship with a weak point:

There is no tacit understanding of the three-headed pets of the opponent.

There is strength but not cooperate, purely winning the power.

However, the monomer combat power, who can compare the tiger and spirit than 6th level?

and so.

This is a battle that is destined from the beginning.



The night is quiet.

Under the moonlight, Chen Lie looked at the wonderful virtual world in front of him and smiled.

I don't know what is still a brand effect.

He has a very good business in the last two days.

This should have a fire. The heat of the heat is rendered.

Many things are beginning to supply.

Interestingly, the buyer has gradually transformed into Level 7 from the original level 6.

This proves that Chen Lie has expanded 7 levels.

This is not available in all level 5 online stores.

But then, there are still many boutiques in the store sold in Chen Lie.

The number of 7-level gourmet, 7-level wine, the potential can reach the 7th level of blood pharmacy. In addition, there is a lot of 5, 6 colors, which is a dazzling.

Even if it is a well-known shop, there is no such high-end product.

"The master, you still drink tea."

The wine god looked in Chen Lie.

"Why can't you drink?"

Chen Lie looked at the wine god and didn't care at all.

Wine gods said: "The Legion Tour in the Level 5 is about to begin, you are not ready, don't you hate it?"

"Is there a leisure?"

Chen Lie asked.

Wine gods are speechless.

It seems that the more leisurely, the more you call the victory, will this be?


Heju jumped down.

Lingcai is also jumping from a growing building.


The spirit is saying "I am ready."

"Let's start!"

"After you have already finished early, come back early to eat late."

Chen Lie said, as if it is talking about a small job that can be solved.

Wine god heard the corners of the eye.

He still wants to say anything, but it is a little bit, because Chen Lie has already entered the virtual world with a dragonfly and spirit.

There is not much viewer in today's game.

The farmer will take a break early.

Abao is studying new dishes.

Others sleep, practice practice, only if they are idle, the squirrel trikin is watching.

It can be seen in their hearts, this so-called final is a play.

The same is true.

When Chen Lie took the platform, he went to a punch and a very different secret, and the empty auditorium did not care.

"The Paradise Owner, you finally came."

Chen Lie's opponent, the famous relationship between the 5th level, looked at Chen Lie, said: "If you know the point, take the initiative, maybe it will not be so embarrassed."

Chen Qi: "Are you idiot?"

The relationship is angry when the account is angry.

Chen Lie recalled: "I didn't remember the wrong words, you are called the Erysta? Your quasi-level 8-level father did not tell you, let go of the opponent, is equal to cheating, will it be cleared by the system?"

Erysthes' face is unusual.

"It seems that you really have no brain."

"I thought you can give me something surprise."

Chen Lie shook his head sigh.

"You are dead."

Relationship Households Erytan: "I swear by the name of the family, I will let you regret today!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie did not think about it.

Not much time.

The heavens will come.

Chen Lie has already experienced a few times in the 6-class military group, and it feels nothing special.

Instead, the other party, a face of urine.


Chen Lie suddenly found that the secret expansion of the secret situation and suddenly expanded ten times.

The distance between the two people is not very close, and this time has become far away.

Heaven and earth will dissipate.

"Execute the first plan."

The Esse is a lot of hands, and the three war pets will be dispersed.

And Esse himself pushed into the snowlin.

"I know that the single pair is not our opponent, but also dare to scatter, it seems that there is nothing."

"Unfortunately, in front of the absolute power, it is a joke together."

Chen Lie is cold and cold, and he waits.

Every pet owner is a leader of the army of the army.

The person in charge of the military is dead, the game is directly over, even if you all fight, there are three major warfarets.

The military intermediate person in charge died, and the battle was directly announced.

Therefore, many action teams that are not strong in battle are like executive playing plans.

"Spirit, you stay here."

Heji Hu leaving, and then rushed into the mountain.

The original jumper wants to try instantly.

It lost today, I want to find someone to vent it.

But it doesn't dare to violate the rules of , can only make yourself wrote.

"This secret is at least 10 kilometers radius."

"The hand is not small."

Chen Lie laughed: "It is estimated that all post-competitions in Level 6 will become this mode."

At this time.

The distant snow mountain came a tragic explosion.

Then the avalanche appears.

Booming sound.

Even I can also hear Chen Lie and spirit in the plains.

"what happened?"

"Will it be a trap?"

Learning is nervous.

But there is not much time, the mountains. The peak seems to be ridden by terrorism, suddenly collapsed.

What horror power can be caused.

The spirit is excited: "The power of the original power is the limit of Thunder, it seems that the tiger boss is in the air!"

I don't want Chen Lie, but I didn't touch my temper: "Don't be happy, go to welcome the enemy."

The breath of the spirit is first stagnant, and then it is uncomfortable: "It turned out to be a scent of the East to hit the West, to break it one by one!"


The spirit rushed out.

It heard two broken sounds quickly close, and immediately realized the intention of the enemy.

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