The pet king of the city

900 chapter Wanzhi Qingyi

"I found so soon?"

Chen Lie was surprised.

That is the 8th God, in general, do not cost the time and the fan value, how can you find it.

"I know you don't believe it."


The old head shines directly.

It is really a blue blood.

System identification is definitely not wrong.

Chen Liena stuffed: "Don't you say that this is very tight? How do you find it once a day?"

The old man is very naturalized: "Because some people lose their eyes!"


Chen Lian urged: "The 7-level area is gambling?"

"The more you gambling, the more gambling."

The old man is very refreshing: "Don't surprise, this is not a wind, but under the limitations of the system, the relatively peaceful bucket can only vent it in this way."

"Take a closer look."

Chen Lie is more curious.

He sat down, reached out, and his well-behaved family squirrel immediately handed the god tea liked.

Chen Lie is waiting for the answer.

"Let me sort out, this is a big problem."

For Chen Lie's question, the old man is a little headache.

However, he still rapidly: "First, the system supervision is strict, such as the trial field, the system has its own rules."

"If the system is private gambling, the system will punish the person before returning to liberation."

"If private retaliate, the system is not a penalty, but directly hunting, it is said to be dispatched to at least 7, or even the level of level 9 is executed. So private returns, there is no way to talk, but so How to solve the grievance? "

Chen Lie was attracted by this problem.

When he opened his brain, he said: "Then you can fight, and you have to lose a very miserable fight. This way, there is a nature of gambling."


"It's gambling."

Old head smiled: "At the world after level 7, it is purely a big force stage. In order to make the opponent to lose bleeding, it will default to the model of the Guanzhang, which will be bet on each other. You can take it all. Rough mode. "

Chen Yi asked: "How do people bet next?"

Lao Head, "" Through the gaming company! Whether it is large or small, you can set up a little bet to set up a gamble through the big gaming company. "

Chen Lie asked: "This, has the space of gambler's survival?"


Old Head said: "The gaming atmosphere after Level 7 is strong, and many models of the warfare game can be seen as the lace chicken in the old world, and the multi-style competition is high."

"I understand."

Chen Lie was completely coming over.

Old Head said: "Of course, the system has a most dangerous pattern. But that mode is not what we can play, and unless special circumstances, the chance of the Buddha is very low, so you can not need to know too much."


Chen Lie has begun to cut back the theme and ask: "What is the price of this 10,000th cycles? We are familiar with it, but the price is still talking about it."

"The legendary blue blood can make the prosperity of the gravesty, but at most, it will be upgraded to level 7, and the formation method has mastered at Level 7 Shennong, so the market price is around 3 million powder."

"Because this is the gamble, it is reincarnated."

Old head said: "Plus my middle fee, I will receive 24.0 million fans value, do you promise?"


Chen Lie is a fool will refuse.

2.4 million powder filaments have been played, and Wanzhi cameras quickly sent.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The old man is happy to leave.

Chen Lie also sent Wanzai to the farmer, said: "1 drop worth 24 million p-fan value, I never bought such a expensive thing, you can use it well."

Farmers have solemnly collected.

Level 7 Zihuo's meaning of the park is not the other plants.

Even if it is a dragon blood tree, red blood, Xia Buing can't compare it.

Chen Lie said: "It is useful to use the resources in the paradise. If you need it, you will ask me. At present, you will have a 7th grade Ziku as the core, and others are second."

The farmer nodded more seriously.

There are so many resources, and the fairy condensation can be prepared at any time, and there is also a helper of the spiritual soil, and it is estimated that even those magnitude of the magnitude may not have such a good foundation.

Farmers feel that if they are even such, they can't upgrade 7 levels of purge, then it can be reined.



That night.

Chen Lie also has a game.


But at this time, the orderly action team has returned to the heavens, because their opponents are the four major to win the magic mission team.

The Magic Action team is a moving team built by the frost magic.

All is the magic, but only the actions of frost, blast, fire and natural.

This time they fully attacted.

Although there is no view of the ice cream, the remaining three-headed magic all have a battle force of the frosty, the overall combat power is strong. The most horrible thing is that they actually cultivate a "heart-owned spirit] .

The battle is a different greeting, a heart-minded know how to cooperate.


Endless blade!

This is a combination of the blast of magic and the fire.

Before they broke out the trick, the natural magic is used to use natural magic, and the order action team is banned in a small range.

"Go out! Ordered wall!"

Small black also broke out the strongest daemon.

As the wall of the judgment standard, it is perfect to protect everyone inside.

Dangdang ...

Endless blast of fire, in the order of order, with a broken voice.

Everyone suffered a blow, all of them were bored, and the body's breath was half a step.

But it is to stick to it.

Because it is the captain of order, it is the strongest shield.

adhere to!

Small black energy is used.

But it relies on super will.

"Can be evil! Super killing: natural wrath!"

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