The pet king of the city

914 chapter targeted means

The color whip raised the super-chopped hill knife, and it was easy to say when it was a knife. "Yes, the most original idea of ​​Satan is coming from" killing. ". However, after we organize more than 100 years The improvement, the combinator has been updated and replaced, and the performance has long beyond the original. "

"Hey, thank you for your answer."

Chen Lie didn't think that the color whip is so good, actually help himself.

I don't want the whistle whip. "You are welcome, after all, you have no chance to talk."

"Sure enough is the mouth."

Chen Lie had heard his head, of course, replied: "Since you are so confident, then I have to be a little more serious."


"You are not serious, I don't have serious opportunities."

The whistle is still so stinky: "Although I didn't serious, I retained a card."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie disdain.

The heavens will come.

However, Chen Lie is very relaxed.

Now they are not simply accumulated and energy every day, nor is it fighting for training, but is based on the source of refining.

Every day, their strength improvement.

It can't see too much change in a short period of time, but it will be an extremely horrible accumulation.

Compared with Chen Lie, Satan's left hand is not so nature.

They obviously master a slice of rules.

But it is a trace of rules.

The whip is purely purely in combat, and it is not very natural under the will of heaven and earth.

From here you can see the gap between the two parties.

"It's good."

Chen Lie laughed: "A 6-level trial person, with two 7-level second-class warfare, a 7-level first-class warfare, plus itself comparable to the level of combat power, no wonder the four of the military competition One of the hotters. "

Level 6 competition, all level 7 war, this is a kind of cheating.

It is no wonder that the audience will see these people, and they are all disgusting and disgusting.

Of course, there is still a slap.

Heaven and earth will dissipate.

Hey, I'm going to rush.

The other party is a 7-level war pet, the strength is outstanding, so can kill a short speed at the fastest speed, and their pressure will be reduced.

Therefore, the battle will directly enter the last white heat phase.

The 4 .

If it is a Level 6 Legion, it will be unexpected.

But the problem is that in front of it is a pure 7-level military group.

History has never had such a terrible combat power, even if the famous wine sword fairy is not so exaggerated at level 6.

Tiger gun!

A box.

After the tigers, he born, after a enemy, the lightning was evacuated.


"It is too fast! Execute the first ring plan!"

The color whip shouted, stimulated the highest magnitude of energy, and the body's war was outbreak to the 7-level level of first-class level, and then jointly 7-level second-class warfare super-clear tiger pressed past.

This is a large-scale group magic:

Sea of ​​the sand.

You can turn the whole grassland into a horror magic of the sand.

But this is not the end.

"Come out!"

"Swamp Ghost Vine!"

The color whip saw the sand, and the seeds carrying the portable seeds were taken directly into the sand.

Then there is a black vine rushing out from the swamp, and the only life in the swamp is wrapped around.

He is torn with the claws, and the two swamp vines are broken.

However, just two seconds, the swamp vine is reunited, and more marsh vine is wrapped around the gesture that is densely enclosed.

Swamp vine, 7 magic plants, known as horrible growth.

As long as you don't remove the root one day, as long as the swamp is not exhausted, the swamp vine is endless.

The devil left hand in order to limit the , it can be a painful.

"I know that this is not dead, but it is enough to drag you!"

The whip is turning around.

In addition, the two-headed pets have long been in the past with a very fast speed.

"Ghost, it seems that the other party has studied us very much!"

Chen Qi: "What method do you think they will restrain you?"


The meaning of ghosts is not afraid of any means.

"You are still innocent."

Chen Lie did not hear his head.

But there is not so good opportunity to chat, and the ghost flew out after hearing the voice and hit the two sneak attacks.

"Lightning Fox, you can play with the ghosts!"

The whistle reminds: "Remember, don't end too early."

He does not defeat the ghost, but not too fast.

The lightning fox is very dissatisfied, but it is ting.

The ghost is getting angry, and it is directly to the color whip.

However, the tiger emperor with a flame flame is hit by a lightning fox with a lightning shock.

The speed of the lightning fox is not more than the radius of the bleeding!

Plus the lightning gapper effect of the lightning fox, it is simply awkward.

No wonder whitewy is so confident.

Now the color whip plus a 7-level battle pet, but Chen Lie has only one person.

The whistling looked at Chen Lie and exposed a bright smile.


Speed ​​speed!

The strategy of the whip whip is very simple, do not need to defeat the , do not need to be troubled, only need to drag them, kill Chen Lie at the fastest speed.

Hold the whip of the huge chop of the mountain, plus a small 7-level fantastal, left and right, whistling.

Chen Lie suddenly disappeared.


The color whip and the Leopard of the Leopard were stunned.

They search left and right, did not find Chen Lie's trace.

Chen Lie's voice came: "Does anyone say your code is very disgusting?"

The color whip is just a code, not the name.

But this code is also a bit.

"I like!"

: "Let him find him, he is delaying!"

"keep the change."

"I just go to the side of the breath, tension, you come out."

Chen Lie joined it, and there was a new pet.

He also said to this new pet: "Their main attack mode is physical attack, no matter whether you are strength or speed, you must pay attention to this 7-level battle ..."

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