The god said: "The more first-order manufacturing is the genius, the more the two sides are enchanting. And in the high-level district, there have been no 6-level treasure for more than ten years."

"Level 6 manufacturing level 7, relying on some cheating means, or can be successful."

"But the 6th level creates an 8-class treasure, that is basically a dream."

Chen Lie's supplementary instructions let everyone understand half.

However, the blue crown is not very clear, ask: "The owner, how do you see it is a technician?"

"The core components of the combat suits can be made by those masters."

Chen Lie explained: "But the material of the clothes, or those who have nothing to do, the technical content is very low, I don't want to fall."

The ghost said: "Give me a manufacturing process, then provide core materials, I can also create a 7-level overlay."

Chen Lie summary: "Although the system makes serious restrictions, the system has Zhang Liang, but the trials have passed the wall."

All pets understand.

Even the stupid rice bucket is also deeply nodded.

"Although the possibility of magnitude 8 is not high, there is a little opportunity, and will always appear."

"After all, there are too many magical things in this world."

Chen Lie said: "Those who have not surpassed imagination, you continue to play. Beyond your limits, I come, I will have a nightmare for others, but I still bear it for me."

All pets do not understand, but they still have to trust.

"Time is almost."

Chen Lie saw the time, so I told you: "You have to take a break, I have to participate in the three-border business alliance auction."

"I hope this time I can encounter a good thing."

Chen Lie took a small expectation to unlock the game lock.

He still sat, you can wait for him to show the invitation.

The virtual world immediately took him into the center, with his trees, the wine in front of the water.

Directly transfer the headquarters of the Three Commodities Alliance in the system.

A majestic city.

Ordinary system stores are the world ground set by the system, and the truly high-end is built in the air, the city of the sky is the top existence.

Create a city of a sky, not a fan value.

Level, talent, strength all get 9 levels.

This is the heritage of large organizations.

And Chen Lie is a separate space, in front of which is a auction hall that can accommodate thousands of people, the glorious.

Chen Lie's image is virtual.

However, the headquarters of the Three-Bedian Business Alliance is actually.

"Welcome, the Paradise Legion"! "

Level 7 businessman's ancient law saw Chen Lie, smiling and greeted, and smiled: "It seems that you don't have much hope for our entertainment, and have a good wine."

Chen Lie lane: "I am used to my own wine."

The ancient law represented: "We are in order to you, specially prepared 6-level drinks, beautiful wine, drinks, and fragrant, there should be."

"My wine is the 8th level of Biyamily Qioner."

Chen Lie had replied very little.

The expression of ancient deacons suddenly rigued.

Biyan Qioner!

This is the wine of the fairy, even if they have no top wine.

The most critical is the level of magnitude 8.

To know that there is only one 8th grade, and this kind of wine is lonely, not selling any account, so there is no.

Other level 7 wine gods can brew Level 7 wine without failure.

8th level?

I am afraid you have a 10-fold material to make a result.

At this moment.

The ancient subjective thought that he was as high as possible, and finally I found it or underestimated Chen Lie.

No nonsense.

The ancient police laughed: "You have a good Yaxing, if you have the opportunity to change the day, we can still cooperate again."


Chen Lie naturally reputable: "You Three Business Alliance Credit Excellence, if I want to auction, the first thing I want to be you."

Chen Lie is not a fool.

People give smile, naturally get a little bit.

As for the things of Biyama Qioners, it costs too much.

Even if the gods are now level 7, but the Biyama Qioner brewed has a high quality.

Good briking agar, a pot can add nearly 100 gas.

However, the poor blue journey has only 30 gains of gain.

The gap is very large.

Official because it is so unstable, so wine god is now a headache.

It is necessary to know that the cost of a pot Biyan Qioner is the cost of two millennium wild ginseng, and there is no difference with the burn money.

"The monks did not dare to bother the wine wine, and he left."

The ancient discovery is very smart.

He sighed: "I finally understand why he is only 5, but the warfare pets are all abbrevantile. There is such auxiliary resources, even if it is a pig, you can pile up a master."

"But his bottom has surpassed the meaning of ordinary army, or there is a background, or the child of fate!"

"No, I have to report, I must improve the level of attention to him as soon as possible."

The ancient discipline has decided to leave quickly.

"Hey, there is a clear lacquey here!"

Chen Lie found that there were many interesting things in the headquarters of the Three-Big Commercial Union, such as the dark label.

The so-called marketer is the public auction price, who is the highest, then this thing is.

The dark standard is an unapproved auction, everyone wrote a price, time, reveal the mystery, who is the highest.

Relatively illustrate the standard is an ordinary auction, while the midden gambling is big.

Chen Lie glanced at hundreds of missing things, just clicked: "The mutual standard only discovered more than ten good things, and only one compared to my appetite, there can be no other."

"Level 7 nine days of the 8th-level refinery". "

"The biggest shelter can protect the defensive treasure of the magnitude 8 attack."

Chen Lie. Human: "Is this a lot of effort to use it?"

There are many people bidding, but the price is very low.

This type of thing is generally 5 million fan values.

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