While watching, Ren Qing watched Chen Lie's bargaining with A Bao in surprise.

She knew A Bao was very smart, but she didn't expect Chen Lie to communicate with A Bao to such a degree.

Really enchanting.

She instinctively murmured: "If the scene was filmed just now, it would definitely become a popular video."


Chen Lie looked at the video camera hidden in the corner.

It was a gift for buying a live broadcast set. They were all flying video cameras the size of a ping-pong ball. They could only be filmed in the shop and were taken care of.

The scene just now must have been recorded, and it will have to be taken out by the system later.

This is also the root of why Chen Lie was able to blackmail the aunt like that before.


When Chen Lie returned to the gas stove, A Bao also came to the table.

He pressed his fat paws on the table and looked directly at the fried pork chop in the middle of the table.

The eyes are so real, like a child who is coveting candy, just leaving his saliva.


Xiao Hei is also here.

Xiao Hei, who was punched stronger than a few days ago, now has a body similar to an adult Chinese Country Dog.

The most terrifying thing is its combat power and wisdom.

Don't look at it silently, now it is called those strictly trained police dogs, and 5 of them can't beat Xiaohei together.

And this gap will gradually widen with Xiaohei's rapid growth.


The sound was so slight that it was almost negligible.

In addition to the fierce tiger, who can do this.

As soon as Yan Jiaohu left Ren Qing's control, he jumped back to the tabletop, wanting to have a taste.


No, to be precise, press.

A Bao's fleshy slap pressed the fierce tiger's tail, not allowing it to move forward.

Fierce Jiaohu shouted at A Bao dissatisfiedly.

It looked at A Bao's eyes a little cold, like a warning.

A Bao shook his head firmly.

Fierce Jiaohu roared again, as if saying: "If you don't hurry up, I will smoke you!"

Although Abao is the largest of the three pets, his combat effectiveness is the weakest.

Not to mention the fierce tiger, even Xiao Hei can abuse him anytime and anywhere.

But I have to say that because of the cuteness of his talent, Bao is the most favored of all pets.

Even Ren Qing and Liu Yifeng, who were repeatedly resisted by A Bao, couldn't resist A Bao's cuteness, and liked them so much.

So A Bao became more and more confident.

Ren Qing looked at the cheerful pets, and did not intervene cheerfully, watching the play with Liu Yifeng.

Fierce Jiaohu was angry.

One paw patted Abao's fat paw.

Although the fierce Jiaohu is weak, this time he used Thunder Fist, which made A Bao feel painful.

A Bao immediately asked Xiao Hei for help.


A Bao seemed to be saying, "You still don't want to do it? Don't you want to eat meat?"

Xiao Hei hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his paw to stop the fierce Jiaohu from moving forward.


The fierce tiger's kingly style reappeared.

But Xiao Hei actually moved his position without fear, using his paws to move the plate full of fried pork steak to the middle of the three pets.

Without waiting for Dan Jiaohu and A Bao to inquire, Xiao Hei used his claws to divide three points.

One for you, one for me, one for him.

Even openly dividing the spoils!

Ren Qing and Liu Yifeng glanced at each other, covering their mouths in shock.

Such a smart side, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they have imagined it.

But the three pets are too lazy to care about humans.

They seem to have opinions again.


Yan Jiaohu actually disagrees with Xiao Hei's distribution method. He deliberately transferred a piece of pork steak from A Bao's side to his side.

How would Abao be willing?

Using the two clumsy claws together, not only snatched back the piece that the fierce Jiaohu had stolen, but also stole a piece from Xiaohei along the way. It also had a few weird nasal sounds, as if saying, "I should be fat. more".


Xiao Hei was also angry.

I'm probably saying that I'm helping you to divide the spoils, but even swallowing me.

It's a pity that the three pets are dissatisfied with each other, so they just yelled and made a mess.

a long time.

"Finally done."

Chen Lie didn't notice what was happening behind him.

He finally finished cooking what he wanted to eat.

Wash your hands, wipe your hands, turn around, and then be stunned.

The Pork Chops that he put on the table are gone, and the three super pets each occupy a corner of the table, just eating delicious food with relish.

"You guys!"

Chen Lie came to Abao and directly cursed: "I called you to guard, but you stole it!"

Ren Qing jokes: "A Lie, you call A Bao to guard the food, don't you call the mouse to guard the granary?"

Liu Yifeng also rarely laughed at Chen Lie: "This kind of boss makes the weasel look at the chicken."

"Okay I'm sorry."

"You greedy ghost."

Chen Lie was very happy when he watched eating happily and ignored his Abao.

He was afraid that his cooking skills were not good enough before, for fear that he would be so hungry that A Bao who has the emperor's tongue.

Fortunately, the God of Cooking abilities he shared were particularly perverted, and he had enough strength to make A Bao fat and fat.

Of course, this has a disadvantage.

That is, except for the food that Abao cooks, he doesn't eat anything that other people cook.

Even if it was Ren Qing and Liu Yifeng who loved A Bao so much, A Bao could only eat the fruits and vegetables they handed over.

"Right, Alie!"

Ren Qing asked: "I found out that someone recently made a lot of money by taking your live video."

Chen Lie questioned: "No, can I make money from the live video?"

"Of course."

Ren Qing clicked on a well-known video website, clicked on Chen Lie's video, and said, "Look, the video where Abao appeared before has already received 3 million views."

"It seems that my popularity is very high."

Chen Lie was a little proud.

"You can still laugh?"

Ren Qing said angrily: "3 million views, even the most common sharing contract, has an income of 30,000 yuan. If it is a well-known broadcaster, he can at least be divided into hundreds of thousands to 300,000."

Speaking of this, Ren Qing gritted his teeth and said: "You go and count, so many videos, so many clicks, how much money have you robbed at least?"

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