Abao is still awkward, I can't help but ask: "The master, I know that blood pharmaceutical agent can quickly increase the strength of the bloody pet. But if the accumulation is not enough, it is forcibly increased blood level, which is equal to the potential, exhausted."

"It is indeed exhausted."

Chen Lie looked at the three war pets of Romimeao Legion with mercy, sigh: "You look at Romimeao Legion's first fairy crane, the 14th place in the original challenge, although defeated, But its strength can be considered the first ten criteria, breaking through the 7th level is completely conveniently. "

"Yeah, I remember this guy, it contributed 300,000 points for the owner."

"This guy is a super genius who comes out when you have a hundred years of celebration. At that time, many people were guessing its identity."

"I didn't expect it to have such a bad master."

Abao they are awkward.

If Chen Lie is even more, let them : "With its potential, as long as you have a lot of accumulation, don't worry, you will be able to kill the top of the 7th level, and eventually there is a small chance to challenge 8. Can now, its owner In the case where the accumulation is insufficient, the blood power is forcibly catalyzed. It is now very strong, 7 levels of first-class level, but this life is also the case. "

Blood route, can be raised, can accumulate, but not overdrawn.

Once overdraft, you can make up for it back, it can be difficult.

Xianhe sword passengers can be 8 levels, now now is 7 levels of first-class.

This is the cost of forced overdraft blood.

"Fortunately, our foundation is solid."

"No wonder the owner has always emphasized accumulation."

Ghost and blue crown, etc.

The wine gods said: "Robei Army is thinking, .

Chen Lie asked: "For the game, things forced overdraft blood are not the first time, we don't have to be surprised. At least, will future military groups will be worse than before?"


Wine god change.

"It's also ."

"Worse, it will not be as chaos before."

Bailing they all accepted this fact.

"In fact, you don't need to worry about this problem."

"Jiao Jiao is the martial arts, the ghost is a comprehensive road of the military plus blood."

"The chance of blood overdraft is very low."

Chen Lie looked at the blue crown and said: "Although the blue crown is a pure blood route, there is a bottoming bottom of the dragon, and it is more looking at it. This short-sighted problem will never appear."

"Everyone is scattered."

Chen Lie said in the end, careful: "You all give it a good exercise, Level 7 Legion is a fight against the leader of the Legion, which is more cruel."

The meaning of the words is that Chen Lie has a heart to integrate the Order Action Team into the Paradise Legion.

Everyone knows this trend, so it is very calm.



Next day.

The morning sun is paved on the park.

But the park is already a vibrant scene.

Especially the most duty farmers, this grade 7-level Shennong, others have not started Chuang, he has been busy with sweating.


A small group of tree plantings have worked hard in the distance, buried a seed into the soil.

Drunken is a fruit on the tree, preparing for wine.

Gourmet rabbits also shuttle, collect the ingredients you need today.

I just finished Chen Lie, who had finished practicing, and came to the farmer.

He didn't speak, looked at the magic dream of the special circle.

The red fruit tree that was hoped by Chen Lie was here.

At this time, the red fruit tree is already a few times a year ago.

At first glance, it is simply a relatively unique apple tree.

Chen Qian asked: "What is the situation of farmers, redia?"

The farmer lifted his head, and she didn't want to wipe the sweat. Can be coming out. "

Red and blood flowers, 100 years.

In the first farmer and the drunkard combined with the technique of ripening, only one moon was removed.

But after I took 5 times.

Chen Lie's physical quality also reached a theory of the limit, even if it had already eaten the sixth, seated, the effect was close to 0.

Under such a plurality of enhanced accumulation.

Now his physical fitness is similar to ordinary 7-level battle.

Unfortunately, this limit is the blood limit of human beings, can't surpass.

Therefore, Chen Lie can only seek a higher level of fake results.

The legendary Zhu Guo is naturally the best choice, but in the current situation, cultivate the red fruit and species the thousand years of red fruit.

If you can change it, it is more beautiful with Miao.

"Very good, hard you."

"This is what I should do."

Chen Lie took a small shoulder of the farmer, and he was a bit awkward.

The farmer looks very dark and high, can scare the crying child, but it is unquestionable.

Have such a kind of super pet, Chen Lie is really a lot of trouble.


The blood of the farmer is 6, the potential is the lowest in the park.

Want to break through unless other bloods are fused.

But the farmer does not mean something.

Chen Lie can only make some simple compensation: "Farmers, last time I saw some landscape shooting in the sky of the three-border business alliance, I have time to help you get a batch!"

"This dares!"

Speaking of new super plants, farmers are very happy.

This is the only interest in it.

Chen Lie looked at the red fruit tree, sigh: "Millennium red fruit, this is your limit. Here, only to find Zhu Guo. But this is enough, I am not pursuing white sky, feathering Immortals, can make me break the limit of human beings, and it is very satisfied. "

Although at some extent, the 7-level war is the performance of the fairy.


In Chen Lie, the real fairy is not this.

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