Learn about what is called the battlefield.

Chen Lie began to prepare.

He is not afraid, even a little slightly smuggling, continuing his style.

Because he is now walking on a crazy accumulation.

It has accumulated more, the you can meet the challenges of the plane battlefield with a higher gesture.

As long as he gives him enough time, he can turn the clouds.

And Chen Lie is also reluctant on this road.

Level 4 of the Level 6 Union.

The Paradise Legion encountered old opponents [iron].

Iron blood is a large number of super organizations, although they are the latest level 9 organization, but because of the neighboring people, don't talk about Asia, and the local people who have not received human identity are also collected.

Although I don't know how they avoid human law, give the class of the class of the class of the class of the class of the east, the elf, the demon, the devil and so on.

But because of this, countless people who want to live like human beings, the preferred choice for the first joily is iron blood.

The result of this cast is very simple:

The speed of iron blood is extremely horrible.

Hellce to other super organizations are taboo, jointly boycott.

However, the style of the iron blood is the same as their name:

Iron blood fearless!

So they can't live in many large organizations, and even the super organization's resistance, but also grow more and more rapid.


Chen Lie is this enemy.

A special super organization representative of pets as a brother sister.

"Swordsman, Taoist, Magic" and Wushu! "

"That is interesting."

Chen Lie looked at the iron blood army of the eyes, and the heart was secretly vigilant.

The blood of the blood said: "I know you this pet, my brothers and blood brungers are pitted by you."

"The guy."

Chen Lie has a little impression on the iron blood brillion.

"Although you still didn't dispatch the third battle, you are really strong."

Iron bloodwug and asked: "So I don't bully you, the same mode is the same as the proud, how?"

"it is good!"

Chen Lie took the lead in standing.

"you first?"

Iron and blood is surprised.

Chen Lie A: "In order to make the game simpler."

The people of the iron blood listened to the words, and they were angry.

"it is good!"

Iron blood is just said, the swordsman stood out.

This swordsman is the saint of the founder.

He briefly introduced: "I only raise a sword in this life, you can get it, I will accept it."


Chen Lie directly brightened knife.

Sword, stern, stern, stern.

The bottom of the bottom is a weak race in the legend, and any bottom race can exploit them.

However, they have extraordinary survival and planting techniques, so they can be difficult to play in the bottom world.

In the system world, no one knows why they will appear, only knowing that their number is very small, less arrivals as a race.

Now I see the bottom of the world, I will inevitably be a little unique.

The founder of the mandarin is full of explosion.

The sword is out.

This sword does not have much complex thoughts, and there is no super high sword, and some are just pure catering, condense to the pole.

Such a sword has surpassed the fourth sword of Li Yifan.



Such a sword was killed by Chen Lie, a knife of the peak.

"The knife of the jurisprudence!"

The founder of the soul of the sword.

"I lost."

But he is very simply, decisive, and decisively withdraws from the ring.

"I come!"

The illusion teacher knows that ordinary attack is useless, so resolutely stands out.

He is very simply.

There is no self-introduction, even didn't say a greeting, directly a waving, and the world is great.

"Not bad, even the heavenly will can simulate."

Chen Lie seeing this is illusion.

However, this is really illusion?

I saw a sword to form a sword from the sky.

Chen Lie took a knife.

The sky is sunny in the sky.

However, he is only a false shadow of the surface, and the most powerful power of the illusion is the scary power of the soul.

Because he is a soul illusion.

The illusion of illusion is purely eye-catching, and the real attack is the sword of the soul.

Unless you have an accurate level 8-level spiritual defense force, otherwise, a strong body, sharply, all are all furnishings.

Perhaps Chen Lie has estimated his strengths and strongness, but maybe he accidentally ignored the essence of the illusionist. After the sword of the soul, his expression was suddenly solidified, and there was no other color.

The illusion man is here to introduce himself: "Sorry, I am a soul illusion teacher, the surface of the illusion, and all the swords of the soul."


"I have already appreciated it."

Chen Lie smiled, there is a fascia in his eyes, "" Your attack is very insidious, but I like it. "

"It's hard."

"Strong , add the Soul power of the 8th level, really have you."

"I surrender."

The most powerful attack did not have effects, and the illusion man raised his hand and left the battlefield refreshing.

Chen Qi: "Who are you?"

"M's, fight!"

Iron blood martial arts looks to the Taoist.

Taoist boat.

This prison is a very large number of rats, although wearing a robe, but not dust, but gives a feeling of uncomfortable feelings.

No one dares to look at it, because it is a well-known warfare in Level 7 ranking.

"But you have to fight!"

Iron blood martial arts bite the teeth and see Chen Lie.

Chen Lie enlisted the intention of the blood of the blood.

The blood of the blood is deep breathing.

Then the body suddenly tightened, and the eyes suddenly changed between the eyes, the strength was completely released, the body is like Flying swords to go directly to Chen Lie.

Surprisingly, this broke out did not take over the blank sound, full of suddenness.

And his boxing has begun to explode, a lot of power to evolve the flood, and you want to swallow Chen Lie.

But the result is very awkward.

Because the iron blood is flying away, although it is reluctant to land, it is a lot of blood in the blood, or let the audience have been stunned.

"M, you are really a monster!"

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