Chen Lie has recently be very interested in the battlefield of the plane.

It is worthy of Chen Lie to put everything to go to the invitation, naturally related to this.

The city of the three-border business alliance.

The first time, the first time, the first time of the world, came to the city of the sky.

"The feeling of crossing is like this."

Chen Lie felt a weak dizzy, I woke up.

"Mr. Chen, welcome you."

The ancient subject matter heard that Chen Lie will come directly, come over and meet.

He also wants to explore Chen Lie's permissions, so that it is better to serve, but it is horror that Chen Lie's information is all confidential.

In other words, Chen Lie's authority level completely transcends his 7-level businessman.

"What is this?"

Chen Lie curiously asked: "You have to know, what is prepared, this is common."

Although the average warfield is a closed message for novices below Level 7.

But for the level of privileges with level 7, it is common sense.

It can be found slightly.

High-tech types, the role of force will fall to a very low, free to have a new weapon, can spike 5,6 trials. Even if the 7-level trial, it is also a little longer.

And go to the technology route, go to the low-altitude route, that is basically a hard, even if the Level 7 trial is also said to die, it is unknown.

Therefore, the mode of the plane is different, and the preparation required to do will also be different.

of course.

Level 7 trials enters most of the part of the battlefield, whether it is technology or spiritual, or down, basically cannon gray.

"Don't know."

The ancient deaches a bitter lane.

Chen Lie's expression is quirky: "You have to be clear, and it is a big guilt."

"How do I dare to take a decades of credibility to flicker?"

The ancient discipline carefully explained: "This time is really unknown type, because it is the first TANSUO, the repulsive power of the plane is too high, so the information we have obtained is too small."

"That is."

Chen Lie said: "I am curious, but I am not curious to get my own life."

"I understand."

The ancient discipline actually did not surrequisite, and even the dock was angry.

He has long, as a super genius with horror background, naturally knowing that these super genius do not have a fearless risk in the case of choice.

"You introduced me this root source."

Chen Lie questioned: "I always feel that there is a problem this time."

The ancient subjects simply explained: "This time is a guest. After chances of communicating a place, use the system's resources to deceive the other side coordinates, entrust us to find the trailers to take risks."

"Casually communicate with a place."

"I also deceive the opposite side coordinates."

Chen Lie took a smile: "It is really coincident!"

If you look into a sea, then the world, the plane is the island of the sea.

This is the difficulty of the big sea fishing needle, will it be luck?

Chen Lie has not believed in a coincidence.

And too much coincidence is conspiracy.

His theory has been many times.

The ancient lawnness naturally heard the anti-talk in Chen Lie, said: "We have conducted the investigation of this trial, and his reputation excellence, never had fraudulent behavior; and he will also be in the battle this time, risk."


Chen Lie was a little short.

Go to other planes, everyone is equal, even if the 9th level is also the same.

Even those who are more powerful, the more they will be targeted.

To use the ectopic face, you must establish a certain force in that heterogeneous face, or the non-customary relationship network.

But with such resources, which one is not a party? It is also a super-rich master.

Why bother to come back to other trials?

This is very contradictory.

"I don't want to think about it."

"Anyway, this complete unknown adventure is not suitable for me."

Chen Lie put his hand, took the initiative to transfer the topic, asked: "Ancient deacons, what is fresh things recently? Or worthy of attention?"

"I have just passed a hundred years of celebrations, and the mall will be negative for a while."

The ancient law replied very casually: "But it is worth noting, because there is a group of people losing very badly, a lot of us, very rare, have been harvested."


"Tell me."

Chen Lie has related experience and is ready for bleeding.

"I show you."

The ancient deacon is very happy. If you have fun, many items have appeared in front of them.

Just after Chen Lie looked at a circle, looked at ancient deacons with a weird expression and asked: "Is this what you said?"

"The boutique has been auctioned."

"The auction will be auctioned 8-level honor badge."

"And these are not boutiques, but there are some good things."

The ancient monographs came, saying: "This super plant is the specialty of the ectopic surface, and their leaves have super fattening effects. Basically equal to 10 times the weight of the nutrition, and the price is cheap, very good I like it. "

"No need."

Chen Lie has a level 7 magic dream, and it is also necessary for these blow to the top 3, the spiritual soil.

The ancient subjects recalled, introduced: "This metal is said to be more than enough, the power can copy, cheap, like the high world of cannon gray, what is" Zhenjin], has super strong Defense. "

Chen Lie laughed: "What Zhenjin does not shrivelight, this is a little, it is not enough to refine a bracelet."

The ancient law represented: "But using it to smelt into an alloy, it can greatly enhance the alchemy effect."

Chen Lie said: "I am not an alchemist, let's change it."

"This one."

The ancient discipline introduced: "This is called [Super soldier serum], as with Zhenjin from the same point, it will become a super warrior after injection."

"I do not need this."

Chen Lie shook his head.

However, he is still curious, ask: "" It should be easy to copy like genetic agents? "

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