The pet king of the city

958 chapter start building oasis

The ancient disciplinary invitation is proud to ask: "Mr. Chen, don't know if this price will make you satisfied?"

"Satisfaction is satisfactory."

Chen Lian asked: "But your auction is not half a month? How did it suddenly?"

"no way."

The ancient lawlessly replied: "This time the whole army has too much sudden, we can only raise funds urgently. And the auction will undoubtedly the best choice, so can only be in advance, fortunately, fortunately, no insults."

Chen Qian: "You will not lack this fans worth it again?"

"No shortage."

The ancient deacons represented: "But we lack another way to recover the image, and there is a chance to appear."


"I am probably a bit understanding."

The three-border business alliance of the reputation excellence has been such a big thing, but also the whole army is not covered, naturally damaged image.

If you have to save your hands, you must have a call.

This time the emergence of the 8-level honor badge can be described as a meeting.

"I understand."

In fact, Chen Lie is not very understandable, but it doesn't matter, you will get it.

The ancient subject actually took the lead: "Mr. Chen, now the three-border business alliance, I have to be busy, so I can only be sorry."

"You are free."

After Chen Lie simple, he ended his dialogue.

He looked at his reputation value.

After hunger marketing, the credibility of the explosive growth is slow.

This is the case, there are more than 10,000 cute little animals every day.

Don't think that this quantity can be exaggerated.

More than 600 cities in the East, the whole East Asia added a thousand.

Only 10 heads per city, the quantity is broken.

In the first-tier city, so many pet stores, only one hundred days ago.

So this quantity has a lot of potential.

Not to mention the development of Europe and the United States, as well as the layout of the sales point, this number will have a large increase, and even the second degree big outbreak.

"According to this speed, millions of reputation values ​​are not difficult."

"Don't say that I have the third place of I'm, plus the three places in the desert, will have a million small animals living inside, then Level 7 permissions absolutely "

Other trials, to accumulate millions of reputation values, even those who have a big background, don't want to accumulate it without ten years.

And those don't matter, I may not be able to accumulate it in 30 or 40 years. It can be called a lifetime.

If others know that Chen Lie can almost a hand, I am afraid I will scare people.

Sunday is suddenly reported: "BOSS, there must be a matter to be licensed."


Chen Lie knows that he must be tight.

Sure enough.

Sunday replied: "The agreement of the desert is signed today. It must be carried out today. I don't know if you have time to sign an agreement. Once you have signed, the desert is signed. Things to smart robots must also be purchased. "


"You make arrangements."

Such a big event, Chen Lie has been busy.

Things are determined like this.



After a half a day.

Among the deserts of the northwest of the east.

I bought a desperate place in a desperate place, slowly descending a sci-fashionable floating car.

Chen Lie jumped from the car

Stepping on the sand on the hot sand, Chen Lie has not responded.

With his current physical fitness, even in the lava area can live, there is no feeling in the desert climate on the district.

"To build a desert oasis here."

Chen Lie looked at the undead desert, could not help but laugh.

Because of the relationship between gambling protocols, Chen Lie must build a true oasis independently, not the so-called image engineering.

"First, you must have water."

Chen Lie put his hand, and the inclusions of the incarnation of the tattoo flew out.

Follow it.

The package is protruded to a machine.

This is also the type of shelter, but it is only a type of technology.

Originally Chen Lie also wanted to buy the treasure of nine-day Yun Yun, but finally under Sunday suggestion, I took the technology route.

The reason is also very simple:

Desert oasis must be intelligent.

A wave of subtle energy is ripple.

Chen Lie looked on the side of a floating in the air, if the flying eye machine, said: "Sunday, help me search out the underground water."

"Yes, BOSS."

Sunday's eyes release a blue light on the ground, start scanning water resources hidden under the desert.

I have to know hundreds of institutions have lived here.

Once has an abundant water.

But because the environment has changed, the water resources are dry, these have finally sold in the western regional civilization.

But it is undeniable that there is an abundant water resources here.

"Hey! Find a small underground river, you can dig well."

"Hey! Find a large underground lake, can be used as a spare water resources."

"Hey! Find a medium-sized underground river, which can be developed into a small river."

Snow on Sunday with the fastest speed everything here.

Continuously report discovery.

Interestingly, Chen Lie also found some small-scale minerals.

However, Chen Lie is not rare, these values ​​are not very high minerals.

He is coming to the small pets to find a home, not to make money here.

The measurement is completed.

Chen Lie pinching the chin said: "There is a certain water resource here, but there is no large underground river, which cannot be opened, it seems to be a limited supply strategy for Sunday spare."

The so-called limited supply is nothing more than the maximum amplitude control of the consumption of water resources, and the most effectively utilizes each drop of water.

However, these are completely manipulated by Sunday.

It doesn't need to be distracted by Chen Lie.


"Let's release the machine!"

Chen Lie shouted, the bag was once again opened, and a rim robot jumped out.

The last hundred mice robots are arranged in front of Chen Lie.

These are famous desert robots in the future, proficient in various desert agriculture, and ...

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