"Moreover, the system wants to know the chaotic position, then there is a trial person to come into contact with the chaos, and provide enough information, the system will have actions."

The ancient subjects have a very excited DONG.

"There is a result."

Chen Lie nodded.

"Not" is positive. "

The ancient law said: "Now the whole trial field is crazy, because the chaos is the world's source."

"World"! "

Chen Lie stood up and was unbelievable.

The world's source is more than the heaven and earth, representing the origin of a place.

Each weakened, the power of the plane weakened.

It is said.

The world's source is the fundamental of ultravel 9.

Sure enough.

The ancient mobility said: "The world is coming, the 9th giants have played. According to our business alliance, there are already more than 20 9 giants are ready to enter, plus more than a dozen, and those who have already prepared. The ambition but did not express, this time at least more than 50 giants entered the field, the dangerous is very. "

Chen Lie laughed: "But it also represents super high profits, otherwise there will not be so many giants."


"Although it is unable to count, analysts in our business are calculated."

The ancient attractive sigh: "Birth from the system now, there are at least 200 giants. Now at least 1/4, you can see the world's source you. How big is it."

Chen Qi: "I listened to this long-awaited world source, I don't know what the world is?"

The ancient law represented: "The world's source can be a real thing, or it can be invisible, there is no fixed form. But it has an obvious feature - representing the characteristics of this world, sometimes it encounters it, even if you don't know the world. Source, there will be a feeling of a different feeling. "

"It seems that you must go in and see."

"That is the world of the world."

Chen Lie thought that someone used 10,000 silk world to buy a point of world origin, but still suffering, nothing, could not help but

"For this reason, the previous quasi-level 8 is a bit less than level, so we want to ask Mr. Chen to refine a group of 8-level runes."

The ancient law has also begun to clarify things.

Chen Lie nodded.

People send the first hand of the first hand, but also transactions with themselves, this is a face, Chen Lie is the olive branch of the rejection of people, it is really a big idiot.

The ancient law has been very fast, it will be faster.

Rapid evacuation after it is determined.

It seems that a large number of 9 giants have pourd it, let them taste business opportunities and feel stronger pressure.

"It seems that I have to strengthen my ability."

"At least there is a capital that is expensive before the 9th giant."

Chen Lie thought.

Continue to play your mind on the elf treasure diamond.

But at this time, the Elf Bao diamond is not all, and he is still going to do more preparation.



After a certain day.

A Bao sent a small dish to the wine god.

"Did you discover it?"

Abao looked at the wine gods who were drunk in the blood, asked: "For recent time, our inventory of Tianxian consumes great consumption."

Li Shen said: "The owner will take it away, what he wants, we don't need to worry."

After finishing the gods, I pinched a fried wine ghost peanut and sent it.

Following continuance to wine, continue the blood into the drunk fairy.

According to the speed of the god.

Even if it doesn't stop all day, I can refine the Silk Tiandi's origin into the drunken gourd, which is efficient.

So it must cherish a limited time.

Abao looked at the gods, envy: "I envy you have exclusive blood treasures, but I haven't. That mysterious ancient furnace is too high, and the kitchen set is too much, and it is not coming."

"You don't have it with your heart."

The wine god was glanced at the Purbo, said: "Food this thing, heart, you can have the environment, why, it is more than so much. Although this wine is born, although it is only 3 grade food, but it is now more than 5, Level 6 is more tasteful. "


"It's my jealousy."

Abao said: "There is a super treasure such as mysterious ancient furnace, I really can't get more too much."

Wine god asked casually: "Right, the owner seems to study mysterious ancient furnace, is he known as the true identity of the ancient furnace?"

Abao shook his head.

It is on my mysterious ancient furnace every day, saying that it is deceived.

This is the case, it finds that he is still the corner of the ancient furnace, always thinks that the ancient furnace should not be such a simple thing.

"I know it."

Chen Lie suddenly appeared, and the mysterious ancient furnace was also mentioned in his hand.

A Bao bow asked: "The owner, what is this ancient furnace?"


Chen Lie put down the mysterious ancient furnace and released the huge loud noise.

Wine god and Abao look at the opposite, see the shock in each other.

Because the original mysterious ancient furnace is very mysterious, it is also very heavy, but it is definitely not to focus on this point to the boulder.

"You look at yourself!"

Chen Lie handed the mysterious ancient furnace to everyone.

Wine god and Abbot come together, look at it:


It turns out that its name is a refining.

Superbard name.

Chen Lie said with a bitter smile: "My teacher will repair it with heaven and earth. The result is that it is a dry sea. No matter how I refined. So I put a lot of cockroaccompanies. , Unite it together, what are you guess? "

Abao and the gods shook his head together.

Chen Lie- said: "I and the day and night will come in, and the result is the source of the hundred and earth, but I found that it can only fix some surfaces. Its kernel is still damaged, but also relying on the heavens and the earth to continue Repair, you must find a world source. "

"Oh my God!"

The god and Abao were shocked.

Chen Lie said: "Bail Tiandi's origin is in this, just like dripping into the dry land, it is useless. I still encountered such a serious thing, and the grade is high to so."

"It seems to fix a lot, but it seems that there is no."

"Now I know its name, it is good to start."

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