The pet king of the city

985 chapter first generation of frost


Foot-to-earth cohesive force hit the golden rune, and it will defeat it.

Such a result is better than just getting better, but the Yan magic is also happy.

He thought that this hit can wear Chen Lie's head hole, but now it seems to be so optimistic about there is no inflammation.

Chen Lie has finally opened his eyes and looked at the magic, and sighed: "Very terrible power! If you have such a half level, the same blow can take the 8-level top defense, I finally knew why they didn't play with you, but they were not modesty, but you are so strong. "

In terms of magic, it is a rare bloodline in Level 6, which is already very ordinary in Level 7.

Although as human beings are willing to translate into other races, there is so ironic.

But in front of the absolute power, what is ironic?

The strong smell is enough to ignore most of the things.

However, Chen Lie who lost sheltered did not be discouraged.

Chen Lie actually had a thought: "Just now your attack shows that my life is not advanced enough, can only be 8-level first-class."

The old alcohol was immediately.

He has been busy and slowly said: "Chen Xiaozi, you have not been too shameless? Level 6 has 8 first-class defense, what do you want?"

"What do I still want?"

"It's very simple!"

Chen Lie took a few necks, and he replied: "My request is very simple, that is, it is possible to save in the 9th giant."

"Really high."

"Still is young, now I am aiming at level 9."

"This person is too high."

Other energy heard have shaken his head.

This low-key in Chen Lie, and the rumors, the gap between Chen Lie who likes alone is really too big.

But it is also such Chen Lie to meet the image of the first mysterious person.

It is also in line with the pilgrims that young people should have.


Chen Lien's heart moved, eight sides of the new, jade runes replaced the previous broken runes, combined into the eight-door locks.

This jade rune is also a masterpiece of Chen Lie.

The previous level 8 rune is Chen Lie used variant Zizhu engraved, and this time it is a double-folded kongjie, which is carved, and the quality is at least one small level.

See the knots formed by the eight-door locks, everyone is speechless.


The smart inflammatory vague guesses the mystery, directly blocking the continuation of the game.

Just listening to Yan magic said: "Ok, I have to admit that your strength is far more than my imagination. You are equal to a turtle shell, I can suppress you can't hurt you, no wonder you will set the time. "

"Today's bureau is a dead bureau, I am purely to test your defense."

Yan magic is too lazy, turn around.


Chen Lie is speechless.

He is a lot of information, but it can end, nor is it to his appetite.


He looked at another 5.

The old alcoholic replues: "Chen Jiazi, don't look at us this way. You don't like to fight with you, no one."


Anyway, Chen Lie already knows the probably limit of eight-door locks.

It doesn't make sense to test again, it is better to play a game.

Chen Lie said: "I want to challenge you!"

Chen Lie pointed to a 8th-level embedded ice cream.

Chen Lie always feels a little familiar with this guy.



This frost magic self-introduction: "I am the first generation of a kind of cheerful frost, your warfare is to defeat is my nephew, the new hatred, I'm going together."

"It's a big, it's big."

Chen Lien took the ZUI.

He didn't retreat, and he faced him.

Since the situation evolved to this point, Chen Lien naturally made a clear scene.

This is better to collect more data.

"This kid is too proud."

"He is so young."

The old alcohol is not optimistic about Chen Lie who does not use the eight-door lock.

Although Chen Lie's strength is very strong, some people in the field think that Chen Lie at this moment, there is absolutely not to achieve the realm of the same-generation magic, even the strength of the 8th grade three-flow is also very hanging.

"bring it on!"

The game is once again turned.

Anyway, this is a fully enclosed game, there is no outsiders, so it is very casual, and only the will of the two sides.

Chen Lien nodded, the expression was serious.

This is his second time to face a veritable level 8, and there is still no strongest defense for the basement, it is not serious.

"If you let a generation of magic, I am afraid I can only be a hated ending."

"Before the inflammation, the kids broke my eight-door locks, and they can see one of them, and they don't say that the magic is mastered is a more complete frostframe."

For the 1.10 million fans, Chen Lie must make the most direct choice.


Chen Lie took the initiative to attack a generation of magic swabs:

Burning blood!

It is a killing.

After a glutinous burning knife, it will be first, and the generation of the magic sap is straight.

A generation of magic points is not damaged.

Because Chen Lie's knife is in a pure method evolved.

To know that the magic monk is not the kind of defensive type, or has a trial of unsatisfactory, this instant building his defense system, eat Chen Lie's killing, this is a horrible.

"The gap between the two is obvious."

The old alcoholic scorpion and drunk a wine.

Chen Lie was not discouraged.


Chen Lie used a red blood, with multiple additions, the knife is not a pure 8 kill.

The killing force of qi and oculum, and the blood of the blood, plus the speed of the Thunder step and the wind, and directly fly directly.

This is the devastating force that even the god can destroy, how is the zone's frostfish method can ignore.


A generation of magic flavored in the fly, a light from Chen Lie's face whizzed.

Chen Lie is called a good risk.

The sword of the ice passed, if it was hit, Rao is Chen Lie's body TI defense reached 8, but the brain has to be cut off.

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