The pet king of the city

987 chapter top skill

"It's impossible! This is not an ordinary rule, but a more advanced double rule!"

"How did you do it!? For so many years, I have never seen a person can integrate the law to you this place!"

A generation of magic looked at Chen Lie.

Chen Lie is not a simple bleeding state.

Canceling is a talent and a law.

The previous Chen Lie is just burning blood, which is to sacrifice blood, and obtain additional strength at the expense of permanent loss of blood.

Now, Chen Lie is the life of life, with a permanent reduction life to give you an additional strength.

This double combustion, can not be 1 + 1 = 2 is so simple, the final fusion of combat power is likely to exceed 3 or even 4.

Geometric times, this is completely common sense of level 8.

The worldview of a generation of magic monkey is almost blounded.

The blood talents are not awesome, but Chen Lie, the scorpion of the tigers through countless blood war, summed up the deep development.

It is the ability to earn by him and the .

The sweats that are given are not known for the outside world.

However, this cost is too big, so Chen Lie is banned to use the .


"very good!"

The generation of the magic is also crazy, the empty hand grabs, with the frost method, the law is too knife, it appears in his hand:

The end of the day!

This is a big trick of the frostflow, and can instantly kill a large-scale super kill.

There is no words, there is no hair, a generation of magic, killing Chen Lie.

He is really straightforward.

Life and death!

That is that I must kill.

After the life of the burning life, the superb must kill out of the moment of outbreak.

The end of the day is too knife VS.

Zero Too knife instantly crushed.

Next moment.

No sound, no explosion, no shock, because everything was controlled by Chen Lie.

A pale generation of magic monk was caught in his hand and could not move.

And his absolute zero, and even the law is all dissipated.

As long as Chen Lie is lighter, a generation of magic will be packed.

However, a generation of magic monk is very calm, and the eyes are closed.

He received Chen Lie in the system victory, and threw a generation of magic throw to the ground.

A generation of magic struggles struggled.

He didn't think about the blood of Zui corner and asked: "Why don't you kill me?"

Chen Lie said: "Stupid, time is here, the game is over, why do I want to kill you?"


"We are in the game."

A generation of magic is going back to God.

"Thank you, you point to you."

Chen Lie is sincere grateful.

Because the zero is sent to the information, it is said that there is enough combat data to improve the type 8-level combat model of the type of 10 iceframes.

Simply said, even if Chen Lie does not challenge other people, you can virtualize a lot of 8-level energy, to do virtual exercises.

"Burning life, it is a madman."

"Forget it, the old man now can't calm down, come back again."

The old wine ghost is very poisonous, and it is seen that Chen Lie's bottom sign is.

But he is not interesting, turning around.

A generation of magic also stood up, reminded: "Mr. Chen, you are very playing this trick. But I hope you can use it carefully. After all, you are still young, there is no need to be careful."

"Listen to the old elder words."

"Although the 8-level powerful law can have a thousand years of life, it is not to consume energy."

Many 8-level big can treat Chen Lie as the same level, and I will give up the persuasion.

And they have not left, so they left.

Chen Lie also left the virtual world.

He lifted the game lock and said, "I have such a beautiful future, and the fool is willing to burn life in the real real life."

In reality, blood is rarely burned, and it does not mean burning life.

Chen Lie will not be so stupid.

"However, the battlefield of the battlefield changed thousands, the crisis is heavy, I will also be difficult to keep the road a day."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie Nan: "I still have to strengthen the type of shelter, this thing is the fundamental of the life. Hey, if my law is strong, then a little bit, reach the Westward Journey ..."

Chen Lie said that he suddenly stopped here.

Because he thought of many mythical legendary refining practices, such as the eight jiu mysterious power in "Journey to the West", such as a star forgive method in a famous novel, a certain gold body.

"Now, many big can, even giants to collect enough war resources, put those things that need to be cultivated, cultivated, leading to large market prices."

"The type of exercise is just this."

"I am worried about finding it, I will definitely find one of them."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie once again entered the virtual world.

He came directly to the most familiar three-border business alliance.

The city of the sky, Chen Lie didn't want to be too trouble, with the highest level of VIP identified by the ancient dealtics, directly came to the item area that is open to the VIP.

"M, there is something good."

Chen Lie saw the top-level skill cheats that were previously disappeared before.

Soon, with the screeing of zero system, Chen Lie found the best practice for forge:

Star quenching mystery, from unknown, providers to unwilling to disclose a 9-level giant.

This method is finally cultivated to the end, the body is comparable to the ancient giant giants, and the non-9 giant can hurt. But because this practice is required to be a stars, or the star nucleus is auxiliary cultivation, and it must last for a hundred years to achieve success, and the requirements are too harsh, so the evaluation is level 9.

"Still old, too harsh, or negative, it will be reduced."

"Unfortunately, I can wait now."

Chen Lie didn't shook his head.

Fortunately, there are more choices.

Dragon Blood, a top 8-level top, energy-selling homemade skills. Taking the flesh of the dragon blood, what is the grade of the flesh of the flesh, which is simple, and it is simple.

Nine-day mystery, mysterious skills from unknown sites, direct point 9. The specific content is unknown. The last level 9 context is faulty, the unknown effect is, but its seller is also the cultivator of this launch method. It has been displayed 9-level attack ...

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